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Electrifrying Sparks

Posted on Fri 2nd Aug, 2013 @ 6:26am by Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone & Lieutenant JG Xavier Lee

909 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Science Lab

Lys stepped back dirt was smeared across her nose and cheek where she had rubber her face when it itched a she had finished planting her bulbs. She hit the UV light switch and every thing flew sparks at her. She flipped the switch off and tapped her comm-badge "Greystone to Operations"

"Fisher here," Matt answered.

"There is a small problem in Science Lab 2. Electrifying sparks flew every where when I turned on the UV lights." Ly said her response calm, quiet. "How long do you think it would be before someone could come and take a look?"

Xavier rolled his eyes, everyone had a problem on this station, a problem they all thought needed immediate attention. He hoped Matt told them a few weeks, after all it wouldn't be lie.

"The Chief will be right down, Fisher out." Matt said as he tapped his combadge.

Xavier flashed him a look of pure venom. "What the hell did you do that for?" He asked his assistant.

Now it was Matt's turn to roll his eyes. "Do you ever read the roster reports? That was the new Chief Science Officer and I thought you'd like to meet her?"

"Well no, that's what I have you for," Xavier answered as he calmed down. "I'll let you off this once."

Matt smirked.

:: 10 Minutes Later ::

Xavier found science lab 2 and entered with his tool kit in hand. He spotted a dark haired woman who matched the picture on the PADD he had read on the turbolift ride down here. the picture hadn't done the human-looking woman justice, she was so much more beautiful in real life.

"Lt Greystone? I'm Xavier Lee, Chief of Operations. How can I help you?"

"Good to meet you and please it is, Lys." She smiled "Watch" Lys turned the UV lights on and sparks flew every where. She shut it off. "It seems like the power flow is wrong, too strong. I think. But perhaps you can tell me for sure." She flashed a grin at him. my aren't you handsome she thought to herself as she waited for him to determine for sure she had another problem too but would wait.

Xavier pulled his tricorder out of it's holster and flipped it open. He waved the tricorder in the direction of the switch several times as he watched the readouts. "It looks as if the EPS relays have blown. It's quite a common thing around here, I'm sure you've noticed the state in which the station is in?" Xavier asked with a smile. To him it was the norm now, but when he first arrived on the Protector he couldn't believe the condition it was in.

Lys shrugged "Not, really. I only know what the science department is in and it has issue's here and there. The other lab doesn't even have power in it. Though I am not sure why? Is the rest of the station in as bad of shape?"

Xavier chuckled. "Yep," was his only response.

Xavier removed a part of the panel and used one of the tools from his kit to try and remove the faulty relay. "In fact I reckon if all you have wrong down here is a few faulty relays and lack of power then you're doing well. I'll take a look at the other lab whilst I'm here."

"So that means your a really busy guy, are you going to be able to see any of the circus while its on the base?" She asked quietly

Xavier laughed, hard. "That's the understatement of the century," he finally croaked out. "Between the base, the two support ships, the runabouts, shuttles and work-bees, not to mention the passing alien and Starfleet vessels, let's just say busy isn't the word." Xavier had heard about the circus that was currently in town and the whole thing intrigued him greatly. "I will somehow find time to visit the circus however, will you be going?"

Lys nodded "Yes, in fact I've been. But there is so much to see that I think I might need to go again to see all the things I missed. You know all work and no play makes Xavier a dull boy right?" Lys played on a pun she had heard once upon a time from one of her Academy instructors.

Xavier grinned. "Perhaps you are right. Maybe I could tag along with you? You seem to be the circus-expert, besides you can make sure I'm having fun."

Lys laughed a light musical sounding laugh "I am not an expert by any means. In fact until last night I had never been to a circus." She tilted her head slightly to one side "but I would love to go again."

For a Betazoid, Xavier wasn't being very intuitive, or maybe his telepathy playing up was having a greater effect than he originally realized. "It's a date then," he said. "I might even treat you to some popcorn, though I'm not one-hundred per cent sure what it is exactly, but I've been told it goes hand-in-hand with the circus setting."

"Pop-corn, circus meet near the ticket stand say around 18 hundred hours?" Lys smiled as she suggested

"Sounds perfect," Xavier replied. "I'm going to need a few more parts to finish the work down here, I'll send someone over later."

Lys nodded "Great, see you then."

Lieutenant jg Lys Greystone, CSciO

Lt X Lee
SB Protector


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