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Tapping the Talent

Posted on Sun 21st Jul, 2013 @ 2:56pm by Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone & Jalor & Maia Dalton

1,514 words; about a 8 minute read

Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 400: Loft
Timeline: Current, 0900

Jade watched as every shifted from chatting by the food to sitting at the long table she'd arranged. When everyone was comfortable, she stood. "Let's get started, then. Today, I'd like to show you what framework is in place now, and the big projects planned, and then ask for your ideas on what is missing, how things can be improved, why something won't work, and anything else you think, but only about broad ideas for what we hope Tivoli Gardens will be."

She pushed a button and a holographic representation of decks 1550 to 1554 appeared in front of the back wall. "The river system in Tivoli Gardens is over 8 kilometers of water sports and fun. A medium-sized stream begins on Deck 1550," she pointed to the top deck, "and meanders more or less around the center of the corridor for about 1500 meters or halfway around the deck. Then, it drops in a waterfall down one deck and meanders another 1500 meters, in reverse direction, to enter a cave and be pumped back up one deck, so that it runs in a continuous loop."

She shifted to a close-up view of the top two decks. "This part of the river environment is deep enough for freshwater fishing, and swimming on the upper deck, with small non-motorized boats and fishing on the lower deck. The circulating stream is 3000 meters long (about 1.85 miles), varies from 1 to 2 meters in depth, and varies from 6 to 8 meters wide."

Again, Jade pushed the button, and the middle decks appeared in close up. "On Deck 1552, a similar stream runs approximately 2000 meters (1-1/4 miles), offset 1/2 of the way around the central cylinder of Protector from the upper stream. At the end, it drops straight down 2 decks, to Deck 1554, creating an amazing waterfall among rocks and trees."

Another button click gave a programmed view of the proposed waterfall. "This waterfall feeds into the main river, which runs entirely around deck 1554. This part of the water system is much wider and deeper. allowing additional water to circulate, and to provide safe passage for the two small steam wheelers which travel around the deck twice a day, including a moonlight cruise. The river water is partially recycled up two decks, and partially replaced constantly by exchange with the water reclamation project."

Jade paused to take a sip of water. "There are many details which I hope you'll be filling in for a River Walk on this level. There are plans for steam wheelers," a programmed holo popped up showing something smaller than a Mississippi steam wheeler from the 1800s, but very similar, "a steam train, and a variety of other ideas that have been proposed. Now, first, are there any questions about the overall space and river?"

"The idea of a river walk is enticing," Jalor said, "I for one would like to have a shop there, is that going to be a possibility?"

"Ooh, maybe a small zoo for the children." Maia popped in then blushed and sat back in her seat wishing she could shrink away.

Lys could envision it, she closed her eyes. "Lots of flowers, lots of plants, trees and yes the zoo is a wonderful idea and a park type area for recreation, play ground of sorts." She opened her dark eyes back up.

"Oh, yes, flowers are a must, but there are some types which are edible, too," Flavia added. "Is any of this area going to be given over to food production? You mentioned the water reclamation, and that could go right along with growing certain crops."

"I must say this idea is absolutely thrilling. I can already see moonlight cruises being given for personnel on dates. How many ecosystems could this river area support?" T'scholk wasn't a botanist by trade and it showed, but he loved to grow exotic plants. "I ask just because I think it would be nice to place several different varieties of plants from several worlds next to each other to cohabit-ate. Sort of a federation of plants, if you will."

Lys turned to face T'scholk. "They will naturally create new hybrids given enough time. We can force it but sometimes its better to watch and study." The science officer smiled as she found a fellow lover of plants.

"I'd like to go back to Jalor's idea," th'Elex said. "What about shops? Who are you expecting to be the end-users of this lovely dream garden of yours?"

Jade was thrilled with the spate of talk that rose up. She was entering ideas on a list, using voice recognition programming. "Those are good questions and thoughts from all of you," she said. "So far, there has been a little talk about what businesses might be along the River Walk. Certainly something to eat, places to buy souvenirs, that sort of thing. Before I answer other questions, I'd like to throw this one back out to you. Several of you have shops on the Promenade. How do you think shops along the River Walk, and perhaps in other areas of the Gardens, might impact your businesses?"

"Perhaps each shop could have a small kiosk with just a few items of what they carry within their normal shops, although it would be nice to see unique items as well," Lys said as she took a sip of her drink. "Then perhaps maybe we could have some set up for visitors who come and have just a small amount of items to sell, cost of rental space a minimal fee, if they do not reside on the base permanently."

"That idea is logical and does have appeal. I could see having a small shop there, a kisok as has been suggested, where I could sell holo-novels and some Books on PADDs, and have the real books here."

Jade wrote down the lieutenant's suggestion. "That's good, we hadn't considered space for visiting merchants. Thanks for that."

The florist had been thinking. "I don't know, I'm simply not sure," she said slowly. "Having shops on the River Walk, even small ones, could keep people from coming to the Promenade. It could wind up costing us business instead of adding to it. We'd also have to employ more people - for instance, I'd have to hire someone to run an extension of my business down there."

"It's that or we simply leave it for pure enjoyment. Which is always needed. Small nooks and cranny's to sit and read, to sit and enjoy another's company or even be alone. But I do like the idea of a zoo of sorts." Lys said then to Jade alone she added maybe we could have a museum that rotates out too as part of the Promenade, not here.

"Well," Jalor responded, "Personally, I'm the kind of guy that looks at the glass as being half full and think expansion would be a great idea, for me at least. However I will go along with what the majority decides. It would be illogical to put up what you Humans call a fuss. Besides the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, as my people are fond of saying."

"Alright, so we have several opinions. Obviously, even as big as the project is, we can't have everything. Colonel Drake has approved plans to include villas, condos, farms, and a several climate zones, so we'll have plenty of areas in which to fit ideas," Jade said.

"Let's do this. Open your PADDs and make a list of the things you would like to see on the River Walk. If you have other ideas, such as the zoo Lieutenant Greystone suggested, add those at the bottom. Flip your lists to me, and I'll compile them, discuss feasibility with our science officer and the colonel, and at our next meeting we'll take a look at all the ideas and make some choices." Jade looked at the people around the table. "Any objections?"

Maia quickly tapped out her idea for the zoo. It would be small with only human friendly animals that children could interact with...but not domestic animals, not pets. Something that they'd be amazed by...She quickly created a list of small approachable animals. She made sure that none could be used as a food source as well. She wasn't about to encourage people like her brother who thought it was okay to slaughter domestic animals for food.

Lys tapped out an aquarium layout and a museum idea. She also needed to have lots of plants. The whole thing needed a grounds keeper, and she wondered who that could be. She would need to ask Jade about that, she seemed very knowledgeable about the whole base.

Jade skimmed the ideas flipped to her PADD and was happy to see the creativity the committee had. Tivoli Gardens was going to be a wonderful project, when finished, and people would come from around the quadrant, bringing prosperity to the businesses on the base. She looked forward to using the facilities herself. In a short time, the room had emptied, and she had many ideas to ponder.


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