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Left Handed Swords

Posted on Sat 20th Jul, 2013 @ 7:00am by Lieutenant JG Lys Greystone & Commander Brian Windsong

1,319 words; about a 7 minute read

Location: Cooridor from point A to Point B

Lys had heard and seen a dark haired man working out lately both in martial arts and with swords of sorts. The swords intrigued her, it would be something that she had never had time for. She was dressed in loose pants and a loose shirt her hair pulled up in a pony tail she had just finished a brisk walk around the holodeck when she spotted him. He walked towards her and she stopped "Hello, I'm Lys Greystone. Might I make a query of sorts?" She asked softly with a smile.

He was slightly out of breath from his workout and the front of his grey t-shirt, perhaps a half size too small for his wiry frame was streaked with sweat. He stopped just inside her personal space, just stopping short of running into her. He cocked his head towards her taking a second or two to turn towards her, just slightly off-center of where she would expect him to be.

He took a towel from off his shoulder and wiped the perspiration from his brow. The eyes that stared back to her were larger than a Human's should have been and an feral looking. There was something else odd about them as well.

"Sure, what kind of question did you have?"

"Do you train others how to use such weapons?" Lys asked quietly

"I have never considered it before, why are you interested in lessons?"

"Actually yes. If your willing to teach me as it looks like a great way to stay in shape." The science officer replied was a smile.

He paused a moment, "I suppose I could do that," he replied, I can give you a short lesson now if you like, but I am leaving for awhile to go to earth, then it will probably be a week or so before I am recovered from my surgery enough to teach you."

"Surgery? I wouldn't want to impose on you or have you injure yourself." Lys replied with a kind hearted smile.

"Injure myself? No, I hardly think I'll injure myself. I'll admit that getting my sight back will be an adjustment after all these years but the surgery will be relatively minor and I have some friends that will help me in my transition."

"Oh... Oh I'm sorry I..." Lys blushed a deep shade of red. "How simply inconsiderate of me. Of course, I mean, um yes, yes when you return. I should get going I have an experiment that needs attention."

He reached out a hand, catching her shoulder. "It's okay. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I do a pretty good job at masking my 'handicap' I can give you a short lesson now if you want."

Her face was still red "If your sure its not a problem, I wouldn't want to be any trouble." Lys replied in her soft quiet voice.

"It's not a problem at all," he told her with disarming smile, "I would be happy to show you. Do you want to learn primarily for sport or for self-defense? I wouldn't want to presume."

"Can I learn both?" Lys asked seriously "I think that it someone learns to take time to learn a how to use a weapon that the learn it completely.

"Sure," Brian commented, "But the two styles are petty different. So we should probably learn them one at a time. "Which would you like to learn first?"

"Defense, it is best to be able to defend yourself before attacking something." Lys replied quietly

"I'm afraid you misunderstood me. Let me rephrase. There are two types of fencing that which is done for sport and competition and that which is done for self defense. They both have their offense and defensive sides, you learn both offense and defense at the same time. It's just the styles between the sports version where the key is to score points and the real true self-defense version are very different."

"The real defense version would be the most useful, after all what is the point to learn something if you do not use it." The dark haired woman replied.

"Understood and I kind of thought that is what you wanted. Let's start with sabers, they are still light but they do more damage than an eppe. A little light for me but I'll adjust.

First lesson, there is rack on the far wall, you're two o'clock. find us both a sabre and bring them over to me."

Lys went over and found two sabre's they had a curved blade. She brought one to the Lieutenant. "Here," she turned the blade so the hand guard was towards him.

He focused on her voice. He missed it entirely the first time, but the second time he grasped the edge of the hilt and smiled It was easier with his own sword, but he wanted to show her the basics first.

"Now what" Lys asked.

"Now we move to the center of the room. if you are familiar with martial arts just take a typical defensive position. If not let me know and I'll show you."

"Very good." Lys held at the sabre as she walked she tested its weight slight as she moved her arm a bit up and down. this would take a bit of time in getting used to its weight. As she neared the center of the room she took her defensive position. She wondered how he would be able to do this without seeing but did not question. She was the student here.

He centered his focus on her, not delving into her thoughts or emotions he would never do such a thing without her permission, but he could sense her being. He stopped about six or seven feet from her. "Okay now, I want you to come at me in whatever kind of attack you want. And don't worry about me because I can't see. I can take care of myself.'

"Interesting" Lys replied quietly "You use sound as your main source of guidance?" She was now truly intrigued by how this man could do that. It was interesting enough to learn how to do what it was that she was learning.

"I am a pretty powerful telepath. I can sense another person's, essence. Sound is secondary, but still important."

Lys shrugged even though he could not see her do it. She attempted to bring her sabre up and arc it down into him. It was an awkward movement and she could tell as she swung that it was way off.

He felt the movement in the air and moved his own blade up to block the blow deflecting it down and to the left.

"Nice first attempt," he said.

"This is going to be harder then I thought. This thing is hard to maneuver and my muscles are not trained yet on how to deal with it." Lys said to him.

"Then let's start with some thing a little simpler. I am going to do a kata of sorts. Just follow my lead" he lifted the sword and performed an intricate slow motions dance With his sword in almost constant motion.

Lys stood and watched him complete it once. "Ok, one more time." As he repeated what he had done, she copied him with only a few minor differences. "I am going to assume that this is something I can practice and it will train my muscles?"

He could not see how well she had done, but he could feel a small sense of pride so he figured she had done well, "Just practice those moves and I will send you some similar katas to your PAaD.

Now if you'll excuse me I have a trip to get ready for."

"Of course, safe journey to you and thank you." Lys replied softly.


Cmdr. Brian Windsong, CDO/2O


Lt. jg Lys Greystone, CSciO

Starbase Protector


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