Forward Dawn Part I
Posted on Tue 14th May, 2013 @ 8:30am by
512 words; about a 3 minute read
Location: Shuttle-pod Argo
Timeline: Current
The every present grimace on Sergeant Major Jennings face didn’t seem to go away, even when the man was mediating, he looked as if he was ready to punch through the shuttles hull. Very few men in Starfleet, let alone the Marine Corps could scare the very daylights out of seemingly innocent people. His mannerism, one word answers and responses have made Troy the most sought after and feared senior enlisted non-commissioned officer in the fleet. A man known to whip even the most timid and meager marines and fleet personnel into shape, his presence usually meant the coming doom for all who didn’t fall rank-and-file with policies and procedures. By-the-book didn’t even come close to describing the Starfleet Marine Corps Sergeant Major.
The two pilots crafting his shuttle talked at a whisper as they ever so often back at the perfectly still SgtMaj.
“I heard the man locked someone into a airlock and jettisoned them into space for failing a barracks inspection.” The Ensign in charge of the shuttle looked back then back over to their co-pilot as he responded.
“I heard there are stories about him participating in death matches while working as a exchange officer with the Klingon‘s.”
The shuttle continued at it’s low warp speeds towards Starbase Protector as the two continued to speak on the unknown origins of the legacy of the Sergeant Major they where transporting.
Going over the star charts to ensure they were in fact on track, the junior of the officers present spoke on Jennings’s history without any real thought to how the SgtMaj would respond.
“I don’t know about all of that, but it has to take a certain person to send men aimlessly to heir death’s without so much as a flinch. I mean, I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t make the tough calls, carry out the impossible orders. My brother, he’s a marine and he tells me about some of the things they go through on their deployments. My heart goes out to them really…I couldn’t do it.”
In a slightly British accented voice, with his eyes still closed, Jennings chimed in.
“I can tell the both of you…gentlemen, that marines everywhere would be much better off if your kept…those…pathetic…self-serving…trivial pursuits of grandiose and hero worship to yourselves. Sirs.”
The officers glanced at each then back at their consoles as Jennings clenched his teeth slightly to keep from smiling. The shuttle continued on his course as a transmission was broadcasted through to the pilots chair. Encoded, it read for Sergeant Major Jennings. “Sergeant Major Jennings, there is an encrypted transmission for you from Fleet Marine Headquarters.” Opening his eyes, Troy looked over at a empty workstation and spoke.
“Send it though back here sir, I’ll take from there.”

Sergeant Major Troy Jennings
Battalion Sergeant Major
75th Marine Battalion