Unavoidable Encounters - Part I
Posted on Fri 10th May, 2013 @ 9:43pm by Commander Mikaela Locke & Lieutenant Adam Keller
778 words; about a 4 minute read
Location: Security Chief's Office
Timeline: MD-05: 1254 hours.
The beginning of any assignment always brought with it a number of tasks that were essential for anyone orientating themselves to a new environment. However, essential as they were, Mikaela Locke always tended to find them rather tedious. Perhaps it was because, usually, they involved talking to people that she wasn't particularly interested in meeting, at least not at that point, or perhaps it was the general menial nature of the tasks themselves which meant that they held no interest for her.
Despite this underlying attitude, however, Mikaela recognised that if she ever wantded to do anything on this station - including, it seemed, adjusting the temperature of her quarters - then she knew that one of these tasks could, and probably should, not be put off.
And so dutifully, she arrived outside the office of the station's security chief. She thought she had glimpsed the rather imposing figure of Commander Kell earlier in the day as she had crossed Ops, but had paid him little attention. Now, of course, the situation would be different. She reached out and pressed the door chime, and awaited the response from within.
"Come in." Kell called from his desk. He'd been buried deep in paperwork for the last two hours and he wanted to get back to the infirmary to check on Nyx. When the young woman walked in, he couldn't help but grin. She looked like a kid, just out of school. She was cute and looked spirited. "Lieutenant?" He stood to greet her and offered his hand. "Can I help you with something?"
"Mikaela Locke," the comms chief replied, meeting the man's handshake. "I'm looking for Commander Kell?"
"You've found him." Devyn nodded to the woman as he offered her an almost smile. "I'm sorry my mind has been preoccupied today. I should have introduced myself."
"It's fine," Mikaela replied dismissively. She had no idea why the security chief was informing her of such personal matters, but she quickly moved on. "I've just arrived on the station," she continued, "And I require the appropriate security clearances."
"Of course." He moved back to his computer and tapped in some commands giving her a Beta Two Clearance with access to the station's database with the command codes that she'd need. He handed her a PADD, "This is a list of the few areas on the station that are off limits to everyone without direct order and clearance from Drake himself. The Marine barracks are off limits to all personnel unless specifically invited in by Colonel Tallus Karikkar himself." He'd moved Nyx in there until Dobbs could be found. He stayed with her there with the express permission of Karikkar.
"Naturally," Mikaela replied knowingly. Despite the fact that she was no longer based in an intel role, she naturally retained an intelligence officer's psyche. The fact that a few areas of the station were off-limits was no suprise to her - and certainly not a concern. In fact, she would have been more worried if she had been granted free access.
"Regarding the on-going..." she paused, fishing for the right word, "Investigation," she finally settled, "Is there anything I should be watching out for, from a communications point of view, that might assist?"
"If you're referring to Dobbs, yes." Kell swiped his hand across his face. "The man is in hiding on the station. He's blocked himself from our scans somehow and a room to room search is unfeasible. We're sure he's communicated to his people somehow but we haven't picked up anything." He explained. "I'll leave it to you to dig into the communications aspect and see if you can find anything we might have missed."
Mikaela Locke allowed a half smile to creep across her lips. Since Drake had told her about the atrocities that had been found on the station, and the obvious distress it had caused him, as well as the other senior staff, she had been wondering how she might be able to assist him. It seemed she had found a way.
"It would be my pleasure, commander," she replied, "Will there be anything else?"
"Thank you and I think that's all I have." Kell smiled as he nodded at the woman. "Enjoy your stay."
Mikaela nodded formally and, PaDD in hand, she turned and headed out of the Security Chief's office.
She had work to do.

Devyn Kell
Chief of Security

Mikaela Locke
Chief Communications Officer