Grand Ole Opening, Part 2
Posted on Wed 24th Apr, 2013 @ 5:10am by
1,074 words; about a 5 minute read
Location: Targ Restaurant, Deck 5
Timeline: Md 05, 1020
"My apologies, ladies, in between cooking and getting dishes ready it's been an interesting day." T'scholk's eyes were wide as he gauged their expressions. "Has anything caught your eyes?" T'scholk started refilling their tea cups and then pulled out a small ceramic canister.
Jenna waited for Serena to speak, but when she didn't, she went with her opinion. "I like this one," she pushed the one that had a raised and rounded ridge in the center of the handle, but no other design. "It's comfortable to hold, and it's plain ... elegant. It's what I would go with," she shrugged.
Serena nodded, "It isn't my personal favorite, but Jenna has classic taste. You can never go wrong with anything she recommends."
Jenna glanced at her boss in surprise. She'd had no idea the woman felt that way. Classic taste? Hmmm. She smiled slightly. She just knew what she liked and what she didn't. "Are you sure you don't need something more important than this? Sink scrubbed, meals delivered ... toilets cleaned?"
"This is actually incredibly important. We eat with our eyes first, if the dish doesn't accentuate the look of the food it might put off the customer eating it. If the plate is overtly decorated it will make the food look bland or, if the dish is too plain, it will make the food look overly gaudy. The same goes with the forks, spoons, and knives. The food should be enjoyed in every way possible, from the atmosphere to the plates to the food. It's an experience and an adventure for all of the senses, from the smell of the fresh herbs to the sound of the food being cooked - it's all in there." T'scholk was very animated in his passionate speech.
"Plus, these plates will be used over and over, properly cleaned of course. Just imagine what other foods were on them before and what the people were like when eating them. It's very much like music. We have to indulge in the moment and in the adventure of a good time, because they will never happen again."
In all his excitement his arm brushed up against the frame of his medals and they fell onto the ground. "My apologies, ladies, I absolutely love my job."
"Uh, yeah, I can see that," Jenna said, bemused by the thought that anyone could be that passionate about eating utensils and plates. He made good points ... up until he started imagining what had been on the plates previously. Jenna wasn't sure she wanted to think about the previous use of a plate from which she ate.
Serena smiled, "I gathered you enjoy what you do. You're like Miss Lantz in that. But we were curious. Why are you, a Romulan, running a Klingon restaurant? I thought Romulans and Klingons didn't even get along."
"Unfortunately, that is true, at least generally. I actually grew more accustomed to Klingon food during the war. After the war and my retirement, I ended up learning how to make Klingon food and even opened up a restaurant on Kronos. Then, after that, Bajor and a half a dozen other worlds." T'scholk paused to catch his breath. "Klingons are exceptionally acute in their tastes, and they take pride in what they prepare, while many civilizations in this galaxy rely too much on replicators. A true shame if you ask me."
"Jade agrees with you. We replicate what we need to, but she uses all the fresh ingredients she can. There is a difference in texture in some foods, and I can definitely taste the difference between real Kentucky Bourbon and what comes out of the replicator," Serena nodded.
Jenna was caught by the implications of what he'd said. She asked, without hesitation over being nosey, "Why did you become accustomed to Klingon food during the war? Were you a prisoner?"
"No, my ship was based out of a couple different allied starbases. One was what you call Deep Space Nine. Another was closer to Klingon space. After the war I lived on Qo'noS for a couple of years." T'scholk poured himself some tea. "Truly a delightful people and cuisine." he said without any sarcasm.
"Really," Jenna said, "because I've never found them particularly delightful nor their food appealing. In fact -"
Serena interrupted whatever Jenna had been about to say with a kick to her ankle. "So you enjoyed your time on Qo'noS? Found common ground with the Klingon people?" she asked.
"I usually get along with most people, well at least after people understand that there are some of us Romulans that smile, enjoy life, and are not part of the Tal'shiar." T'scholk gave a quick look at Jenna. "That is one reason after Qo'nos that I moved to Bajor and, later on, even Earth. Don't get me wrong, some didn't appreciate a Romulan living in peace among them. One person even set fire to the restaurant. Of course, he was charged and ultimately put to death by Klingon law."
"Nice," Jenna commented, in a voice that said it was anything but nice. "Is there something else we can do for you today? Now that we've helped you pick your silverware pattern?" Normally a woman who was kind and even-tempered, she couldn't understand herself. What was it about this Romulan who got under her skin? Or was there something in the air that made her irritable? She glanced at a pile of stuffed Targ toys piled on the end of the bar. They made her shudder with apprehension, but maybe it was perfect for a Klingon child. She only knew they would give her nightmares.
"I believe that was most helpful, thank you, and send my appreciation to Ms. Jade. Also inform her if she or you need anything, please let me be your first contact," T'scholk said, still smiling but obviously analyzing Jenna as much as she was analyzing him. He was unsure if he did something to offend her. "I would like to express my gratitude with a free lunch, if you wouldn't mind."
"Sure," Serena said.
"I don't think so," Jenna said simultaneously.
The two women looked at each other, then at T'scholk, then at each other. Jenna blushed and said, "Sure, lunch would be great ... but no heart of Targ, and nothing that's living and wiggles!"
"Oh, anything you like, I make more than just Klingon food." T'scholk said with a smile. "Perhaps something Bajoran."