Lean On Me
Posted on Wed 24th Apr, 2013 @ 12:30am by Lieutenant JG Giellun Hitchins & Lieutenant JG Xavier Lee
1,481 words; about a 7 minute read
Location: Xavier's Cabin
Timeline: After Mending Fences
Giellun eyes slowly opened slightly surprised that the previous night had not been a dream. But no, it had not been he was still laying on the floor staring up at the ceiling. Somehow during night he had managed to kick off the blanket so there was nothing covering his nakedness.
Not that he minded that. He was a little sore as well, but he didn't mind that either. It was the good kind of sore. He rolled over to kiss Xavier, maybe nibble on his ear, but he wasn't there.
He called out to him but he was nowhere to be found. He knew he'd had to report for duty a task he did not envy. He took a quick shower, cleaned up the mess and dressed hurriedly. He couldn't find one of his rank pips but that could wait.
He did find a note that read
'Couldn't sleep, see you later, Xav x'.
Then he went to search for the Betazoid. He decidied to try the Operations Office first and but had first stopped aong the way and picked up some cinnamon rolls and tea.
Xavier sat at his desk and drained the dregs of his coffee from the mug. He was relying too much on the caffeinated drink at the moment but that couldn't be helped. He had had about an hour's sleep, if that, and his body was running on fumes. His chat with Drake had been very informative and now he was just trying to process the information, in fact he was still trying to process the entire situation.
Xavier was happy when Giellun walked into his office, though he wondered if the Romulan would be pissed off that he had to leave so soon after their night of passion. Xavier still didn't know what to make of last night, yeah it had been great and really helped their relationship but Xavier wasn't quite sure how he was feeling now. More information he just couldn't process just yet.
Since there were other personell around and Giellun wasn't sure how Xavier would take to public displays of affection, especially having remembered he had said nothing in response to Giellun's decleration of love, so he walked up to where the man was sitting and held out the bag which was still warm. He had gotten the tea in a thermaos. "I brought you, us something."
Xavier took the bag eagerly and peered inside. He was immediately assulted by the warm smell of cinnamon and smiled. "You are officially the best boyfriend ever," he said as he grabbed two rolls out of the bag and tossed one over to Giellun.
Giellun could not help the grin that spread across his face as he bit into the gooey confection. He chewed a bite and the swalloed "I know how much you like them I remember and I brought your favorite tea too." Then almost as an aftethought he said, "You have time to talk?"
All Xavier could do was nod as his mouth was full of food. He pulled two cups from the shelf behind his desk and poured out some tea for them both, pushing one cup closer to Giellun. "What did you want to talk about?" Xavier said after finally swallowing the mouthful.
Geillun took a sip of the tea before replying. "You said before that sex has a tendency to change things, so I'm wondering it they have changed and if so how. I'm not being insecure, at least I don't think I am, I just want to know."
Not now, not now, not now, not now... The words went round and round in Xavier's head, in fact they were so loud he was surprised Giellun didn't hear them. He had expected this, well something along the lines of this, but not now, not so soon.
"I don't know," Xavier answered truthfully. He hung his head as he couldn't face the Romulan. He hated hurting him, he hated not being able to provide answers Giellun so desperately craved but the truth was, well he just didn't know. Giellun was safe at the moment, with all the turmoil going on in the Betazoid's life, Gil was like a breath of fresh air, sanity in the midst of a crazy storm of shit. Why couldn't he see that? Why couldn't he just let things be, for now.
Giellun looked at him, he couldn't read his thoughts but he was good at reading body language especially of the man he knew so well. At least he knew him well in some ways. In others he was almost a stranger.
He'd been keeping his voice low, they had never hid thier relationship, but this conversation was a priavte one. His free hand reached out and lifted Xavier's chin. then oblvious to the others around. He swallowed hard trying to keep his emotions in check. It saddened him that Xavier couldn't return his words of love but he did his best not to show it.
"Then you'll figure it out. In the meantime I'm here for you. No matter what." Then he leaned in and kissed him.
"Thank you," Xavier managed to force out. "It's been a rough few days," he continued when he realised that 'thank you' just wasn't enough. "Last night was... great, amazing. I just wish I felt as certain about myself as you do about me, does that even make sense?"
"You know I'm sorry it was a bad time for me to bring that up, I know its been bad for you. I can see it in your eyes, the way you carry yourself. And yeah I agree last night was great." He wanted to add "So you're questioning who you are?" but he didn't. Instead in an effort to lighten the mood said, "I had no idea you were so...well equipped."
Xavier wanted to argue, to appear stronger than he felt, but he couldn't, he was drained and Giellun obviously knew it. "What kind of operations officer doesn't have the correct tools?" Xavier asked with a smirk, he was definitely grateful for the mood change.
"Of coruse even the best tools are useless unless you know how to use them and I know one Chief Operations officer that is an expert with his tools."
Xavier blushed. "You're too good to me," he said humbly.
Giellun leaned over and stole another kiss, "Remember that the next time I do something stupid. You want me to stick around? I was going to go in early, but I can stay for awhile if you want."
"Knowing you, it won't be too long," Xavier said with a smirk. "Stick around if you want," he replied as he helped himself to another roll. "I'm just going round and round in circles with this investigation anyway."
"Remember the part about my being the best boyfriend ever?" he asked as he finished his first roll, "Well let me prove that that mean more than bringing you breakfast. Let me help if I can. You're the operations guy, I'm more the invesitgator."
"You're a diplomat," Xavier said without thinking. "I mean that's great and all but how does that help me figure out how a powerless section of the station managed to not only have power, but keep it off the main grid with no evidence of a power source?"
"I can't figure that out babe, you're right I am a diplomat not an engineer. But I do have a lot of connections. Once you get the information you can, maybe I can help you then."
"Well if your connections can tell me what the hell was going on down there then I'd welcome them," Xavier replied a little darkly.
Giellun's anger flared for just a second then he shook his head slowly. 'I'm just trying to help babe. Whatever you need me for I'll be there. And yeah they may not be able to tell you what, but they may be able to tell you who."
"There's just so many questions," Xavier said, "and no answers, well no apparant ones."
Giellun just nodded. "I'm here for you babe. And for once in my life I'm just going to shut up. You know you can lean on me, right?"
Xavier looked at Giellun and smiled. "Yes I do, in fact I sometimes think you're the only thing I can lean on."
Giellun allowed a small smile to play at his lips. He took the other man's hand squezzed it for a moment then released it. "You know I can't promise it's going to be okay, but I can promise I'll be there to help you through it. I'm going to go report in, but if you need anything, just call me. I'm sure Commander Windsong will let me off."
Lt JG X. R. Lee
Chief of Operations
Lt.(jg)Gilleuh Hitchens