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A father's wisdom

Posted on Thu 6th Mar, 2025 @ 12:22am by Khellian s'Siedhri MD & Makila i'Hartelhai

1,705 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Phoenix Gamble
Location: Khellian's Home.
Timeline: MD 8 1200

Knocking on her father's door at midday was not something that Makila usually did, for she had a home seperate from his for their own privacy. She'd not wanted to intrude in her father's intimate life. There had been a few uncomfortable moments growing up that had made her desire to not be privy to those thoughts from her father. Still, she valued his insight and opinions, and his complete and utter confidence in her judgement was a balm on her soul.

The door opened, and Khellian stood there in his simple robes, with a book in his hand. Before she could apologize for inturrupting him, he moved fromt he doorway and gestured her inside. "Makila, my sweet girl. Enter and be welcome. I did not expect to see you today."

"Papa, I have missed you." They had been on opposing shifts at the clinics and had not seen much of each other, in the past few weeks. It had been a trial for both as they relied heavily on the other for balance and security. For all of Makila's life, he had been the single person she could rely on completely. Now, things were different and she was uncertain as to how to move forward.

"What troubles you child?" he asked as he poured two cups from the teapot that was always hot on his table, before he guided her by the elbow into his living room. Knowing his daughter it would take a few sips of tea for her to unburden herself to him. Khellian was blissfully grateful that Makila had not turned from him as a confidant in her adulthood as he knew many children did. It was he was aware, a right of passage in the human world that he was pleased had not affected his daughter.

"How did you know?" Relief flickered through her features as her face settled into the lines of worry and thought that they'd borne at the beginning.

"Do you forget who raised you? I know the look on your face well, as it is one I have worn from time to time." Khellian smiled at his daughter gently, wondering what would trouble her so that she bore so somber an expression on her normally smiling face.

"I..." She tossed up her hands in a human gesture of not knowing and settled down in her customary seat. "I do not know how to begin, it could be a long tale."

"Begin at the beginning. We have tea, and all the time you need. I have no pressing engagements."

"I..." taking a breath in her pause to gather her thoughts..."I have caught feelings for someone. We met when we were first installing the security systems in the Dawnstar, and he was instrumental in getting the cameras and recording systems functional. I thought he was attractive, and we flirted for several days while he and I both worked. I had no great intentions at that time, except that he stirred something in me. We've been seeing one another socially, and I find myself truly free when I am at his side. When young Arik and I found the body and then the babe in the cell in the deeps, I called upon him."

"In an official capacity, or to bare your soul to because it was injured by the situation?"

"Initially in an official capacity, but he brought along another counterpart from investigations and she decided that I and Arik were suspect in the death of the young woman whose body we found. She had us placed in sickbay under guard, for she felt that we were not truthful with the how, of the finding. She's since left the station, something that I cannot find myself unhappy about. " her indignant tone was reminiscent of the icy rage she'd felt in those moments of seclusion.

"Sounds like you were jealous" Khellian noted quietly, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"I should not have been, she was just a co-worker of his. But also what use is there to me for jealousy? I've made no declaration to him of my feelings. Though I may have done so with my actions a few nights back" Her cheeks flushed with the memory of his body and their shared pleasure. She hadn't known that it could be like that.

Because you believe he is yours... the traitorous little voice in her mind expressed to her, and her cheeks heated once more.

"And?" he prompted gently, enjoying her slightly embarrassed flush. His baby was in love, and he was happy to see it even though she'd yet to admit to herself her true feelings. Jealousy burned in the heart of every Romulan, one of the baser emotions on which their culture had been built. There was more though, as they had not yet gotten to the part where she was distress.

"And..." she sipped her tea and contemplated the answer she wanted to give, verses the truth in her heart. "He...avoided me for a time and then told me that he had to share some information with me before he could do anything more with me. The implication given was that he wanted more between us, if the information was well recieved. He told me the true tale of himself. I will not repeat it, less he gives me leave to do so...but everything I knew about him right down to his name was a lie. He resides in the same sort of protection that we enjoyed when we first applied for Federation amnesty. But he lied to me, and I didn't even realize it."

"And?" again he prompted when the silence lingered to long. He figured that the fact she didn't notice he was lying was the main issue, his girl was a powerful empath, though only truly telepathic when touching someone.

"And, I fled from him, wondering what to do with the new truth. What do I do with his lies? I needed to find my center again and in the search I find that I have changed immensely in my wants and desires. Why do I want...everything from this man when I know that he has been untruthful to me. The revelations of truth made me...lose focus of my goals in favor of my body and it's purest desires. I do not understand this need, nor the increase in focus of my mind on procreation! I have never wanted to bear children, you know this, I have been quite sure of my decisions in that regard. You've never pressured me to change my mind, dispute you yearning for more family. For more...everything..." Her voice took on a frantic higher pitch than it had and Khellian softened his voice to soothe her.

"No. I would never never burden you with my desire for more in my life than I have." He cradled her cheek with his hand, knowing how deeply she would read him should he do this. "This is not yours to bear, daughter. I will find my place, should the Elements deem me worthy of the kind of love I desire. I would not make more children without that love. You need not guard my heart when you have your own heart to be true to. "

Makila couldn't help but sigh as the warmth and care of her father washed over her like pulling a warm blanket around her shoulders.

"He makes me want things I swore I wouldn't desire. I wanted to focus on my career, and now, I want...more. And, I am afraid if I give any more of my heart to him and there are any more lies, I might be entirely broken."

"You feel so strongly that he is the one for you then?"

"Papa...I..." she trailed off and the tears spilled down her cheeks unbidden. "Yes."

His mind was whirling as he gathered his daughter into his arms as she wept herself into a quiet exhaustion that allowed him to speak to her while both her mind and her heart were listening. He rested his forehead on hers and whispered "Seize every opportunity you have for love. Do not let it escape you because of your pride. I have suffered for my pride...I would not have you do the same." An image of his former lover, in her marine finery and the note she'd left him were vivid in his mind, and once more Makila sobbed into his shoulder.

"Ground yourself paenhe*, take a breath." Khellian's voice was soft in her ear as she shivered in response to his emotions. He demonstrated the breath he wished her to take and focused on her. Her beauty, his pride in her accomplishments, his confidence in her choices. "That is mine, not yours my sweet girl. Pull your mind back, and separate yourself from my emotions. Make yourself your own." When he felt her tremors begin to calm he whispered "That's it..."

"S-sorry papa." Makila managed as she hicccuped.

"We might need to pursue training for you in is something of an inconvenience for you one thinks."

Laughter replaced the sobs from the young woman as she leaned back against the couch cushion, spent from the emotional storm. "You are right, as usual Papa."

"You must be truthful with him, paenhe. Entirely. If he has bared his soul to you, and told you his deepest truths, do you think he can be trusted to know yours?" Khellian's voice was soft, as he stroked his daughter's curls.


"Good. You will have to introduce me to him, before too long. I should like to take the measure of him."

"Papa!!" her voice was scandalized as she heard the truth behind the words. He wanted to measure him up to see if he was good enough for her.

"It is every father's perrogative to judge the suitability of the choice their children make in regards to their mates. Were we on Romulus, negotiations would have been long and firey for the pledge of your heart. I pledge to be on my best behavior." Khellian placed his hand over his center chest in a gesture of pledging.

*Paenhe -Daughter.


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