From Turkana With[out] Love[ing Memories]
Posted on Sun 2nd Mar, 2025 @ 6:34am by Commander Heriah Rex & Ensign Elaine Kaleh
1,551 words; about a 8 minute read
The Phoenix Gamble
Location: Security Office
Timeline: Current
Heriah stepped with a purpose as she ventured from the Bridge of the starbase. After giving Entaaro the conn, she left with a most urgent mission needing to be completed. She got to the Security Office and entered. It seemed the only security personnel working in the office at the moment was, "Ensign Elaine Kaleh", she said as she read the nameplate on the wall. Heriah stepped up to the door and depressed the chime waiting on Kaleh to find a few moments from her work.
"Enter" called the young woman, not looking up from her current task. A wisp of blonde hair was escaping the braid over the crown of her head and obscuring her eyes.
Heriah entered, seeing the woman looking over whatever it was she was looking over. Her hair was within regulation with but a few strands standing out. Clearly, this Ensign had been working for some long hours and Heriah could only conclude there to be a high level of dedication to her work; wanting to get whatever it was a timely fashion...and accurately.
Heriah was not bothered by Elaine not looking up from her desk and noticing the pips on her collar establishing her as the Executive Officer aboard the starbase. Where some might have taken displeasure or taken this as a sign of insubordination or disrespect, Heriah only saw utmost discipline to duty. She sat and did not clear her throat or make any other motion or noise as an attempt to attracted Elaine's attention away from her work. Heriah waited patiently.
It was a quick enough filing of evidence collected by the last team of security, who had separated two intoxicated gentlemen in the area outside of the bar district. One of them had pulled a knife on the other after a brawl over a woman, and had quickly been subdued by the night watch. When she pressed the 'file' button, the short but wicked looking knife that was being scanned into the database vanished with a sparkle and the sound it made when evidence was entered into the security mainframe. "How may I help you...Commander?" she asked as her vivid blue eyes took in the pips on her collar and straightened to a respectful attention in her chair.
Heriah straightened, tossed a loose lock of hair over her ear.
'Oh, she's a pretty one. How about we skip the pleasantries and jump straight into...'
"First, I wanted to introduce myself. I always enjoy face time over screens and messages. I am Heriah Khatain Rex, Commander, and new Executive Officer for 109 under Captain Francis. I have no doubt we will be working together and working together well."
"Of that I have no doubt, um..." She rose from the desk and held out her hand for the other to shake, as was polite. "Do you prefer sir or ma'am in your address?"
Heriah took that hand in a shake. She held on with a bit more firmness than she had anticipated.
'Make her call you sir. A hard sir. With some umph. In fact, teach her how to do it here and now. Ready?'
"Ma'am, will do," Heriah said and relaxed her hand. "In official situations and in company. When alone..." she retrieved her hand and retook her seat, "...just you and I, feel free to drop formalities. Secondly," Heriah continued, "I saw, in your profile, you are of Turkana IV." Heriah regarded Elaine, admired her even. Most, especially the women who managed to survive Turkana IV, more often than not, would appear far more roughed up around the edges; battle hardened and withdrawn. This one seemed to have survived in stride. "I would not dare have you relive any history of Turkana IV. I am sure you know it better than I." Heriah knew that nearly all who managed to get away from that planet had some form of trauma constantly lingering behind their eyes and in their mind. Heriah hoped she could let the woman know that she had something of a traumatic past as well.
'Oh just tell her. We were assimilated by the Borg, later rescued, and have been prone to mood swings and violence ever since.'
"I just wanted to come and meet you. To see, for myself, what I have heard about you; that you keep your head in the game and that the security of this starbase is in good hands, especially with what is to come."
She'd stiffened just slightly, and something dark and haunted had flickered through her eyes at the mention of her homeworld. That had been a part of her life that she didn't speak of to just anyone, as people wouldn't understand how life was there. The heirarchy. She'd done what had been required to survive. She bit the inside of her lip, hard so that she wouldn't say the words that she was thinking as something told her this woman understood better than she appeared. Elaine did not want to start *that* conversation in the security office. "I'd like to hear what you think is to come."
"Escalation," Heriah started, then allowed a brief pause expand between them two. "As of now, this starbase is at 80% population capacity. That is not to say we are at 80% of the recommended Starfleet capacity. I mean, 109 is at 80% of its reported maximum safe population capacity. Starfleet, civilian, Federation, beyond, etc. Though I have only been aboard a few days now, I have already come across flight plans of two refugee vessels possibly headed in our direction. When I say 'escalation' I mean an escalation of everything that happens down in Brown Sector. Trade, commerce, entertainment, shady deals, crime, violence."
Heriah did not want to describe further. She did not want to make 109 begin to sound anything like Turkana IV. In fact, she felt the ensign before her would want to do everything possible to make sure such a thing did not happen. "I am recommending a proactive response to curb any...shall I say...unwanted activities in the event that we see an influx of civilians. Seeing that we are a Federation starbase on the fringe of Federation space, bordering other areas that people may be trying to escape...there is no doubt that we are the desired location for many. Based on reports, Security has maintained everything thus far. I do see that we do have a small civilian police force to aid where Starfleet Security may be lacking. I would like your ideas on whether or not we should bolster their numbers."
'Don't forget my idea.'
"Also," Heriah continued, "what do you think of some leeway in...massaging Starfleet regulations when it comes to non-Starfleet personnel and non-Federation members. Nothing illegal, mind you. Just going a little outside the box."
"Depends on what part of the rules you mean to bend." Elaine answered after a minute of thought. "I have been quite impressed by the dedication of the people in the former Brown Sector, now being called the Garden Sector to policing their own. I was surprised that the Factions there could ever work in anything resembling a community."
"Garden Sector," Heriah repeated the words as a correction. "Of course. And we simply cannot know which rules will need bending or massaging until the time comes. I've worked on an outpost before. It only takes a second, with one unstable element, one person or event, to bring instability. Should you ever have to resort to out-of-the-box thinking to bring or maintain stability, as long as your methods are not overly illegal, you can be confident that I will back you up."
"I'll keep that in mind ma'am." The ghost of a smile hovered at her lips as she thought about that. "I try to keep things above board these days."
Heriah thought briefly on her words, keeping 'things above board.'
'If only she knew just how similar we are.'
"I understand that well," Heriah said. "Fortunately, you have a whole Security team as well as a Command team and..."
'Do not mention Counseling. Ooh, do not mention Counseling.'
" the event things cannot seem to be kept above board," the commander finished that thought. "I was an Ensign once as well. You drive your career, but do allow others to help guide your sails."
"As you say, ma'am." she said in a tone that indicated she was both respectful of her opinion and unused to people taking an interest in her career.
'This one is timid, restrained. You know what Davmorda would do in this situation.'
"I will not keep you any longer Ensign," Heriah said. "I am sure you have work to do and I do not need to keep you from it. Keep up the good work, do what you feel is best for this Starbase and her population, and I am sure we will work well together."
"Yes ma'am." she answered, her blue eyes not leaving the taller trill woman until the door slid shut behind her form. Slumping back into the chair, she exhaled a long slow breath out through pursed lips. Demonsbane....How much does she KNOW?