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Diplomatic Greetings

Posted on Fri 28th Feb, 2025 @ 8:27pm by Maiek s'Ethien & Mary Elizabeth Gregory

1,861 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: The Phoenix Gamble
Location: Romulan Starship
Timeline: Backpost

The spiral spire that made up the Grand Council chambers of New Romulas rose before them in a rainbow of multicolored glass tiers with both sides coming up to a point in the middle, like the bejeweled point on a crown. Each tier had elaborate gardens, and the color was similar to the color of the glass that each one bore. The middle most, but tallest tier was emerald, of course for blood. The windows that made the spiral were clear, but they entwined in delicate patterns that twisted around the building.

"The blood green windows open into the council chamber, it's behind the spiral and looks out onto the great gardens. It is there, in the gardens where we will meet the Governor. He doesn't actually have access to the council halls himself." Maiek grinned at his beloved Mary Elizabeth who walked at his elbow.

"Why isn't he allowed access?" Mary Elizabeth asked. "Tradition?" She could understand that, as her own country's government back on Earth had plenty of similar traditions as to who was and was not allowed access to particular government chambers.

"Partially." he chuckled at her "He is not a great lord, nor is an official member of the council. He can access it when he is invited, but at no other time. While he is of great importance to the people of the planet because of his impact on the municipal aspects of his job, he's not directly related to the ruling body of Romulus as a whole. It may be more complicated than it truly needs to be." His admission was quiet, and accompanied with a gentle squeeze of her hand.

"Oh, probably," Mary Elizabeth agreed, "but most government traditions are." She interlaced her fingers with Maiek's. "Does your aunt have any last-minute instructions for us besides the ones she gave us when we left 109?"

"Oh I doubt it, I've been doing this since i could walk and am quite accustomed to the inter-political dance of inferior to superior. I can check if that will make you feel better about it."

Mary Elizabeth shook her head. "If she hadn't sent you any messages before we beamed down here, I doubt she's sent any since we beamed down. Let's meet this bloke--er, distinguished gentleman."

"I've done this since I could speak my love, do not worry yourself about our decorum. They will be less than subtle about their interest in you if I don't miss my guess." he spoke a reassurance to her unvoiced concern and smiled gently at her. "Many of those here including this governor have never met a human. They won't know how to behave, especially since you're dressed as if you are a member of high Romulan Society. "

Romulan high society apparently preferred skin-tight leggings draped with floor-length tabard-like garments and cloaks that flowed as she walked. Mary Elizabeth was glad she'd had time onboard the ship to get used to wearing the clothing and to practice moving around in it until she felt comfortable wearing it. The first time she'd tried it on, the basic layer of clothing had felt so much like a second skin, she'd half-imagined she was wearing nothing and appreciated the draperies. If only her feet appreciated the boots!

Back straight, and move with confidence, she reminded herself. Clothing was as nothing, compared to the attitude. "I'm ready," she said to Maiek. Mary Elizabeth smiled at him. "You look gorgeous, as usual. I'm going to have to beat the other ladies off you with a stick!"

"Truly, I would perish from the honor.". Raising her hand to his full tips he kissed her fingertips lightly. "Come beloved ..". Tucking her hand into his, he escorted her into the council halls. The sweeping arches of the hall turned into a swirling antechamber that came to a point. At the far end of the room stood three men and a young woman.

The very architecture of the place took Mary Elizabeth's breath away. Earth had nothing like it. Even Vulcan had nothing like it. Architecture such as this took fanciful imagination, and Vulcans discouraged that in themselves. Romulans, it seemed, embraced the quality as if it were life's blood. It made Mary Elizabeth adore the culture as much as she adored her fiancé--and fried hlai on waffles.

Watching her out of the corner of his eye, he almost sighed with delight at the way she looked upon what had been his home. The restoration of the Romulan culture had been something of a trial to them all, and this was in part a renaissance for their people. They had so much freedom, and Maiek was afraid-slightly-that they as a whole might squander it in an effort to regain the useless past. He didn't find all of it useless of course, but much of the bluster and foolery of the council could have been pared away as it had been here. This was a better Romulus.

Mary Elizabeth gave the four people they approached a curious glance as they moved toward them. The woman seemed young, compared to the three men. She waited for introductions until they came within speaking distance.

Measured steps took them to within earshot of the quartet of people, and Maiek bowed deeply to the woman and slightly less to the three men. "Senator Firh, what an unexpected surprise to see you this morn. May I introduce my intended, Mary Elizabeth Gregory. ". He gave her name its Romulan pronunciation, and gazed at her fondly.

Mary Elizabeth too bowed to the senator and the men. "Jolan tru. It's an honor to meet you, Seihu Firh."

"Ah, yes. I recall the ambassador saying you were going to bond with a human. What is the human expression? It is my pleasure?". There was a crinkle about her eyes as she spoke, and a disdainful look crossed her face as she stared down the three other men. The one was positively squirming like a child. "Leave us ".

They gratefully seized the opportunity to flee and did so and the senator, young though she was, muttered something impolite. "Did I use the expression correctly, Ihhei* Gregory?"

Mee-yow, Mary Elizabeth thought. "Yes," she said aloud, "if it was genuinely meant."

"It got rid of the sniveling sycophants; it was genuinely meant." There was a hint in her tone, that she was reserving judgement on the human, but that her initial impressing was positive.

Perhaps not as catty as I thought, then, Mary Elizabeth decided. She grinned at Senator Firh. "Oh, well done!" She gestured to the towering architecture they stood in. "This building is a magnificent work of art."

"It is. Did your intended tell you there is a display of his work from the homeworld on the 3rd floor?"

Mary Elizabeth side-eyed Maiek. "He did not," she said. "I look forward to seeing it." Her eyes widened as she realized the implications of that. "You have the originals? That is a staggering honour, for his work to be saved. There wasn't much time to get things off of Romulus before your star went nova--about a day's warning, I think?"

Maiek lost his grasp of Standard, so complete was his shock. His mouth moved but no sound emerged, before he managed to speak as simply as a child would have. "fvah? Arham dhraeu?"

The elegant woman snorted, and that snort held more meaning than the words he was sputtering.

Mary Elizabeth gave Maiek an interested look. She had never seen him so gobsmacked before. It was utterly adorable.

Shaking himself, he stared at the Senator. "How that even remotely possible?"

"It seems that the proprietor of a certain museum was making a display of modern art...He decided it was worth it to him to save the displays he was constructing alongside his family. "

"That is a very dedicated museum proprietor," Mary Elizabeth said. "I hope we may thank him and his family for saving Maiek's work."

Maiek had been completely sidelined by the comment, delivered with such calm that he couldn't doubt that it was true. The magnitude of the discovery though, art from the home-world had been saved? "And other pieces too, one hopes?"

"A sufficiency of them, one would think" Llaiir Firh said cooly, clearly enjoying Maiek's discomfort and shock. "Nrai eolh Maiek."

"I look forward to seeing the display," Mary Elizabeth said. "Perhaps after we meet the other dignitaries?"

"Come then, we shall flush multiple hlai from the copse." Senator Firh turned, her long robe swirling as she led the way to a hidden elevator. The expectation that they would both follow her was intent in her movement. A clasp of black and silver similar to the one that Mary Elizabeth wore for Maiek's suit, was wrapped around her wrist, and it flashed for a moment from beneath her sleeve.

Mary Elizabeth and Maiek walked after the senator. She sneaked a peek at the senator's betrothal bracelet but didn't catch more than a glimpse of it as they walked across the room toward the elevator. Intriguing questions filled her mind, which she suspected would have equally intriguing answers, but right now wasn't the time to ask them. Right now, it was all she could do to not twist an ankle.

Maiek's eyes also caught the betrothal bracelet, and he caught Mary Elizabeth's arm to steady her towards the elevator. His lips tightened in amusement as she slid her arm into his like a noble lady and he gently steered her, allowing her to exude the grace he loved about her. There was no end of curiosity as to what was happening here. What did the Senator want from them? There was no reason to stroke his ego in that manner, unless she wanted some favor from them. Or from him. Or...something. It was extremely unusual, and he was intrigued.

"Thank you," Mary Elizabeth mouthed to him as Maiek steadied her. His arm felt solid and warm as he held it wrapped around hers, and it gave her a chance to regain her footing and continue walking with renewed confidence. What Elements were indicated by black and silver? Air, she wondered? Night? And flushing hlai from the copse--That sounded as if the senator was contemplating something of more significance than mere introductions. Mary Elizabeth itched to discuss it with Maiek, but whispering behind the woman's back would be gauche. At last, they reached the elevator and all stepped inside.

He inclined his head to her, in acknowledgement of her silent thanks. His dark eyes swept over the decor on the walls and the placement as a good servant of the upper class would...there was a message hidden there that he didn't understand. Aunt Verelan would have gotten it, he was sure. Aunt Verelan would also have been very interested in the interplay between the Senator and his Lady, and he was burning with curiosity as to what 'surprise' was in store.

*Ihhei -madam/lady
*Fvah- What?
*Arram dhraeu- My work?
*Nrai eolh - Close your mouth.
*Seihu - Senator, Elder


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