Acting CMO's Report
Posted on Sun 24th Nov, 2024 @ 11:13pm by Lieutenant Commander Lanis Dhuro MD
Edited on on Sun 24th Nov, 2024 @ 11:21pm
768 words; about a 4 minute read
The Phoenix Gamble
Location: Chief Surgeon's Office, Main Infirmary
Monthly Status Report, Main Infirmary, SB-109
Dhuro Lanis, Acting Chief Medical Officer, reporting.
Our former CMO, Dr. Cadence Marshall, was unexpectedly transferred to Risa early this month, as he'd been selected for a teaching position at a new medical school there with an attached hospital. He will be much missed. I have in the meantime either taken on or delegated his teaching duties, including that of supervising Dr. Makila i'Hartelhai's internship until I can determine a suitable supervisor for her, which might be me or someone else. I enjoy working with her, but her specialties are more technology-driven than I customarily deal with. In any case, she and I will discuss this pending the arrival of a permanent CMO. In the meantime, Dr. i'Hartelhai is making satisfactory progress in the research projects she began under Dr. Addams' supervision, and I am pleased with her work.
In general, the staff here have been busy but don't seem stretched too thin. Patient loads this past month averaged 703 per physician, with specialists generating smaller numbers of visits. The usual visit length was 30 minutes.
We had our quarterly review of medical coding, which revealed one error. That's an improvement over last quarter, when we had five errors. My thanks to whoever tweaked the AI.
Pentaptych: Lt. Auden's quintet of medical exo-comps seems to be performing within desired parameters in testing, thus far.
Spa: The report I've received from Lt. Redding regarding her spa was satisfactory. I really ought to visit that place someday. I've never had a massage or visited a spa. I can guess what it's like from the report, but I'm quite curious as to what a salt cave is and what therapeutic benefit it provides.
Notable Problem Areas
Brown Sector (now Garden District) is undergoing a high incidence of Vulcan flu cases. We've offered vaccines down there and have a couple of volunteers working with Dr. s'Siedhri's clinic. The problem is, even the Vulcans have never been able to develop a really effective vaccine for their own influenza, and some of the people down there still don't trust Starfleet medical personnel. We'll just have to ride this out.
Bone fractures are up by 27% this month over last month. The most frequent common cause seems to be a new skateboarding craze among teenagers who haven't learned to handle a skateboard safely. If it's not the teenagers breaking their own skulls full of mush, it's the people they run into. I predict we'll either get a skateboard park built in Tivoli Gardens within the month, or this fad will die off very quickly, once parents get their children's medical bills and the lawsuits.
Births: Up 12% this month over last. The humans tell me they celebrated Valentine's Day nine months ago, and that's why.
Deaths: No remarkable change.
Trauma: Aside from the skateboard incidents already mentioned, we did have a forklift accident in one of the freight docking areas when a forklift operator suffered an MI while driving his forklift. This resulted in multiple people being injured when the loaded forklift careened into a stack of other cargo, where the containers were being unloaded. A total of seven people suffered injuries; no fatalities.
Incoming Species: We have a new joined Trill executive officer, Heriah Rex. A Dr. Rikata Mol sent a full write-up on her. Very handy; I'll have to send her a thank-you note. As of her last medical exam, Commander Rex appears healthy. She ought to be, given all the combat training she does. I'll ensure she undergoes regular isoboramine monitoring and see she maintains her psych check-ups.
Incoming and Outgoing Staff: One change from last month, Dr. Marshall's departure.
Equipment: A holo-emitter in the surgical training suite was replaced during routine inspection last month by one of the Operations personnel, whose signature is as illegible as a doctor's. I'm glad that crewman caught it before it caused problems with the training schedule.
Disciplinary Issues: Dr. Niamh MacAran--I have difficulty getting her to understand that everyone lends a hand when they are qualified and it's necessary. MacAran only wants to treat patients with psionic abilities, even though she's a qualified MD. I don't have patience with that. She really, literally, hates getting her hands dirty, even when they're in gloves. And dealing with blood--oh horrors! I had to order her twice to assist with the forklift patients. We're going to have to have a talk.
Commendations: I have received no candidates for commendations this month from medical department heads.
Respectfully submitted,
Lt. Cmdr. Dhuro Lanis MD
Acting Chief Medical Officer
By Renato Solis on Tue 26th Nov, 2024 @ 9:24pm
I could definitely enjoy regular reports like this, well written!
By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Wed 1st Jan, 2025 @ 11:26pm
Austen--Many thanks! It was a fun excuse to make up silly stuff and to obliquely refer to things that happened in previous posts.