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PM Rikata Mol to SB109 Counseling and Medical Personnel

Posted on Mon 28th Oct, 2024 @ 11:24am by Commander Heriah Rex
Edited on on Wed 15th Jan, 2025 @ 11:10am

1,130 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: The Phoenix Gamble
Location: SB109
Timeline: Current

Rikata Mol
Doctor / Counselor
Trill Military, Sciences Division

Starbase 109 Medical and Counseling Personnel
SUBJECT: Heriah Khatain Rex

Greetings from Trill. I am Doctor Rikata Mol, Joined Trill and both Doctor and Counselor for the Sciences Division of the Trill Military. I was recently assigned to Earth to study and become more familiar with humans and Earth. Quite a remarkable planet. My primary purpose for being on Earth was to look after our interests in Heriah Khatain Rex. I understand she was recently assigned to your starbase as commander. Commander Graves, I am sure you two will work closely together and work well together.

I have the honor of being both her doctor and counselor during her time on Earth studying at Starfleet Academy. I feel I know her quite well and wish for you to know her just as well, perhaps better, and to help guide her on her path.

A little about her though.

Heriah has been joined for only 14 months which include 2 months of observation on Trill and her final year on Earth. Her symbiont is named Rex and has undergone something of a traumatic history. It was Refkin Rex (male) who was an officer in our Special Forces who was captured and assimilated by the Borg. They attempted to assimilate Rex as well as the host but aborted when they saw they were going to kill the symbiont. Some scarring and implants still remain on Rex. We could not undo all the damage.

Refkin was rescued however only after 36 hours of Borg assimilation so full assimilation did not take place. The host took ill and died only a week later as his isoboramine levels plummeted fast. In those last days, he proved violent and nearly impossible to control. The next two hosts Davmorda (female) and Luftine (male) had similar tales along with similar results. Both were oriented in careers that some would consider militaristic and violent. Both survived only 5 years before taking ill and eventually dying while also losing their minds to the apparent wrath of emotions stemming from the Rex symbiont.

It was I who stepped forward with a plan to find a kind and caring heart to be Rex's next host, thus Heriah Khatain was called in. She was already on Earth and at the Academy to expand her knowledge after having served for many years. She agreed to the joining though hesitantly after seeing how Rex' previous hosts lived their joined lives and eventually died. In her own words, Heriah may feel as a 'rehabiliatory host for Rex.'

Symbionts are highly honored on our planet and losing one is a blow to the populace. And we certainly do not want to lose a symbiont because the previous hosts proved too violent. Which is why we chose a kind and loving heart. So, yes, Heriah is something of a rehabiliatory host. Her joining is something of an experiment to see if someone like Heriah can calm the pain and anger within the symbiont.

It was my assignment on Earth to see Heriah every two weeks for checkups and counseling sessions. Her joining with Rex seems to have gone well. The joining operation went as planned with few abnormalities stemming from the damage done to the symbiont. The 14 months I spent with her afterward was very pleasant. She did of course suddenly decide to focus some of her attention to combatives and weapon-based combat in addition to what she was already studying. It came as a surprise, but Trill generally do take different paths once joined. She did spend a great deal of time in the gym and fought in the Starfleet Academy bantam-weight combatives division. You may see that she was disqualified from the tournament. It was a blow but Heriah shrugged it off admirably. Still, Heriah excelled in her studies and it seems to me she will be a perfect fit aboard your starbase.

At first, in our sessions, Heriah seemed to have battles with her emotions. She showed the occasional violent swing, sometimes seemed to talk to herself, kept to herself, had nightmares, etc. almost anything you would expect from someone dealing with paranoia or multiple personalities. This can occur among newly joined Trills and affects 1 in 50 maybe. This all went away during our sessions as she became accustomed to being joined. Her path was harder and longer than most, given the difficult history of the symbiont's past.

You may have a little difficulty in dealing with Heriah as she can be stubborn. Believe me, this stubbornness stems from Rex. Heriah may have a hard time with new people though she does try to make friends quickly. She can become anxious quite easily. See if her pupils dilate, if she sweats, or if her spots take on a red tint. Those are sure signs. She can generally calm herself. I have given her plenty of wisdom, words, phrases, meditation techniques, things to tame the beast, you might say.

Her isoboramine levels remained high throughout this past year. Rex's previous two hosts did start to lose isoboramine within a year of being joined. Though neither of them lived more than five years after accepting the Rex symbiont, Heriah shows no signs of having to suffer a similar fate.

My professional opinion is that all is well and she will prove herself an excellent addition aboard your starbase. Please create a schedule to see her though. I would suggest she meet with you on a monthly basis at the very least.

If you should need me, you now have my contact information. Please do not hesitate to contact me should the need arise. Also, do not mention to her much of our messages back and forth. Heriah is a sweet woman but can take issue with others talking behind her back. She is aware however that I am contacting you.

Please do import the replicator matrix for Benzocyatizine into your computer if you do not have it already and just in case you do not have a supply on board. It is the medication used to treat low serum isoboramine levels in Trill patients.

All this and the Starfleet medical manual on Trill physiology should prove adequate. I do hope you will find that it answers all of your questions.

Keep in mind though, should a Trill's isoboramine levels drop below and remain lower than 40%, for any reason, emergency stasis treatment is mandatory in hopes of keeping the symbiont alive for transfer to a new host. This is a remote scenario, however, as I, in my professional opinion, foresee nothing of the sort. You have a completely healthy Trill on your hands. We just need to keep her in top health.

May your path be smooth and clear of obstacles,

Rikata Mol


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