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New Skill Set

Posted on Wed 9th Aug, 2023 @ 3:05am by Greg Decker & Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard

971 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Perry Gardens, Deck 1561
Timeline: MD 1, 0745 hours

Greg Decker was whistling as he backed out of his apartment his second week in Perry Gardens. He didn't have a lot of engineering skills, but he had enough to work his way out of Brown Sector, saving his money for an apartment here on Deck 1561. Now, he needed more skills to earn enough to stay here. He was dressed in a nice one-piece oversuit he'd picked up from what was termed a thrift store, though he thought prices were a little high for a second hand item replicated and cleaned indifferently.

Getting on the lift heading up-station, he moved toward the back, behind others starting their work day. As he rode downward, he thought about how much nerve he needed to find someone from Starfleet to steer him toward a mentor, a set of classes, something that would help him accomplish his goal of staying out of the world he'd just left. He'd heard of someone, not the Chief Engineer - he'd never find enough nerve to approach someone high up - but a structural engineer ... maybe that would work. He had little besides high hopes.

After several lift changes, Decker reached the main engineering level. Taking a deep breath, he stepped out on the deck, looking around at main engineering. Where could he find help here? The thought was almost enough to send him back up the lift.

"O.K. and that's that!" Ricardo said as he closed one of the engineering environmental settings stations. This was what Ricardo loved about his job. Being one of the few Structural and Environmental specialists onboard meant a lot of special jobs went to him.

He checked this job off his PADD and looked to see where else he was needed. He took a moment to look up and stretch his neck. Then he saw a nervous looking young man making his way around the engineering level. Rico grabbed his gear and made his way over to the young man.

"Hey there, bud. Are you looking for someone?" he asked while wiping a bit of sweat from his brow.

"Uh, well, kind of. I'm hoping to find someone who might help me learn more about structural issues. I have some experience, but I've figured out that I need help or mentoring ... but I don't know ... does anyone here mentor others? Or maybe someone can ... well, I don't know. " Decker ran his hand over his head of very short hair, frustrated that he didn't have a more organized, professional sounding request. "I'm making a tri-triticale soup of this. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Look, here's the problem. One of the docked civilian ships has issues with its EP distribution network. I can see the plasma grid is the source of the problem, and it isn't the warp core. It might be the plasma coolant." Greg was warming up to the topic, becoming more fluid as he talked about something he loved, something that was concrete and answerable ... if he only knew how to get the answer.

"Or it could be in the plasma conversion sensors. Or several other things, which you probably understand better than I. That's where I need someone to mentor me, walk me through things, teach me what I don't know. There doesn't seem to be an engineering tech program on the base, so how do I find help? I thought maybe someone down here could advise me on structural engineering ... if anyone would bother with a civilian."

"OK!" Rico said as he gathered his gear. "Have you put in a official request for help with the problem? You know there is a procedure for this." Rico had to admit to himself that he liked the kid's bravery of coming to find help instead of sitting on his hands and waiting. He was curious about Decker's skill.

"No, I didn't know. Look, I'll be honest with you. I've worked my way out of Brown Sector with a lot of effort, saving money, hot-bunking, never going anywhere. What I know is mostly picked up from those older than I am, and watching engineering videos meant for those in training programs. I didn't understand all of it, because I don't have much beyond basic schooling, but I did well there, and I learn fast. All I really need is help from someone who knows what he's doing ... or she, I'm not picky! I can't afford to be." He brushed his hand over his head again, a habit when he was thinking ... or frustrated.

"Point me at the form and I'll get it filled out, but I can't afford to lose this job. I'm not subsidized. I'm not a charity case and don't have any supplemental support. It's just me and the cold wind on my behind," he joked painfully. "Anything you help me with will be much appreciated ... and I can pay you by cooking a dinner now and then. I'm a good cook, learned from my Ma, who's passed on now, may God rest her soul."

He wasn't begging, but he was pleading. He needed a hand up, and he'd discovered life never gave that to you. You had to go out, find it, and grab it for yourself.

Shepard stood there flabbergasted and moved by Decker's words. Again, he found himself amazed by his motivation and courage.

"I'm sorry, Decker," The engineer said as he extended a hand to him. "I'm Rico Shepard. I didn't mean to pass you off to someone else. Especially since there is no paperwork. As a matter of fact, forget the paper work. There is nothing to say that two friends can't talk engineering. How about we head down to the pub and talk about your problem in detail."

Decker held out his hand, grinning. "I like the sound of that."


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