
  • 4 Mission Posts

Last Post

Tue 26th Sep, 2023 @ 9:16pm

Greg Decker

Name Greg Decker

Position Civilian Residents

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10" (1,78m)
Weight 150 (68 kg)
Hair Color brown
Eye Color gray
Physical Description Decker's height, weight and physical features are so average as to keep him from being distinguishable in a crowd. He likes it that way. His physical activities keep him slender, but not skinny, and his musculature is not pronounced, yet he is strong. Women find him attractive, but he isn't interested in relationships until he is firmly established himself in Perry Gardens.


Spouse NA
Children None
Father Keldon Orias (deceased 2373)
Mother Hera Lake (deceased 2390)
Brother(s) NA
Sister(s) NA
Other Family unknown

Personality & Traits

General Overview Greg is the child of a Maquis officer who died in a nameless battle for Maquis independence when he was still a teenager, in 2373. He doesn't resent his father's choices, nor does he feel any hero worship for him. His mother died in 2390, just as Starfleet was taking over SB109 again, of natural causes.

Personal History More to come as it unfolds.