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Cooperation or Coercion? Part 2

Posted on Sat 24th Jun, 2023 @ 3:41am by Commander Paul Graves PsyD & Lieutenant Commander Gwy'llim Menoit & Lieutenant Ricardo Shepard & Lieutenant Claire Minelan & Lieutenant JG ii-A & Olumorron Eirie 'Xin'

1,018 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Neither Yours Nor Mine
Location: Conference Room SB109, Attina
Timeline: MD 3, 0825

Previously ...

The whale-like creature had communicated all of this in a series of song tones and ultrasonic clicks, and hated the translation as it was relayed back. Olumorron waited to see if there was comment before continuing.

And now....

Savario listened a moment for others on the Starfleet team to speak. He had already known that the Xindi were paranoid about having someone steal their technology. It was impossible to convince them that most of it wasn't compatible with directions Starfleet and the Federation were developing. On the other hand, he supposed someone would be interested in the technology, and it could be sold for a lot of latinum. Perhaps they weren't so paranoid after all.

"Olu, Captain Navarra," the dugong addressed the two leaders, "I have already vetted those I know will be involved in transferring the technology from Attina. I believe, for the most part, Xindi can do the work on Attina, with the assistance of a few technicians from Starfleet. The installation will require Starfleet personnel who know our systems, with the assistance of a few of Attina's technicians. It is my belief that the technology Xindus Institute wishes to preserve will not be threatened by that division of labor, as the actual secrets reside on Attina."

"There are aquatic humanoid species that can assist with that, myself included," came the soft voice of the blue-skinned, blue-haired Lieutenant. It had been some time since she'd gotten any deep water experience.

Navarra nodded her head as she listened to the parties' comments. "Commander Locke?" Elena asked as she looked at her right hand in command. "How are we looking at security to make our friends feel a bit more comfortable and to safeguard the technology?"

Olumorron disliked these conversations which moved so fast, but had grown used to them. In his sensibilities to go fast was a form of violence, to exert will and force change at your schedule. They didn’t understand, clearly, why this was of such importance.

“I feel I must clarify.” Olumorron had used the light up icon, knowing it was meant to capture the attention of the whole room.

“Once, our people numbered in the hundreds of millions. On Xindus we thrived, in a precise ecosystem which allowed us to gestate and flourish in a biome few others could. We require heightened gravity, acidic waters, a precise exchange of gases…. There are places we can inhabit which meet our needs, but they are nearly all moons in orbit of larger worlds. None of them inhabited, or settled in advance of us. When Xindus was destroyed, we lost our home, and since then, we have lived in caves and tubes in desolate dark-skied prisons.

"The Builders' technology is from a future where our people live in great number again, it is our technology, from our own future, to ensure we reach this eventual future. We number less than a hundred thousand, scattered. This technology is our only means to survive as a species. We must protect it, or we will surely be wiped away in the Galaxy’s uncaring waves. If this is paranoia, than I am paranoid.”

"I do understand your concerns, sir," Locke replied. "It's why I'm personally liaising with our chief of security on this matter, as well as appointing a security specialist who understands the importance of the technology involved. Lieutenant Aliana Minha is a Selkie and will be joining our staff shortly, with a specific brief to work alongside us on matters of security."

In his thoughts, Savario cheered for this news. This might just be the thing that soothed Olu's concerns.
A Selkie was an interesting choice for Security, and someone he wanted to meet. He couldn't recall seeing a Selkie, but then he was in the Science Department, not Security. May you live in interesting times! He didn't recall where he'd heard that, but he liked it.

Olumorron couldn’t smile, but to express happiness among his people was to float slight upwards with open chest and wide flippers. Adopting this stance, he hoped they understood, “It is sufficient, I will ask for a few specific fleet members we have interacted with in the past as well. We are here to perform great research, and your assistance comes with great appreciation.”

"We're honored that you've selected Starbase 109 as the place to do your research. You're most welcome here, and we will do everything in our power to assist you," Commander Locke said.

The winglike reply filled the room, punctuated in the tiks and kiks of their echolocation.

A research assistant came into view for the people of the wardroom. They activated and interacted with a holographic display while Olumorron finally revealed their purpose.

“Proto Stars. Planetary masses with the capability of stellar fusion reactions, yet inert for a variety of reasons. The Federation wishes to know as much as we do, how to harness the power of gaseous bodies within constructs. Inert proto stars is my supposition.”

A gas giant system was shown on display. Two rocky planetoids close to the main sequence star of the display solar system. Three Gaseous giants, one of them the Class D Jovian so much like Jupiter of Sol every Human instinctively searched for the red dot.

The soft tones of the translator tried to convey as much emotion as possible but the joy in Olumorron's tone failed to carry through. A pleasant baritone male generic voice outlined the Aquatic's life work.

“In such systems as these, very little of value can be obtained in habitations. There are thousands of candidates, but few within the Federation so close and secure as Nāmaka.”

There was a reaction in the room as the native planet of their patron star system was listed. Olumorron intended to ignore Nāmaka in the name of proto star research.

“… We will be able to observe it and protect our teams and Attina while we perform that research. The Federation has granted us access for preliminary rounds to determine its worthiness, but I am certain it fulfills our criteria!”


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Comments (1)

By Elizabeth Anderson M.D. on Fri 14th Jul, 2023 @ 10:32pm

Glad to see this posted, and it came out well for all. Except maybe Nāmaka!