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Circular thinking

Posted on Thu 4th Nov, 2021 @ 10:41am by Makila i'Hartelhai

764 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Makila's House
Timeline: MD 3: 2200

The question that Kellian had asked her had been on her mind for several days, refusing to leave despite her unwillingness to truly consider the question. It had been the final question he'd put to her at the end of their date, and she hadn't answered him. Instead she'd fallen asleep, too exhausted by the events of the day to formulate a response. They hadn't spoken since, but that wasn't something that bothered the young woman. Kellian was busy just as she was. Stretching out on her bed, her arms under her head Makila thought furiously about it.

Why had she hidden her pursuit of medicine from her father? Simple nepotism. Makila wanted nothing to do with the idea that his influence had gotten her ahead in her career. She wanted to make her own mistakes, and stand upon her own feet as far as a Doctor. She wanted no part in the Romulan tradition of teaching one's children the trade of their fathers, and elevating them to a rank they didn't deserve despite a lack of knowledge. This achievement was HERS. Hers alone and she'd worked herself to the bone to do it and keep it quiet. She didn't want anyone thinking that she'd not earned it in any case. It was unimportant to anyone but her own ego, and Kellian's thoughts on the matter had been clear to see in those dark eyes. Be real, he think's its silly. You both know that Papa would be overjoyed to see you take your boards and become a physician. Something told her that Kellian would be pleased to see it as well, her truths coming out into the open. Was she scared of her own truths? That opened up another set of thoughts entirely.

"Kellian Michaels" He was so deliciously tempting, in a time that she neither wanted or needed temptation. Yet, here was the temptation in a tall, dark handsome and oh so appealing package. "What is it about you?"

Something deep in her ached piercingly, and she sighed. Her hands touched her belly, where under her hands, there was flutter in a parody of butterflies. Knowing now what a butterfly looked like, she was amused by the comparison. The idea of such a thing inside your belly was almost repulsive, and yet the description of fluttering wings was an apt one. Part of her wondered if she might just need to make a move upon him and see if he responded. She would know if he wanted to immediately. Makila knew he valued her friendship, but there was attraction there. Would physical desire take away from the friendship they'd been building? She didn't think so, but she wasn't sure .

She'd come across a bit of sheet music for the cello at the Kirk, when she'd come to listen to a group of students perform. It was newly published, and had yet to be performed but appeared to her untrained eye to be both beautiful and difficult to play. She'd left it in his mailbox with a note that said she hoped he would enjoy the challenge. Makila would only be too happy to hear him play for her.

If he doesn't want you...then what? If he does, even more then what? If she did something altogether on a whim and say kissed the gentleman the next time he called upon her, that was all well and good. She had a sneaking suspicion that he would welcome such a thing- some part of him. Perhaps the same part of him that started to tell her he lived in County something, and then had quickly corrected it. A well developed empathic sense told her that there was a world of hidden things in the person of Lieutenant Michaels that she was deeply curious about. Hidden things that scared him, even as he lived with them daily. There was something about that simple fact, in a man that didn't care that she was part Romulan that sent her heart to flipping in her belly.

"Elements, I sound like a trashy romance novel." Laughing at herself, she startled as a descending arpeggio reminded her that the hour for her to sleep had approached. She rolled over into the embrace of her blankets, her thoughts of Lieutenant Michaels and his dark chocolate eyes taking a back burner to sleep. Mayhaps tonight she wouldn't dream. Mayhaps she would. Her last thought before her amused thoughts faded into darkness, was that she still hadn't made a decision one way or the other.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Sat 4th Dec, 2021 @ 10:04pm

I totally love this post, and Kellian is blushing!
