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Getting Back on Track

Posted on Tue 9th Nov, 2021 @ 10:54pm by Sorra Yarime (Yari) & Nicha th'Elex & S'lani
Edited on on Tue 9th Nov, 2021 @ 11:45pm

1,014 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: A Good Day to Hunt
Location: Aboard the Conundrum orbiting Unknown Planet, most likely a secret training base
Timeline: MD 1, 2000 Local Time


Aezash tapped his wrist communications device, =^=Ivy, transport us directly to the Med Bay, and activate the Artificial Doctor.=^=

=^=The Doctor is waiting for you, transporting now.=^= A shimmering light enveloped the away team and in a moment they were gone.

And now the fun continues....

The team dematerialized in the small Med Bay aboard the Conundrum. It was a really small room having two biobeds There were several computer monitors, but they were in the wall where they wouldn't take up floor space. Also on one wall were two stasis pods recessed into the wall that could be pulled out if needed. There were several utility cabinets lining the remaining wall. No doubt that's where all the supplies were and anything else needed could be retrieved from the replicator near the computer consoles.

Standing next to the computer terminals was an attractive brunette in a black skin-tight suit. She held a Medical tricorder in her hand and waited for the team to finish dematerializing.

"What is the nature of the worst injury?" Ivy, the EMH, asked.

"Probably broken bones here on S'lani, though it could be a toss-up with the boss," th'Elex answered, putting his burden down on the one bed, since Yari was still on his own two feet, though leaning on Aezash. "I'm fine, no worries."

"I can wait," S'lani said quietly. "His leg could get infected."

"My dear, your wounds are more serious than my leg. Look, the bleeding is under control," Yari said as he looked down at his wound. "And if I were going to get an infection, it would be there already. Waiting a little while longer while your wounds are addressed will make no difference." He looked at the Doctor, "I'm fine, please take care of her."

S'lani just nodded.

"As you wish," the EMH nodded. She ran her med scanner over S'lani's entire body, finding several areas of concern. "Broken bones is right ... both ankles and cracks in foot and one leg. Those won't be too bad with my bone builder machine, but remember, just because it's healed quickly doesn't mean it's strong, so be careful for a couple of weeks. No kickboxing in a fight." She set the bone machine to work on both ankles at once and then moved up S'lani's body.

"The shoulder wound should heal well and fast, also, but we'll wait on that until the bones are taken care of. What really concerns me is this area here." The EMH turned to an internal view of S'lani's pelvis. "The same blast that took out your bones may have caused an internal injury. When we have other things well underway, I'm going to do a special scan of that area and see what we can figure out."

Putting down her med scanner, Ivy added, "Sit tight while I look at the boss for a few minutes. That means lie quietly, even sleep, if you can."

S'lani was not going to sleep. Several weeks...that would be difficult. Perhaps she could work on small hand exercises. Or meditation. She didn't do enough of that.

Turning toward the bed where Yari was resting, she bumped into Nicha. "Didn't you say you had no injuries?"

"Nothing to speak of ... scrapes and bruises," he answered.

"Well, get out of my Sickbay, then. Go clean up and rest for 24 hours. It's too small in here for so many people."

"Yes, Ma'am!" Nicha answered, following her orders immediately.

"Now, what do we have here," the EMH asked, looking at Yari and Aezash.

"I can go to the Bridge and check on things, my wound can wait. See to Yari next, his wound needs to be addressed," Aezash said. The monotone, mechanical voice that came over the speaker in his facemask took some getting used to for most people.

"I definitely could use something for the pain at least," Yari said as he continued to lean on Aezash.

Ivy looked at Aezash severely ... well, severely for an EMH, at least. "Set him on the second bed and see that you return for treatment. The foam won't do the whole job, and I don't want to have to use Carnelian blood worms to eat the infected skin from your wound."

Dismissing him from her attention, the EMH turned to the boss. "Let me get you the painkiller and then we'll do a scan of your wounds."

Yari nodded gratefully, "Thank you."

Aezash carefully helped Yari up onto the other bed before quickly leaving and heading for the Bridge. He knew perfectly well that Ivy, their only doctor, could handle sickbay by herself.

A few minutes later, the scan was complete and Ivy was frowning. "Do you know what caused this wound? It was obviously something wooden as there are still splinters I'll need to remove, but was it seeping any liquid or secreting anything that you could tell ... or did you even get a good look at it? I don't like some of the readings I'm getting."

Yari chuckled, "Sorry, I never saw it coming, and even if I did there was no way I could see what was on it with the speed and force that it hit me. What sort of reading are you getting from it?"

The EMH was silent for a moment and then she looked at her patient. "There may be ... no, there actually is, a foreign substance here. I don't know if it's a poison or if it's something ... worse. I don't know whether it's contamination in the wound from the environment or something native to the instrument that wounded you. I'm going to have to do more extensive testing. Wait right here."

S'lani turned sharply to Yari and the EMH. She should have checked that wound more closely.

Ivy walked to a nearby cabinet, opened a drawer, rummaged around for a moment, and pulled out another small machine. Closing the drawer with her hip and walking back toward Yari, she said, "This won't hurt a bit."

Yari chuckled, "That's what they all say right before it hurts like heck."


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