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Second Order of Business

Posted on Fri 5th Feb, 2021 @ 6:46am by Sipov Boros

1,041 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Orchids & Jazz, Deck 600
Timeline: MD 1, 1922

Previously, in Orchids & Jazz ...
"Thank you," Sipov replied, looking forward to trying it. "Anytime you see my drink half empty, feel free to bring another one." Otherwise, he was ready to begin eating and getting down to business. The sooner the better before he ended up having way too much to drink.

And now, to business ....

", with my background and the different craft I've flown over the years, I'm sure you'll see there isn't much that I can be surprised with, or that I haven't already gotten myself into. But I can assure you that while on contracted runs I'll make sure to follow Federation law to the letter. I won't be smuggling anything or working any sort of side deals. If you need me to divert for further pick ups or otherwise, I'm always happy to do so. I don't have anything here tying me down so my time is for sale."

In the end the Vulcan knew what his skills were worth, but he also had to consider the type of job and what pilots with lesser certifications would take the job for. Sure, he likely had more experience dealing with raiders and the like but that didn't mean much when running along protected shipping lanes. His best option was to add a clause for the unforeseen circumstances and allowing additional fees to be incurred in that manner. It was likely th'Elex already was incurring additional cost by paying the insurance premiums for the cargo and ship, so Sipov didn't want to be too greedy, at least at first.

They were interrupted as a beautiful woman who appeared to be in her mid-to-late twenties. She set a plate of dessert in front of each of them, and deftly cleared the table in only seconds, sending her helper on his way with a tray full of used plates and glasses, and leaving behind an all but pristine table again.

"Hello," Jade's mellow alto voice greeted the men. "It's always wonderful to have you with us, Mr. th'Elex. Introduce me to your guest, please? I don't believe I've seen him here before."

"Oh, Miss Lantz, how nice to see you. I've told you a dozen times, call me Tieran. Mr. th'Elex is my father ... or maybe my brother."

Jade smiled at him. "I'll try to remember that ... Tieran."

"That's better," he said, grinning and turning to the man across from him. "This is Sipov Boros, a very unusual Vulcan. He's a pilot and recently joined us on the base. We were just discussing business he could help me do. Perhaps you know others who need a private pilot? Maybe we could even share expenses, if needs take us to the same quadrant."

Motioning for a chair to be brought so she could sit on the small open part of the table, Miss Lantz sat down. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Boros. You two," her glanced passed back and forth between them, "have already piqued my interest. Just recently, I've had occasion to notice that shipping costs by public carrier are getting quite high, as pirate activity is increasing, but I wasn't sure who to approach to see what could be done privately. You intrigue me. Tell me more about your business, Mr. Boros."

Sipov extended his hand to offer a shake. It wasn't something he initially was accustomed to but had learned in his previous life while conducting business. "A pleasure to meet you, this is quite an establishment."

"Thank you," Jade said. "I've had a few tries to get it right."

"As for myself, I've spent the majority of my life piloting craft in some form or another, except for military or any similar function. I've run passengers, hazardous waste, the usual raw mining materials, smuggled goods and the like. I've flown cruise liners with folks on board that spent more latinum for their tickets than we'll see in five lifetimes."

Pausing for a moment the Vulcan took a drink of what was now his fourth gin and tonic before continuing.

"I've also engaged in various business investments, as I'm an entrepreneur of sorts, but those decisions have landed me in hot water more than a few times."

Here Jade smiled a little, and said, "So have we all, Mr. Boros. In my experience, hot water is an excellent teacher."

"The Breen don't take very kindly to those that violate their laws, but I'm still in one piece more or less. If you need it flown or shipped from one point to another all you have to do is tell me where to go. I'll make sure it gets there intact." Truth be told, some of his jobs didn't last longer than a few weeks or months, but it was how they were contracted. Sipov wasn't lying about his experience, but maybe stretching a bit of how much some of it actually was. It wasn't something he was too worried about, considering the piloting certification he had attained.

"It sounds as if you have plenty of experience," the club owner agreed. "My jobs wouldn't be nearly as exciting, and most of them would be finding something needed at the other end, so you could fly loaded to get to what I want brought back. I expect I can help with that part, through my business contacts, if you are interested in work of that sort. Let me do some checking around, and I'll get back to you. I presume I can contact you through Tieran? Or if you have your own communication service number here, leave it at the door with Reon for me."

"As I told our friend here, my time is for sale. Quiet jobs are welcomed, it'll give me time to sit back and figure out my current situation in life and, hopefully, get back on my feet sooner." Right now low key was what Sipov needed, all things considered. He didn't think the Federation would pay any mind to what he was running away from in Breen space, but that didn't mean someone couldn't come looking for him. The lower the profile he kept, the better. "I have a number I'll make sure both of you get."

Business To Be Continued ...


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