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In Regeneratione (Rebirth) Pt1

Posted on Fri 5th Feb, 2021 @ 6:13am by

1,394 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Business Not At All As Usual
Location: Earth: Admiral Nechayev's home
Timeline: MD 1, 1845

"Are you sure about this Admiral?" Isabella asked as she sat in the office of Admiral Nechayev's home on Earth, gobsmacked from what she just heard the Admiral, her mentor, and friend tell her.

"Isabella, how many times have I told you to call me Rosalyn when we are here at my home. You have stayed here more than my actual daughters have in the past few years."

Nechayev looked over the young woman sitting in front of her, a sense of pride rolling through her. A memory rose of the first time she had observed a young cadet at Starfleet Academy negotiate a fight between an Arcadian and a Romulan at a Starfleet conference. Although the Acardian stood down, the Romulan gave the cadet some pushback. When Isabella swiftly put the Romulan in an armbar and maneuvered him to his knees, she knelt down and whispered something in his ear. The Romulan's eyes went wide and then his shoulders sank with defeat.

It was then the Admiral knew the woman she was now looking at, eye-to-eye in her home, had that spark in her. It was at that moment Rosalyn wanted to find out more about young Isabella and decided to keep an eye on her.

Isabella sat back on the couch and sipped at the cup of green tea that the admiral had made for her. The recipe was an old recipe that Nechayev's family had passed down through the generations. For the last few years, Isabella had asked for the recipe, but the Admiral would always laugh and say, "I have to keep you coming back somehow." Isabella often missed having the Nechayev's family tea when out on her missions, but would always find some curiously stashed away in her gear when she went to unpack.

"I know, Rosalyn," Isabella said. "When we talk shop, it just happens. But seriously, run this by me one more time, so I can make sure I haven't gone crazy."

The Admiral laughed and walked over to the 20th-century oak desk in her office. She opened one of the top drawers and retrieved a PADD. "Things are getting worse out there, Isabella. Our intelligence networks are doing what they can to keep us up to speed. My operatives continue to keep me informed about what's happening in the fringes of the various quadrants. But information alone is not enough. I need individuals out there who can react swiftly, in real-time. I need individuals who can make hard choices and not lose a step in between. I need a small ship that can be sent on missions where Starfleet or the Federation normally wouldn't send its people. Clandestine missions for contacting those Starfleet or the Federation can’t officially contact, or to be a resource to planets thinking about joining the Federation - either to answer questions or shepherd them through the process. Whatever is needed."

Nechayev, came from behind the desk, PADD in hand, and walked over to Isabella. Sitting beside her on the couch, Rosalyn placed the PADD in Isabella's lap, and cupped her surrogate daughter's hands within her own. "Lastly, I need somebody I can trust out there. From the time I approached you in Starfleet Academy, I have done my best to prepare you for something like this. The time is now.”

Rosalyn sat back and crossed her legs, pulling her uniform down, chuckling to herself about the time Isabella teased her and told her that pulling one’s uniform was affectionally called the Picard maneuver. “In your lap are your new orders. You report directly to me, but you have the autonomy to operate on your own when I have don't have pressing matters. Your base of operations will still be Starbase 109. Commodore Suzuki Hikari will aid you with whatever official supplies you need. Unofficial things you will need to acquire on your own, but I am sure that will not be a problem for you.”

The Admiral stood up again and walked back over to her desk. Placing both palms on the top, she sat down behind it, looking for a response from Isabella. “You will need a ship. You can somehow come across your own, or I can provide you with one. Starfleet Intelligence has designed a new stealth starship. It bears no Federation markings and has a whole lot of toys on it.” The Admiral pressed a button on her desk and instantly, a screen came to life over the fireplace.

"Let me introduce you to the Noir class starship. Top of the line Federation stealth technology. This is our second generation, and slightly larger than the original, which was intended to operate from a ship or starbase, whereas you will be independent, though docking at 109. Defensively, the ship boasts a new Auto-Modulating Multi-Phasic shield grid that utilizes not a single shield emitter but a number of smaller emitters embedded within the hull. Stealth Duranium/Tritanium hull, armor plating, and stealth ablative armor.

"Of course," Rosalyn said slyly, "with a ship, you will need a crew. Handpicked by yourself, with the exception of one Riko McCord. Riko must be a part of your first mission."

At the sound of a name she knew well, Isabella sat straight up and asked intently, "Why must Riko be part of the mission?"

With a smile creeping across her face, Rosalyn Nechayev said, "Spoilers....." And it was then Isabella knew she was hooked. The Admiral had a way of enticing her young ward with bits of information. But when she threw out the phrase spoilers, Isabella knew it was going to be worth whatever trouble she went through to accomplish the mission.

"If I did this, we would need funds." Isabella said. "Latinum is an excellent motivator for information."

Nechayev smirked. Again, proud of her protege. She could already see the wheels turning in Isabella's head. Thinking three to four moves ahead. "I will be able to give you some starting funds. Everything else will have to be acquired on the ground. What say you, my child?"

Isabella looked from the Admiral to the viewscreen with the vessel on it. She had to admit that she was intrigued. With a crew of her own, she could get to the bottom of some serious issues that the Federation was facing behind enemy lines. And who better than she, knew what red tape things like the prime directive and rules that only applied to one side caused. Isabella looked down at the PADD in her lap and knew this was the change she was looking for in her life.

"I will not order you to do this Isabella." Nechayev stated. "You know the consequences if you or anyone in your command is captured or killed during any of these missions. Disavowment. Just know that this is what you have trained for your entire career. This is what you can do to make a real difference out there. What say you?"

Isabella took a deep breath. She knew everything Rosalyn said was true. She knew she could make a difference out there in the unknown. What concerned her most was being responsible for other people. For years, Isabella was able to do her best work because she only had to worry about herself. If she died, she was O.K. with that. It would have been a good death. A death in service of something bigger than her. But could she bear having the death of others on her shoulders? That was what she was unsure of.

"I tell you what Rosalyn. Let's go out for dinner tonight and let me sleep on it. Tomorrow, I will have my answer for you. Isabella stood and walked over to Rosalyn's desk. She placed the PADD on the desktop and took Rosalyn by the hands. " Thanks for trusting me with this. Thank you for your confidence in me."

Rosalyn took her student's hands and looked down on them. "With these hands, you are building a part of the future for the Federation. But know this. Even if you do not accept this. I am still proud of you. Now, if I remember correctly, you love that Cajun restaurant that the Sisko family owns right? We could pop in there for a bite if you like."

Taking her protege by the arm, the two walked toward the door.


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