Due Diligence
Posted on Fri 25th Jan, 2013 @ 9:27pm by Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell
309 words; about a 2 minute read
Location: Intelligence office
She'd been at it for hours... or at least it seemed that way, she hadn't eaten, or had anything to drink all shift, she was pouring herself over and over into Dobbs' history, his paperwork trail if there was even one. Everything starfleet had on him and by chance everything a few other agencies had on him too. Sam had a friend in the Tal Shar and thankfully the Romulan owed her a favor.
But it still wasn't much...No one liked him much as far as intelligence agencies were concerned but not one could prove why. Talk about someone who was just skating under the radar.
Samantha sat back in her seat stretched her slender arms upward and felt a small pop in her back, releasing the tension that was building. Her eyes were starting to burn from having stared at her reports for so long. The Computer was even telling her to take a break, her body was just agreeing. "All right," She admitted as she pushed back and stood up, she pointed at the computer as if it was going to answer her back. "But when I get back you'd better have something for me."
No she didn't expect the computer to answer her, but it gave her a little comfort in the empty office. Intelligence wasn't exactly a field people jumped at or into for that matter. Samantha pushed her chair into her desk closed everything up and left her office, making sure it was locked and that no one had access. It was protocol to make sure that intelligence was entirely secure, it was harder to get into the security. Why had she agreed to be intelligence again!?
Samantha smirked to no one but herself and went to the officers mess... there would be conversation there, and food.... both at the moment would welcome.