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Meeting the Devil

Posted on Fri 25th Jan, 2013 @ 7:03pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar

1,068 words; about a 5 minute read

Location: Various
Timeline: MD-02: Post-Boarding


Cara stopped as Dobbs blocked her way out of the room and asked "Can I help you sir?" She could see Tallus stopping behind him to back her up if needed.

"So, it's Major now... is it?" He said with a smile on his face, the sort of smile that no one in their right mind would trust.

Playing dumb she nodded "Yes sir ... Do I know you sir?"

While Cara was being his center of attention Tallus took to delving in his mind. Just for a brief second to see what his defenses were. They were impressive for a Human. Tallus would have to be careful or else he would be caught.

"Come now, Major... there's no need to be coy" The grin was maintained, but something indicated it was about to wear very thin.

Delving deeper into Dobbs psyche made Tallus almost sick. Even though Tallus may be a Marine it still disgusted even him. This man was sick.

Raising an eyebrow Cara nodded "Point recieved Captain ... So what are you really doing here?" She was treading a fine line but she wasn't going to let him win.

"Can't an officer visit an old posting of his without raising suspicion?" He extended his hands in a defeatist gesture.

Tallus backed out of Dobbs' mind. "Captain, how are you enjoying being on the Protector?"

He held the gaze with Treia just a little longer than was normal, as if a grudge was held, before turning his attention to the Marine. "Well, I've only been here for about three minutes - but so far it's nice. It's always nice visiting a previous posting. I didn't spend much time here, but it was memorable!"

"Would you care to join me in the Mess Hall?" Tallus asked.

"Why not, I could do with a cup of tea" He sincerely smiled at the Marine Major.

Tallus nodded. "Major Treia, I will have that report to you in the morning." Tallus said nodding to her. "Do you care to lead the way Captain?"

Cara nodded back in response and sent him a mental ~Thanks Love~

~Indeed.~ Tallus said keeping most of his mind searching Dobbs'.

Dobbs stepped into line next to Karikkar. Did this Marine know more than he was letting on? Not that it really mattered - he could never understand why Dobbs had done the things that he had. What's more, he didn't have to feel any remorse for them either - after all, all had been authorized by Starfleet.

"So how long have you been on Protector?" Dobbs asked.

"Nearly a year." Tallus said. "How long did you serve?"

"Only eight months... when the Dominion War really started heating up the base was obviously handed over to the FCDA, I left a month afterwards. Still, fond memories" He said, looking at the walls of the corridor, as if reminiscing.

"It does certainly have its intrigues. The first base that I have served on." Tallus said nodding.

"Where were you before Protector then?" He asked, with no real interest, but in the interests of being nice.

"I served onboard the Enterprise. I was the Marine CO for 16 years." Tallus said nodding. "And you?"

"Oh many places and many assignments. Directly before Protector, I found myself on Earth" He skillfully avoided the question.

After negotiating down some corridors, the two officers found themselves at one of Protector's many mess halls. In all honesty the last thing Dobbs wanted to do was share a drink with an officer whom he didn't even know. But, the character had to played... the actor never complains.

"Ah, finally" Dobbs smiled at the Marine and extended his arm to offer him entry first.

"Thank you." Tallus said entering. The longer he entertained the Captain meant less time that he would have to talk to Cara.

As the two approached the closest bar, they patiently waited for a server to attend to them. Karikkar still hadn't explained to Dobbs what the purpose of their visit here was.

"Major, is there a reason you asked me here?" He felt the direct approach would be better. If it was just to have a drink with him and get to know him... he certainly wasn't doing a very good job of it so far... which only raised suspicion with him.

"Simple." Tallus said keeping on his toes. "I wanted to be able to tell my friends that I had a drink with a legend."

"A legend? Well, be sure to tell me when one walks in!" He smiled at Tallus. He was a good liar... but Dobbs was better. He knew he was masking the truth. Would he have to be diplomatic for another hour or so, until this was over?

Tallus could tell that Dobbs was hiding what he had done. He could also tell that he knew that Tallus was lying. Smiling Tallus said, "Why don't we drop the bravado? You and I both know that you are keeping a secret."

This just proved to increase the grin on Dobbs' face even more. "A secret, Colonel?".

"I am a Vulcan. I do not play games. I will be watching you Captain. One false step and I will be on you faster then you can say 'sorry'. I assure you, I am not one to cross." Tallus said still with the smile on his face.

Dobbs' went in very close to the Vulcan. He could take almost any sort of insult or injury... but threats was not one of them. "May I remind you, Major, that you are talking to a Captain. Insubordination can cost you your commission!"

He went in even further to the Vulcan, close enough to whisper in his ear. "I advise you to stay well away from me... I have friends in very high places. Many people have tried to get in our way before and they all end up the same. Don't try and be a hero you stupid little Vulcan".

With that he smiled and extended his arms. "See you soon, Colonel" He said, tapping him on his arm and grinning inanely. Giving anyone who was watching, quite a show of innocence. Presently he walked directly out of large room, leaving the Marine behind.

"Indeed you will Captain. Indeed you will." Tallus said to himself.


Lieutenant Colonel Tallus Karikkar
Marine Commanding Officer
SB Protector
Colonel Ashton Drake
Commanding Officer
SB Protector


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