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Lussekatter and Wassail

Posted on Sat 14th Dec, 2019 @ 1:30am by Purulence Addams & Ignatius Collins
Edited on on Sat 11th Jul, 2020 @ 5:19pm

842 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: The Hangman's Noose Tavern, Deck 650
Timeline: MD-04, 1800 hours

Resplendent in jeans and a black t-shirt that read, 'I'm dreaming of a WINE Christmas' in white lettering, Purulence Addams entered The Hangman's Noose and blinked. The entire place was lit with candles--not usual for it, despite its antiquated decor. Menali, the usual hostess, wasn't at the greeter's stand, so Purulence simply asked the woman who was there if she could be directed to Ignatius' Collins' table.

"Certainly, Ma'am; follow me," the hostess said and indicated for Purulence to follow her deeper into the taproom. She brought Purulence right to a booth almost in the corner, from which Ignatius stood as they approached. "Hey, I'm glad you could come," Ignatius said and gestured for Purulence to sit.

She slid into the booth, and Ignatius retook his own seat. They both took menus that stood between the condiment rack and the wall and looked them over.

"So what's with all the candles tonight?" Purulence asked. "Some kind of special gamer event going on?" The restaurant was home to a regular clientele of roleplay gamers who frequently took up booths in the left-hand part of the taproom.

"Nope. You'll find out in just a minute. Menali's coming our way."

"I didn't think Menali was here," Purulence said. She glanced about the taproom and spotted the tall girl, clad in a long, white dress cinched at the waist with a red ribbon. Around her head she wore what looked like a wreath of greenery with seven candles set into it. "Is that her?!" Purulence blinked. "Ignatius, why is she all dolled up in that dress and wearing a headdress of lit candles? That could set half the base on fire."

"Old Earth tradition," Ignatius told her. "You notice how awesome her posture is tonight? She told me it's all ballet and a lot of prayer."

"I'll bet. I've never seen anything like this before. I need to draw this."

"Have a paper napkin," Ignatius said, offering her one.

Purulence batted it away. "Bite your tongue. I have my SketchPADD. Never leave home without it." She pulled it from her purse, unclipped the stylus from it, and began hastily sketching.

A waitress came by their table. "May I take your orders?"

"Bangers and mash and a bottomless pot of Earl Grey," Ignatius said. "Purulence?"

"I want a bottomless pot of Twining's Christmas Tea--and Toad in the Hole with a green salad, please."

"Coming right up," the waitress said. "And our St. Lucia will be around with lussekatter for you in just a few moments. Happy St. Lucia's Day!"

"Lusa-what?" Purulence asked amid her sketching, but the waitress had already left and was headed to the next table.

"Lussekatter. You'll like them," Ignatius said. "If we're lucky, they'll be fresh baked."

"If I'm lucky, Cousin Cookie will be willing to bake them," Purulence said. "Or unlucky. Her baking and my utter lack of willpower are playing havoc with my diet, lately."

"Says the girl who's eating salad, of all things, at the Noose," Ignatius retorted.

"And Toad in the Hole. Not exactly diet food, that."

"The sausages count as keto. And it has eggs," Ignatius said helpfully.

Purulence made a face at him. "Very funny."

Before she could say anything more, Menali approached their table carrying a tray laden with golden pastries shaped like backward Ss, the candles in her greenery crown making her white dress seem almost to glow. She curtsied at their table, her back perfectly straight, and smiled at them. "Good evening, my lord and lady, and a blessed St. Lucia's Day to you. May I offer you some lussekatter? We also have wassail if you would like some brought to your table."

"Wassail? Oh, yes!" Purulence said. "Please do. So what is all this St. Lucia stuff? I've never heard of it before."

"St. Lucia was a follower of the Christian religion of Earth, long, long ago," Menali said. "She lived during a time when known Christians were persecuted and forced to live in hiding in underground places called catacombs. She would sneak into these catacombs to bring them food at night. Since there was no lighting inside the places where they hid, and to have her hands free to distribute the food, she put candles on her head and walked into the catacombs in a white dress, so the people could see her."

"That's a neat story," Purulence said.

"I liked it, too," Menali told her. "Would you like a lussekatter? They are rolls made with saffron, decorated with raisins." She glanced at Ignatius. "You shouldn't have anymore; you already had one with breakfast and another at lunch."

"Can I help it if they're that delicious?" Ignatius asked with a wounded look.

"Yes, I would like one," Purulence said before Ignatius could continue. "They smell wonderful."

"Enjoy!" Menali said as she extended the tray for them each to take a roll from it. "May the Light guide you." Then she curtsied again and moved on to the next table.


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