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Circling the Big Blue Ball

Posted on Sat 14th Dec, 2019 @ 10:12am by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller

1,609 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Resolution
Location: Nāmaka
Timeline: MD 1, 1230

"All right gang. We are now in orbit above Nāmaka. Did everyone enjoy the trip?" Henry asked as he finished placing the Bushido into orbit around the planet.

Jasmine was up on her feet and staring at the beautiful swirling hues in front of them. It was amazing to be so close. She found that she was oblivious to the others standing next to her as she became mesmerized by the planet for just a moment.

"Smooth as glass," Seldon replied, gazing out at the view. "It's a sight to see. If you're all okay with this, I'll round up some lunch before everyone gets too involved in setting sensors and examining data. Then I'll be interested in seeing your plans, Commander Perry."

"My stomach agrees with that ordering of events," Riko grinned. "Food before work, that's a bright idea! Food I don't have to dream up makes it even better. My great-grandmother could spend hours in a real kitchen, but I'm not like that. I prefer to eat whatever is handed to me, and delicious is a bonus."

Henry laughed at Riko's statement. "Now wait a minute, Riko. What about all those dishes you have prepared for our dinners aboard the Starbase. I know some of those dishes took hours to prepare."

"Sure, but there wasn't anyone else to do it there. If Hari is volunteering, I'm happy to sit back and enjoy whatever he prepares!" she smiled.

Seldon laughed, too. "Alrighty then, I guess that means I'm elected cook until you decide you don't like what I fix. Give me about 15 minutes and I'll have a healthy lunch ready for you."

"Uh-oh. Sounds like a salad to me," Riko teased. She realized how good it was to get away, to be out on a ship again, even if it was a very small one, and didn't go far. It wasn't until this very moment she realized how much she'd missed moving through space.

"What about you, Jasmine?" she asked, as though everyone had been on the same thought track she was.

"Huh? Oh yes, anything is fine. I'm not really that hungry." She finally joined the group. "Just something light for me."

Henry made his way back over to Bushido's helm control and brought up the new AI protocol selection screen. He flipped between the various folders trying to decide which system he would test first. Sensors, weapons or life support? he thought to himself.

As he thought over which one to test first, he felt nervous. Although starships have been monitoring ship's functions for hundreds of years, they have always waited for the input of those who were in control of them. He wasn't sure he was ready for them to do the thinking for him.

McCord noticed that Henry had become silent and when she looked for him, he was at the helm. She frowned slightly, wondering why, when they weren't going anywhere for a while. He didn't need helm control while they were in orbit. Then she realized he was going through some files and it hit her that he was choosing a system to test. She got up and walked into the front of the yacht.

"Henry, it can wait until we eat. When the others are busy with science, you and Hari can figure out the testing. At least, I presume you're going to consult him?"

"I don't know, Riko." Henry stated sheepishly. "I honestly feel very uncomfortable about this whole thing." Henry sat back in the chair and rubbed his hands over his face, as if he had cold water in his hands to splash his face with.

"Also, how do we even explain Hari being here aboard Bushido?" he asked his friend.

"Never explain anything," Riko said, seriously, "even if you're asked. Just shrug and say he's good company, if it's a higher ranking officer. But who's going to ask? You're carrying out orders from Starfleet admirals. Everyone will think it's normal, Henry, and they aren't going to look too closely at you, at any of us."

Henry sat there in his chair for a second and reflected about what Riko had said. It made sense of what she said, but for some reason, he could not alleviate his fears.

"OK, OK, you're right. And since you are always right Riko, I'll let you pick the system we try first."

McCord laughed, "I'm NOT always right, and you know it, but I think I am this time. Way to pass off the decision, Commander!" She quickly flipped his PADD around to her, and stabbed a finger on a file name. "It looks like you are testing ... AI gel packs associated with navigation today." Flipping it back to face him, she added, "Now, let's get something to eat before we create another problem to solve."

McCabe moved toward his boss, stopping next to her and starring at the same object. "What are you wondering?" he asked, truly curious what was going through her mind as she saw the planet.

"All my life, I wanted to travel," she smiled. "My parents were so overprotective after the kidnapping that I just wanted to escape." She looked at Anthony. "Then I was afraid to leave, but I longed for travel in space, the void, the darkness, the beauty of the stars. The flight out here to the base was amazing, but," she smiled, "I don't think I ever imagined a single planet could be so beautiful." She continued to watch. "It's almost as if there are tiny sparkles in the purple clouds. I keep seeing something glittering, just glimpses, though." She pointed on the screen.

Anthony rubbed his hands together in a very human gesture for "oh boy, now we're getting to it". "Oh, there it went!" he exclaimed as he saw what she meant. "It's probably a chemical reaction, but for right this minute, I'm going to postulate that it's a sign of life in some way!" He laughed. "Call me a dreamer. You wouldn't be the first. What do you think it is?"

"Hmm," Jasmine almost sighed. "I wish I could just make a guess. But, the scientist in me won't let me." She looked at Anthony and smiled. "It could be some sort of communication web. I mean, if you look at it, it almost looks like the sparks of communication between the neurons in a human brain, little electric pulses."

"Ooooh, I like that! And the other scientists say you have no imagination," he winked to let her know he was teasing. She was well-liked by those in her department. "I was lost in fantasy, yet your answer could prove both correct, and a fulfillment of my dream. Communication is a sign of life! Let's set up some protocols to monitor the planet for any kind of known communication patterns, too."

Hari Seldon came up behind them and said, "But first, let's eat! All science can wait on food." He ushered them to the table, waving the others that direction, as well. "It isn't haute cuisine, but you won't starve on my watch."

Riko saw that Seldon had actually prepared some attractive plates with sandwich makings, and bowls of salad ingredients, as well. "Oh, family dining at it's best, Hari," she laughed. "At least in my family!"

Everyone found a seat and began to take what they wanted from a dish near them and then pass the platters on. Once they were all ready to eat, Riko asked, "Is everyone set with something to investigate, and a way to do it after lunch?"

Henry made his way over to the table and looked over the food selection. He picked an apple up and took a bite out of it as he sat in one of the free chairs. "I got my stuff ready to rock and roll. What about the rest of you?"

"I'm just about set up on the scans I want to run, and the drone is ready to launch when you give the okay," Anthony said, slapping together the ingredients for a sandwich. "Pass the mayo, if you would, Riko."

"Sure thing," she responded and slid it down the table. "Lucky for you I didn't actually pass it. I have a terrible throwing arm." She scooped some small tomatoes out of a bowl to add to her salad. "And Henry, I am set with an analysis package on that drone. As soon as it reaches the atmosphere, it will launch from the drone and send back readings all the way down until it smashes into the planet ... or melts."

"What are you looking for, specifically, Commander?" Hari asked McCord.

"Better call us by our first names. Say commander around here, and anyone might answer!" Riko laughed.

"McCabe and I worked together on this one. We have light-wave measurements which tell us a lot, and we have early exploration data, but I want to see what's actually in the cloud on any given day and whether there are layers or pockets of different composition," Riko answered. "Of course, I can't get every pocket, because it's one small computer," she shrugged, "but it will give me a fair idea of temperature, solar radiation beneath the cover, composition, elements, etc. I think you're digging into the surface composition, aren't you, Jasmine?"

"Yes, we're all set to do an analysis of the surface, but we've also discovered a glittering phenomenon. I'm not sure if it's atmospheric or something more interesting, but we definitely will be taking a closer look." She smiled at Anthony knowing how excited he was about the prospect of what they might find.


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Comments (1)

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Fri 3rd Jan, 2020 @ 10:28am

I'm looking forward to seeing what the characters discover on Namaka. It's good to see action happening here, action that will have far-reaching consequences for SB-109's plot.
