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Easy on the Palate

Posted on Fri 21st Sep, 2018 @ 3:58pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

823 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Somewhere in Tivoli Gardens
Timeline: MD2, 1845

"I've no idea what sealing wax is," Damion said with a laugh. "Why would you put wax on a ceiling? And what does it have to do with kings?"

He was glad that Elizabeth kept hold of his hand because he didn't want to let her hand go, either. "I like discussing serious things with you," he said as they walked. "You like to understand the why of things, and so do I. Even though I've lived in it for over twelve years, there's still much about the Federation that I don't always understand, and I think the same might be true of you. There's a difference between being able to look up information in memory banks and actually having a bone-deep understanding of an issue. You and I want the bone-deep understanding."

Elizabeth looked sideways at Damion. "That's quite a good analysis for a biological life form," she said with a grin. "And it's absolutely true. Do you think that's what drew us together initially? That we are, in some fundamental way, similar thinkers?" It was an idea she would peruse later, so she saved it in a small file she kept for private thoughts. She supposed, if she'd been human, she would have called it a mental note. The thought made her smile again.

"Could be. Or maybe just that we're curious about similar things," Damion said. A smile flitted about his lips. "Which I suppose would logically follow from thinking similarly. All I know is that I enjoy the way you think. It causes me to think about things I might never have considered before, or to think more deeply about them, and I like that."

Some wonderful fragrance wafted past his nose, and Damion turned to Elizabeth. "Is there anyplace where you're interested in eating? I'm beginning to feel hungry."

"I haven't explored too many places, even on this level. However, I've heard the Rock Falls Inn has a decent restaurant. Or we could walk along the River Walk and sample things from the vendors, if you don't have your heart set on sitting in one place. If you want to leave Tivoli Gardens, the base is wide open. One place I'm not going is the Slug and Grub Diner!" Elizabeth laughed.

Damion laughed along with her. "The rice porridge with yamok sauce is pretty good," he protested, "but yes, let's stay clear of there. Morva would probably recognize me. She doesn't miss much. How late will the Riverwalk vendors stay open? I'm torn. Part of me wants to see the Rock Falls Inn, and the other part wants to try out the food vendors."

"I don't know for sure, hang on a second, and I'll inquire." Instead of walking over to a vendor, Anderson accessed the ship's database and found the hours for Riverwalk vendors. "It looks like they are open until eight, and the Inn is open for dinner until ten. I think Tivoli Gardens mostly keeps Alpha Shift Hours ... or at least this deck does. We have some time either way, so ... what if we have an appetizer as we walk along, and then have dinner at the Inn?"

"That sounds like a fine idea to me," Damion said. He shot Elizabeth a wicked look. "Perhaps the Rock Falls Inn offers dancing."

She laughed, "I can only hope!"

They continued in companionable silence toward a series of food carts sprinkled along the left side of the river bank, next to the Riverwalk. They passed by the Aussie Battered Potatoes, though they smelled delicious, and then the Lobster Pound. At the third cart, Elizabeth stopped. "What about this?" she asked.

Damion read the cart's sign aloud. "Fire and Ice. Vulcan-Andorian fusion cuisine. Home of the Famous Andorian Fried Tuber-Plomeek Pancake." The side of the cart was illustrated with a cartoon drawing of a scantily-clad, smiling Vulcan woman lounging sideways in a throne-like chair made of--icicles?--as she munched on some kind of handheld green disk--presumably one of the Famous Pancakes--that steamed in her fingers. She seemed oblivious to both the heat of her food and the cold of the icicle chair she sat in.

"Can't be all that famous," Damion opined in an amused undertone. "I've never heard of them!"

"Good point," Anderson laughed. "Keep walking, then." They did just that, coming across another cart several meters down. "Cheese and spinach Boureka," she read from the sign. "It looks like dough stuffed with healthy food. A good appetizer?"

"Not only does it sound good, it smells good," Damion said. "One for each of us?" he asked as they got into line.

The fact that there was a line, even as short as it was, indicated that wherever Boureka originated, it must be delicious. Damion was right, it smelled wonderful, and the counselor was ready for a new experience, a new taste treat.

"Definitely, unless you aren't hungry. I'm definitely not sharing," Elizabeth quipped.


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