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Creating paradise

Posted on Thu 20th Sep, 2018 @ 11:17am by Lieutenant Alexia Redding & Jaryl Phoebus
Edited on on Fri 21st Sep, 2018 @ 10:17pm

587 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Spa

What had once been a disaster was now an oasis of calm.

The gentle trickling of water filled the room with its delicate babble. Paths of smooth river rocks meandered through a large room offering a natural division between pools of water. Tiny ornamental bridges arched over the water as it laughed in its channels. The ornaments on the paths, had different colors, indicating where the path led. A huge raw amethyst geode marked the purple path, while the blue was marked by large cerulean pots with bright blue flowering plants. The whole place was lit by the glow of a holographic sky, and during 'night' hours the clear orbs that were inter-spaced neatly along the paths and in the pools themselves would glow gently. Some were even mobile, so guests could light their paths. Of course during 'night' hours the sky showed stars, the planets they were from changed weekly so that guests might feel more at home.

White with tiny bubbles, the uppermost pool was a simulated hot spring. Tiny rivulets of steam rose from its surface and scented the air with minerals. The pool which sat just above human body temperature was the largest, and sat in the middle of the chamber fed by multiple tiny waterfalls. In turn, it fed an entirely different series of pools which were cooled. The bottom most of these actually had a skin of ice on it. Hidden in the vegetation were thermal regulators which kept both the pools and the air temperature stable.

Alexia shuddered at the cool vapors coming off the ice skinned pool. The plant-life next to those were short and icy blue nearly matching the water. That was specific for Andorians, who never went to spas because their systems were relegated for cold weather. This area could and would happily accommodate anyone. The science department had managed to get a couple of towering trees beside the center pool to grow and add to the landscape.

The smooth stone walkways morphed into the tiny bridges and further to the side of the room merged seamlessly with the tiles that covered the floor everywhere else. There was a heating element under the floors that kept them at a stable temperature. Walls of water cascading between glass panels separated various activities from others, forming a privacy screen and dividing the room into sections. Alexia speculated that there were LEDs in the wall that would allow for the colors to be changed, depending on the species and desires of the guest. The faint scent of Cedar hung in the air here and further up, on the second level there was both a wet and a dry sauna from which the scent originated.

It was a huge amount of work for such a small amount of time, and Alexia could only pat the shoulder of Jaryl, who stood beside her. The expression he wore could only be described as smug. She had no words, only that simple action of squeezing his shoulder as she was utterly blown away.

"So, you like it boss?"

"Like it? It....defies imagination Jaryl. It's exquisite and I can't wait to see how you finish the rest." Alexia spun around again, and laughed in delight.

Jaryl grinned at her, and glanced to the Velvet ropes that halted passage past a certain point.

"You'll see soon enough. You're all set to open the soaking pools, the saunas and the massage areas. Start getting interest up."

"I have a plan my friend. I have a plan."


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Comments (1)

By on Fri 21st Sep, 2018 @ 10:19pm

I'm definitely coming for a visit, just as soon as you open! That sounds like a place I could love to come. If only you were around the corner! Nice imagination!