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Coming to Terms

Posted on Sat 16th Mar, 2019 @ 6:54pm by

358 words; about a 2 minute read


"Personal Log, Jason Fisher - stardate seven-oh-two-oh-five point two.

Following our encounter with the pirates, the Falcon has docked at Starbase One-Oh-Nine. We took signifiant damage and it's unclear whether the ship can be salvaged or whether it'll be scrapped. From the initial reports that I've seen, I'm guessing the latter.

At this point, it's pretty useless to speculate on what the captain is going to do. I assume he'll be reassigned, but I don't know whether he's going to want me to go with him - or, even if he does, whether Command will have other plans for me.

At the moment, it's just a case of sitting, waiting and, since I'm here, trying to make myself useful. I'm guessing I'll meet the commodore at some point in the not-too-distant future and see what that might look like.

To be honest, I'm not that keen on staying any longer than absolutely necessary, since, on a personal note, our arrival here had an unexpected consequence...

I have been 'reunited' with Mikaela.

At this point, I have no idea how I feel about that.

I thought, that when she left Deep Space Five a couple of years ago that that would finally be the end of 'us'. That I would never see her again. And I thought I had made my peace with that, but apparently it's not to be. Two hundred billion stars in the galaxy and I end up on the the same damn station as her. If I believed in a deity or in fate, I'd say that it was meant to be. Unfortunately, at this point, it's going to take a hell of a lot to undo the damage that we have both done to each other over the years.

With any luck, I'll be out of here before I have to see her. One-Oh-Nine's a big place - perhaps I convince the commodore to assign me to... I don't know... somewhere the opposite end of the station to her, for time being.

At least...

At least until I figure out how the hell I feel.

Computer, end log."



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