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Personal Log: Dead Men Walking

Posted on Wed 3rd Oct, 2012 @ 3:06pm by Commander Paul Graves PsyD
Edited on Sat 6th Oct, 2012 @ 4:33am

370 words; about a 2 minute read

I cannot remember what the stardate is, nor do I particularly care.

I am looking for survival supplies in the Sickbay of the USS Bretagne. On one hand, I wonder why I bother, as our breathable air will run out long before we starve. But, on the other hand, it distracts me from an almost overwhelming terror that the ship is coming apart all around me. Meadows died hours ago, yet I cannot get that thought out of my head.

I've found water, saline solution, and glucose solution. Boil that up with the 200 year-old pasta and peas, throw in some lemon pepper, a dash of garlic, and it might be something we can choke down for supper.

Yes, I hated survival training; can you tell? Grasshoppers...Yech!

Drake has gone up to the bridge to finish reading the Captain's log. There are...moments when I can understand why he should read it, and then I forget what epiphany I came up with to explain it. For now, it's enough to know that there is a good reason, even if I can't describe the reason.

I wish he would return or request my presence up there, though. Being alone here in Sickbay is nerve-wracking. I jump at every tiny noise, convinced that the hull is about to crumble to dust, and the corpses don't help. What is he doing up there?

I hate being alone; never realized how much, before, how accustomed I am to the touch of other minds around me, even if it's only ambient contact. If I concentrate, I can sense Drake up on the bridge, but it's very tenuous--which is odd. His thoughts feel...he is commiserating. I've not been able to detect anyone on the station since we entered the Expanse. The sense of isolation paralyzes me if I think about it too much, so I avoid the subject.

All right, drinking water is secured, but where the hell should I take it? We are not holing up in this Sickbay, even if Drake orders it. At least, I'm not. I think somewhere between here and the bridge is best.

"Graves to Drake, checking in. Do you copy?"



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