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Dear Mum

Posted on Tue 17th Nov, 2020 @ 8:22am by Mary Elizabeth Gregory

485 words; about a 2 minute read

Text of a letter from Mary Elizabeth Gregory to Mildred Townsend Gregory

Dear Mum,

I'm writing to just you because I really don't want the entire family discussing this just yet. Yes, I know you are usually the gossip of the family, but I also know you can keep a secret if you're asked to. You may tell Dad, of course, but please, no one else for a bit, all right? Pinkie swear.

What's going on in my head is--I'm feeling extremely serious about Maiek. I mean--'not in the least interested in any other man' serious. Most of the time, I am all 'full speed ahead' on this, but every once in a while, I ask myself, What the bloody hell am I doing?!

Tonight is one of those times. Maiek had to be at a diplomatic reception and I had to work, so we're not together tonight--which is good, because it gives me the chance to write home to you.

Yes, we've been spending that much time together. We've been spending that many nights together, too. I don't regret a moment of it. Being with Maiek is one of the most wondrous things that's ever happened to me. I don't ever want him out of my life.

Tonight, for some reason, I'm thinking of the enormity of his and my relationship. It's evenings like this that I remember he's a Romulan, and I suddenly realise that I never imagined myself doing anything beyond working at the old family pub for the rest of my life, settling down in Kent, and having a mob of children, like you and Dad.

Then I look at my life. Here I am, living on a starbase that's rather distant from Earth, running a pub, an inn, and a restaurant that caters to all sorts of people--you wouldn't believe the people, Mum! We had a Gogleskan in here the other day. And I realise that my life is already far different from what I always imagined it would be. It's likely to continue on that path.

I wish there were some way you could come and advise me. Am I doing the right thing? It feels right. But is that just me and how much I want it? What will the family think?

If I paid for your travel out here, would you or Dad come? Please? I need for someone from my family to meet him, to reassure me I'm doing the right thing in the moments when I suddenly feel anxious. I would like to have an objective set of eyes looking at the situation. I hate to ask, because it's such a long way out from Earth. But I really want your advice. I love him so much, I don't want to be doing something stupid.

Please let me know as soon as you can, Mum!

Much love,

Mary Elizabeth


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Comments (1)

By Khellian s'Siedhri MD on Tue 17th Nov, 2020 @ 9:58am

Awww! <3