Command History

Created by Colonel Horatio Drake on Mon 4th Jun, 2012 @ 6:48pm

Starbase Vanguard began its life as a concept for a base near the Romulan Neutral Zone in close proximity to Klingon Space and, with the success of Deep Space 5, the Stardock Class design was the final choice for Starbase 109. The name Vanguard wasn’t given to the base until its completion in late 2364 when Captain Paige Lockhart was chosen as its first Commanding Officer; a transitional period for Captain Lockhart who was in the final stages of waiting for the refit to her previous command, USS Colorado. Captain Lockhart felt, with its closeness to the Romulan Neutral Zone and the Klingon border, commonly known as the triangle, that the region needed a Vanguard of Federation strength. Following Starbase 109’s reassignment to Theta Fleet Command it became known affectionately as Starbase Vanguard.

The assignment for Captain Lockhart was short-lived as in March 2365, he handed command to Captain Kesral Tal, who was appointed by the Ninth Fleet Command to oversee the progress of the region. Captain Tal stayed in command of Vanguard for five years before taking a new post with USS Santa Maria in 2370 and handing the base over to a succession of commanders, each of whom lasted only a year or less.

First, Lieutenant-Commander Jessica Benitez, who resigned when the work became too much. Next, Lieutenant-Commander Edward Teach, who lasted less than 11 months before resigning his commission after a lucrative cargo-hauling offer. Last was Captain Nathan Hawke. Hawke was a young officer and had quickly risen through the ranks before taking command of Vanguard. Unfortunately, just over a year into his command, the Dominion War started. He was given command of a Nebula Class, USS Liberty, which was destroyed three months later on a medical aid escort mission. With Starfleet resources stretched thinner than ever, they handed the base over to The Federation Civilian Defense Authority who took over as a Safe Hands measure, while Starfleet was fighting the Dominion War. Supposedly only for the duration of the war, the FCDA remained for nearly two decades. It wasn't until 2392 that Marine Colonel Horatio Drake took Vanguard back from the FCDA. Drake had recently been appointed to the role by Rear-Admiral Dean Jacobs, who left Starfleet shortly after. Drake oversaw a major refit of the base. Upon his death, command passed to Starfleet Captain Suzuki Hikari. Suzuki was a well-seasoned starship captain with the experience to pull the sprawling city that was Starbase 109 together.

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