Created by on Tue 1st May, 2018 @ 1:32am

The Arrow-class runabout is the successor to the Danube-class, as it was rapidly aging in its role as Starfleet's leading runabout. The design teams of Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards set out to design a successor that would be just as efficient, flexible and dependable, while still incorporating the newest technologies, a much more efficient power supply, proper landing gear, and more modern warp designs. Incorporating many of the lessons learned from the Dominion War and insights from the successes of the Delta, Arrow-class runabouts have already proven an extremely popular piece of equipment with starships and starbases fortunate enough to acquire them.
Arrows were built with modification and modular upgrades, so that any two Arrows on a given ship may be remarkably different in performance. Popular configurations include: a survey package, which replaces the torpedo launchers with a probe deployment system and upgrades the onboard science equipment to allow a full science team aboard; a Marine deployment configuration which strips down the runabout and augments its life support so that it can carry as many as fifty combat loaded Marines over short distances. With the time required for altering the configuration of an Arrow measured in hours rather than days, a larger starship with sufficient notice can tailor the capabilities of the runabouts to the needs of the mission.
The compartment modules fit neatly inside and lock into place for optimum refit capability. The Arrow class is slightly longer than the standard Danube. This affords a somewhat roomier cockpit area, more work stations, and a larger crew complement. The cockpit and each module may be used as Emergency Escape Pods, complete with independent Life Support systems, RCS Thrusters and Combat Rations.
Arrow Class Runabouts were designed to complete four general mission types.
- Short Notice and/or Emergency Response Transportation for Scientific Expeditions or Medical Personnel.
- Act as a Base of Operations (orbital or landed) for Scientific Expeditions or Medical Response.
- Transport of: personnel, intact experiment and/or cargo modules.
- Perform tactical missions such as: intelligence gathering (scouting), covert insertion/extraction of personnel, act as a deterrent of threatening situations, etc.
Categories: SB 109 Flight Decks and Marines