MF-100 "Black Knights" Squadron
Created by on Tue 24th Apr, 2018 @ 2:34pm
The Squadron was divided into six flights of four craft each. Each Flight was called by one of King Arthur's Knights of the round table.
Flight 10 were Lancelot.
Flight 20 were Aban.
Flight 30 were Hind.
Flight 40 were Ector.
Flight 50 were Galahad.
Flight 60 were Tor.

Crew: 1
Cruising Velocity: Warp 4.3
Maximum Velocity: Warp 5.9
Emergency Velocity: Warp 6.6 (for 9 hours)
Length: 12.5 metres
Width: 9.5 metres
Height: 6.6 metres
Phasers: 5 x Type U+ Micro-Pulse
2x Micro-Torpedoes Launchers: Micro-Quantum Torpedoes: 20
2 x Full-sized Quantum torpedoes
Defensive Systems. Ablative Armour.
Shielding Systems: Fighter Shielding System
The next generation of fighters was another joint Fleet/Marine endeavor. A group of Pilots got together and began the project in 2383. What they came up with intrigued the ship designers to take a serious look. Advances in electronics and miniaturization made the Raptor design a timely project.
In 2384, test fighters were being flown with relish. With veteran combat pilots designing the cockpit, everything was placed within easy reach and controls were intelligently grouped by use. No outside access was possible to hack the fighter's systems. The flight, astrogation, and all combat systems were sealed and isolated. Only direct input from the control surfaces was allowed. The communication was on an entirely isolated system.
Not only did the Raptor fly like a dream, it had teeth, with five micro-pulse phaser cannons and a pair of micro torpedo launchers. It also had a pair of hardpoints where full-sized torpedoes could be carried. It entered service in 2385 and, by 2387, was the fighter of choice by many pilots.
The new Raptor was proven effective, not only in its superb handling, but also its excellent nimbleness in combat. Even though the Raptor was the first fighter designed to truly out perform the fighters of the other 'Threat' nations, it still had legs. Its warp speed and ability to escort shuttles on long runs made it the first fighter since the Peregrine with enough legs for mid-range flights.
In places where scanners are limited by celestial bodies, electronic interference or any other obstacles, a Raptor can be sent out to perform a sweep and still be back at its carrier in time to fight. The Raptor has many excellent marks and should be around for many years to come.
Categories: SB 109 Flight Decks and Marines