Created by Renato Solis on Fri 6th Dec, 2024 @ 4:17pm

The IBEX is a cell within a larger program, they do no interact, and with their proclivity for silent running would never try to meet either. Captains with a high enough ranking are given the clues to identify an agent of this program. "Four letters, all caps, an animal of Earth"... is an indicator. They get the best toys, and answer to nobody but one another. Recruiting and rotation of crew is common, once loyalty is assured, they can operate out of a public base.
"Compassion, Principles, Restraint." The basis of the decision model trained to new captains for this program. New captains have to pass muster in a test performed by an AI with deep programming for this sort of thing. New Crew must pass tests to prove they fulfill the ethical mandates of the program. They must dedicate themselves to utter secrecy, as they have managed to maintain the illusion to date. Section 31 made too much noise, Starfleet Intelligence is a community of smaller networks, with the IBEX as a largely independent organ.
As they are not focused on missions outside of the Federation, they don't cross over with the enemies of Starfleet often. That isn't to say they never meet them, but not in ship to ship combat. Ever wondered why there arent labs all over the place producing world killing devices and going mad? Either SI, S31, or a ship much like the IBEX has taken action.
It's origins stem from the Terra Prime incident in ENT, when a madman seized control of Mars and shot at their flagship. A private group of well funded individuals dedicated themselves to preserving Humanity as well as reigning them in. They are compartmentalized, but tracked from a Starfleet sanctioned operation on Pluto. They do not operate on direct orders, but each President of the Federation, or Senior Starfleet Officer of Earth is able to send messages.

Categories: Starbase 109 | Starbase 109