
Created by Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller on Sun 17th Jun, 2012 @ 4:07pm


are a species of shape shifters from the planet Arc IV. Mercenaries and smugglers by trade, they use their ability to shift into different forms as camouflage against patrols and interstellar security. They are a peaceable people and unlike the Ferengi believe in making fair trade which has given them a much better reputation.

Height: Chameloids height varies among their species however females are naturally shorter than males and average between 5’-5’6” while males may be anywhere from 5’9” - 6’7”. Most fall somewhere in between. Nyx is considered very short even for a woman.

Weight: Varies

Lifespan: up to 250 yrs

Abilities: Most Chameloids are touch telepathic (they can read your thoughts if they are touching your skin. They are also empathic. The unique feature of the Chameloid is its ability to shapeshift. A Chameloid skeleton is made of a stretchable cartilage that acts much like elastic but there is no diminishing effect on its strength when stretched. They have more than twice the muscles a human has and are able to contort, stretch, or shrink those muscles into any shape they have come into contact with. Once trained properly a Chameloid can take the form of any creature it has contact with.

As a race Chameloids have two true forms one being humanoid and the other being much like a wild animal however as they grow they shift into any living creature they come into contact with. As children they are taught to control their shifting and to control the creatures they shift into. Training is done before the child reaches puberty under very controlled conditions. Those who cannot be trained often shift uncontrollably and can be a danger to themselves and others around them. It is very rare for a child not to be trained and most young adults learn from interaction with others. However for the rare few, a device has been created to prevent the untrained from shifting at all while it is activated. It’s implanted around the spinal cord at the base of the neck and wraps around to just below the ear. It’s a permanent device to help those that don't ever learn to transform and can be removed only surgically on Vulcan.

Nyx: In the case of Nyx, a remote control was designed for the appliance which was given to her Commanding officer. He then could force her to shift between her two forms as he desired. As far as anyone knows, Nyx is the only Chameloid in Star fleet that cannot control her shifting.

Nyx was orphaned when she was three and adopted by a Betazoid couple. They had no way of training her to control the beast inside her nor did they have any idea what she was until later in her life. At the age of thirteen, Nyx shifted and nearly killed them both. Her adopted father contacted the Vulcan Institute of Science and Nyx was brought to Vulcan to be studied. It was there that the appliance was engineered and fit to her.

Categories: Unusual Species