Research And Development on SB109

Created by Renato Solis on Tue 30th Aug, 2022 @ 7:57am

Starfleet Medical R&D -Advance Mobile Triage development- (Bikram) A Pike that can be deployed anywhere to holographically generate a small surgery center with an EMH, will be upgraded over time to become a protected dome under a force field with transporter capability.

-Baku Solar Wand- (Bikram) Baku technology centring on their planets healing energies is forbidden due to treaty and the protection of the small world. Bikram is a Baku and a loophole exists for him to work on this project. A beam that does it all, a healing light, a sonic screwdriver with bandaids.

Exo-Comps: (Bikram) A Community of artificial life forms called exo-comps live aboard the Station. It is trouble when all nine of them are in the same room. Ongoing research into Exo-comps and their capabilities.

Categories: Starbase 109 | Reference