Mission Timeline: A Good Day to Hunt

Created by on Fri 15th Jul, 2022 @ 4:40pm


MD: -180
???? hours - Time Enough for Sunsets - (Character introduction and backstory) Diplomat Pampo Gnu helps peace break out between two warring factions on a planet.

MD: -27

1932 hours - The Virus Hunters, Part 1 - Elliot and a young nurse named Mila Varga infiltrate a secret lab in Romulan space to find and destroy a deadly virus.
1945 hours - The Virus Hunters, Part II -

MD: -14

1300 hours - All's Well that Criswell - Poark (The Ferengi Voareth has been hunting) and a Romulan arrive at the abandoned Empok Tyr to make an exchange with Criswell. Things take an unexpected turn for Poark.

MD: 1

0900 hours - Resident Romulan - Makila i'Hartelhai requests to do her medical residency under Dr. Addams' supervision.
1000 hours - Back in the Saddle, Part 2 - Mikaela and Suzuki discuss the vagaries of bestowing promotions.
1745 hours - The Battle Continues - Captain Jason Harrington, Miarau Merel & Exo-Comp EXQT try to escape from and evade a Klingon bird of Prey in the Shadows Belt using the cargo ship, the Antero. They need all the help they can get to make it through this one.
1932 hours - Doing is the Other Half - Kiara Lena, Dallas Briggs, and Krell learn who is behind the attempt on Kiara's life.
2000 hours - Getting Back on Track - a Sickbay encounter with Ivy the EMH, for those injured in the recent fight on an unknown planet.
2000 hours - The Unlikely Savior, Part 1 - The attack on the Antero begins.
2210 hours - A Reception of Sorts, Part 2 - The reception continues for the diplomats on Helicon III as they meet the inhabitants before the peace talks.
2300 hours - The Unlikely Savior, Part 2 -

MD: 2

0035 hours - The Unlikely Savior, Part 3 -
0345 hours - The Unlikely Savior, Part 4 - Anslo Tol and Jason Harrington fight each other on the Antero's bridge.
0905 hours - Well, There WAS a Ferengi! - Security confrontation with Voareth Darqaron in the Promenade.
0930 hours - Well, There WAS a Ferengi!, Part 2 - There may once have been a Ferengi about to die ... but he's not there now, and neither is the murder weapon!
1830 hours - Date Night - Serena and Andrew.
2000 hours - Truth is Never Simple - Mozatholm hires Renato to figure out what he actually saw in that dark room up on the Promenade.

MD: 3

0800 hours - A New Place for Breakfast - Promenade Police Officers Reilly and Lincoln enjoy breakfast together.
0800 hours - Hunting Trouble - Our favorite Promenade Police Couple (Kendra Lincoln & Sergeant Paul Reilly) return to duty in search of Evildoers.
0810 hours - Doesn't Mean It Isn't Real - Damion Ildaran reports his observations of Experiment Number Six and Aradia on the tram to Dr. Addams.
0830 hours - Make It So, Part 1 - Isabella Perry and her new crew have a meeting before leaving SB109.
0913 hours - Concerning the...Whatever It Is - Commander Locke seeks Dr. Addams' help with her memory.
0932 hours - Make It So, Part 2 - Isabella and Riko continue working out the details of what service on the Nomad will entail with the Winter sisters and Podkayne.
1500 hours - Unwelcome Pests - The Chief Counselor, an intelligence officer, and several Brown Sector residents are pestered.
1515 hours - Unwelcome Pests, Part 2 - Renato shows Paul the device that Kya found.
2200 hours - Circular Thinking - Makila i'Hartelhai does some nighttime pondering of her choices.

MD: 4

0800 hours - Sorting Samples - Claire Minelan is going to figure out what happened in that aquaponics bay if it's the last thing she does...and she might die of boredom.
1345 hours - Nasty Orion Experiments - Criswell Sandbags tries talking Jade through the making of his favorite drink
1710 hours - Impromptu - Kellian Michaels receives a delightful musical gift in the mail from Makila. 1915 hours - The Milli-Cochrane Caper 3.2a -
1930 hours - The Milli-Cochrane Caper 3.3 - Reon and Kya search for Boule, and so does Renato, while Cmdr. Graves deals with disgruntled Brown Sector residents. Then there is an earth-shattering kaboom!

MD: 5

1200 hours - A Great, Secret Wisdom - Damion encounters Aradia during his lunch hour and asks her about magic.
1500 hours- Housewarming - Lieutenant Kidan Mallaya gets a housewarming gift.
1900 hours - Mazurka - One can never start planning a special event too early, especially in the Addams Family.

MD: 6

1000 hours - Having a Look-See - Renato shows Larry Kersenboom the repair job that needs to be done in Brown Sector.
1300 hours - Hoo-mon Therapy - Criswell Sandbags seeks counsel from a Counselor.
2320 hours - Words Can Wait - Maiek s'Ethien gets some much-needed medical treatment, and Mary Elizabeth makes a decision.

MD: 7

0030 hours - A Challenge - Maiek and Mary Elizabeth pay a visit to Ambassador t'Saeihr to discuss how to respond to the attack on Maiek.
0035 hours - What Choices We Make - Verelan, Maiek, and Mary Elizabeth discuss marriage plans.
0900 hours - Putting the Pieces Together - Commanders Graves and Eberstark meet to discuss Theophilus Boule and Renato Solis.
1330 hours - Selling the Job - Larry asks his friends for help with the repair/clean-up job in Brown Sector.
2200 hours - Spare Bunk? - A night's conversation and a bed.
2245 hours- Joke's on me. Jaryl and Alexia have a slight disagreement.

MD: 8

2100 hours - Requesting Favors - Paul goes to visit Renato and sits in on a conversation about education needs in Brown Sector.
2115 hours - Requesting Favors, Part 2 - Renato joins the conversation about schooling in Brown Sector. The children are well sugared!

MD: 9

1600 hours - Letters from Home - Experiment Number Six receives a letter from her grandfather with family news.
2130 hours - Olive Branch - Andrew Eberstark decides to reconnect with his family.

MD: 10

2200 hours - Better with Eggnog - Amid eggnog and a wandering conversation, Ignatius asks Purulence a question.

MD: 13

0800 hours - Who Ya Gonna Call? - The Retired--Not Dead Yet Sludgebusters team starts work clearing the blockage from an air shaft in the Zodiac.

MD 14:

2215 hours - Did I Hear You Correctly? A conversation between an Ambassador and an Assassin.

MD: 28

0200 hours - Away on Business - Sipov returns after being on the LAM to cover his tracks following a nefarious cargo run only to discover his ship has had some work done.
1300 hours - Away we go - In Progress - Sipov and Candice leave for their shakedown cruise.
1700 hours - Girls' Night Out, Part 1 - Several Lower Decks enlisted crew end their workdays and plan to meet for a fun evening together.

Categories: Mission Timelines