PLEASE READ - OOC for M-C 2.5a

Created by on Tue 4th May, 2021 @ 12:02am

(Susan) There was getting to be quite a lot of this OOC stuff in the JP, messing up my ability to keep the story line in mind, so I've put all the bottom stuff in here for us to continue discussing. Take out anything you think is settled. If you read nothing else, please read the last entry paragraphs and the three INSERT places. Thank you.

OOC: Could we jump forward a bit to the briefing with security before the search begins, then as we search Kya and Reon have their encounter?

(A)Sounds good, this scene can start with security's response to the whole affair and what they agree to do. Transition into grid search apparition etc...)

(C) A meeting with Security would be best held in the Security Department, unless Paul is calling the meeting, not Briggs.

;(S) INSERT new thought - but they might all be down in Brown Sector already, dealing with issues, and therefore a meeting down there - perhaps in Kainon's office or the center that Solis runs - would make more sense?


(C) We can do a scene with Paul and Renato sending a security report to look for hidey holes that Theo could be using for his hidden lab, to lead to Renato sensing Theo near where the flappy dudes marked on their map.

(A) Focus on the A-plot of the security teams moving through the station, finding the hidden corridor and then Theo. That will conclude this act, next one is just one long action sequence to resolve it all and we are done!

C:. If it's being sent from Paul's address, he will send it to Dallas Briggs. Station security would have jurisdiction over the lowermost 40 decks.

(S) INSERT - not lower most, as there are lots of decks lower - just the 40 below Brown Sector - see the bottom of these notes ****

(C) Susan, True. Also, Paul as Second Officer would know that Dallas Briggs is off the station and who is handling Security in Briggs' place.

(M) One idea I was thinking about was pairing a Security Officer with an Engineer for searching the lower 40 since there was already deficiencies with maps of those decks. Something interesting to add would be some type of aberration that would be down there like the Thing. Or one that escapes a crazy lab and begins attack the teams.

(A) I was hoping to turn Brown Sector into a land of mysteries lol. That would work, we can realize in the 15 years of no Starfleet on board, major changes occurred and trying to map them out is dangerous. We can find little nooks and crannies in our search to show we really have no idea who is down here and what is going on.

INSERT - But don't forget it IS now a Starfleet base, and there would have been cursory investigations, as time permitted. Undoubtedly, there are mysteries down there, and secrets and hidey holes, but it is not a place of darkness, dirt, flickering lights, shady people who live (think of it more as having offices down there, not permanent anything) etc. It's a starbase! We'll have to be more creative than we would on Oblivion. =)

(C) I like the idea of mysteries and hidey-holes developing in Brown Sector and the Zodiac during the 20 years that the FCDA had control of 109 and did nothing with Brown Sector. But yeah, I suspect Starfleet would have at least done basic scans and surveys to ensure that it was at least mostly still congruent with established architectural plans. And yes--it's Brown Sector, not Gray Sector. Poorer people ekeing out a living, not the far dark tunnels of Turkana IV. :P

(M) Did I misread, I thought someone said that the lower 20 decks were going to have all the non documented extra passages and stuff and in the Brown sector would be another sighting of the....whatever it is and others see it too. Anyway, its your show. I'm just here to help out where you want me.

(S) Brown Sector itself has only 2245-2249. 2247-2249 is the part that is only half decks - part of the Zodiac. 2245-2246 are entire decks. For reminders of what it's like, you can read the articles in the wiki Brown Sector category - here. Any other decks involved have to be limited to small spaces, as there is a lot of infrastructure down there, so check the deck listing. I'm going to put a complete deck listing in the Reference category shortly.

(M) I did misread, Chantal said the lowermost 40 decks. I'm pretty sure she wasn't talking about in the Brown Sector but of the station. Regardless of what was said this is your guy's show and I will help out wherever you need me.

(C) Yeah, I think I was quoting from what someone else said about 40 decks; can't remember where I got the reference from.

(A) We can amend anything as needed to fit the station plans. I'll admit to keeping it vague for not knowing. Station security can clarify in-post of the areas that can be skipped, scanned and confirmed without trouble, leaving the areas pretty specific where discrepancies occur and doors are knocked on. the more the better because it allows us to say a few hidden places survive, keep the mystery of Brown Sector alive.

(S) Some part of Brown Sector has to be involved, or Zodiac because that's where the appearances are, and where they'd be noticed. I estimate that this section is at the bottom of that little skirt-like bubble about halfway down the length of the space station. If you click on the SIM tab, you can see the station in full on the left of the top banner. It doesn't matter who makes the decision about which decks are the lair of this group, but remember that Brown Sector-Zodiac isn't 40 decks, so you have to take that into account. The group could be "haunting" 40 decks with Brown Sector-Zodiac at the top of the 40, and not as noticed below that, because the 250 decks below are more working decks. Does that help any?

Alora: Helps me, anything I can do to help out the jp, I'm in :).

*****(S) Mike and I were chatting about those decks. From looking at the deck listing (Okay, I admit I'm type A on this because *I* have to know where I am or I can't write there, and I have to know what it's like or I can't write) The next 40 decks below Brown Sector (and the reason it is where it is has to do with the fact that it's all support, storage, weaponry, etc. below those decks) I'm declaring to be the Engineering Support Labs and then maintenance decks. Beyond that, we get into shuttle bays, shuttle storage, shuttle this and that, and then into weaponry, torpedo storage, etc., and the array and other things.

Now we all know what's down there. I'm not sure what engineering support labs are, but I can't imagine they are all in use all the time. I can imagine that cleaning bots keep the areas dust free and tidy, but they can be only minimally occupied by lower-rank enlisted Starfleet engineering personnel with a few lower-ranked officers keeping an eye on things, too. Mike mentioned it might be noisy or there might be other machine interference down there that kept sensors from working, and I think that could be likely.

Now we can write with knowledge and assurance. LOL Let's go search it and find what we want to find. =)

(A) Thanks for hacking that out and figuring it out. I'll start the thread on 2.5 a, and once the action starts, we swap to Act 3 and resolve everything. Im best on weekends Friday to Monday for replies, sorry for the mid-week lulls.

(C) Aaron--not a problem; we all work on different schedules. I'm a lot more available on weekends, too.