Mission Timeline: Resolution

Created by on Fri 2nd Oct, 2020 @ 5:09am


MD minus (set in August 2019): "Sightseeing" - Maiek s'Ethien and Mary Elizabeth Gregory meet for the first time at the Varuna Spa. (Set in late August 2019): "Hliuh" - Maiek whisks Mary Elizabeth away from the Noose to show her a Romulan shrine.

MD minus 15:

"Poster Child for Poverty, Parts 1, 2, 3"

MD minus 6:

1700 - "All the Best Adventures..." - Ignatius and Purulence dine at The Hangman's Noose.

MD minus 5:

0500 - Ignatius and Purulence go for a morning run--er, run-walk.

MD minus 3:

"Gone Exploring"
"Venturing Through the Cracks"
"Window Shopping at Bargains"
"Bend Down Thy Gracious Ear"
"Recognizable Food"



0900 - Consul Iril visits Ambassador t'Saeihr.*
1000 - Commodore Suzuki leaves the station for Earth, leaving Commander Locke in charge. Locke discusses command duties with Graves and Grax.*
1015 - Daggerbeard, Gloriana, Eberstark and Grax post
Mid-Morning (after 1000) - Locke and Anderson - Therapy of one kind
1100 - "Diplomacy and Counseling" - Graves and Lena discuss how Counseling can assist the Diplomatic department.*
1145 - "Doctors Do Lunch" - Dr. Dhuro takes Dr. Kyra out for seafood.

1230 - "Circling the Big Blue Ball" - Scientists around Nāmaka
1250 - Torrog and Mikhailov
1428 - Caroline Post and the Besm
1445 - Lantz and Lena discussion*
1640 - Dr Addams promoted to commander
1650 - Serena and Andrew picnic in the woods of Deck 1552
1715 - "Making Time" parts 1-3 (Damion and Elizabeth make tomato preserves as their conversation goes a bit pear-shaped.)*
1745 - "Sneaky, Sneaky!" Langston shows Michaels an alarming killer she discovered on the station.

1800 - "Herro?" Michaels' and Langston's conversation takes an entirely different turn.
1800+ - Slave Trade - Krell, t'Vala, Regos on Klingon planet pirate-attack-rescue mission.
1810 - Slave Trade Part 2
1930 - Slave Trade Part 3
2200 - Taking a Breather - Lena and Briggs*

MD 01-02 - Kiara Lena does her ambassador duties.*

* Post appeared in "A Diplomatic Affair." Included in timeline for "Resolution" to be mindful of continuity.


0900 - Eberstark and Sinclair SB109 tactical upgrades
1130 - Outdoor Fun (Dallas and Kiara have some fun rock climbing)
1145 - Elizabeth Anderson and the Brown Sector

1200 - Sounding Board (Damion has lunch at O&J and talks to Jade.)*
1330 - General Sinclair brief Cassidy & Sawyer - both are also promoted.
1605 - "To Make a Special Evening" (Michaels and Jade discuss how to make a dinner comfortable and pleasant for Muffet.)

1800 - ('Bearing' posts) Damion and Elizabeth try for another evening together. Conversation gets really serious, really fast.)*
1830 - When Dobbs and Dessert Collide, Part 1 - Elizabeth and Damion have a little normalcy before diving into horror.


All day:

"The Return"
"Where in the World is Carmen San Diego"
"Now What?"
"Answers" - Scientists lost in space.

0830 - "The Zelda Alegari Chronicles" begin.
1125 - Water Works (Dallas and Kiara have some Kayaking fun.)

1200 - "Master of Disguise" - Brown Sector
1300 - Taco Tuesday (Dallas and Kiara have lunch at a taco stand after their Kayaking.)
1530 - The USS Destiny docks at 109, bringing with it a number of strange new arrivals.
1700 - In Section 49-Alpha:

"A Mind's a Mind for A' That,"
"Begin at the Beguine"

1730 - Lt. Kahgen reports for duty and receives an unusual assignment from Dr Addams


0545 - Slave Trade Part 4

1430 - "Advice to the Lovelorn" - Experiment Number Six and Their Corvid Majesties grill Ignatius about his intentions toward Purulence.
1500 - "Let's Try Friendship,"
1500 - "Tea and Romantic Tension" - Purulence, Ignatius, and Ischemia work out relationships.
1530 - "To Market, To Market to Buy a Fat Slave" The Klingon bird of prey, d'k tahg takes Krell, T'Vala and Regos to their second stop on their adventure.
1630 - The Trail Leads To ....
1700 - St. Lucia's Day celebration at The Hangman's Noose. Purulence meets Ignatius there for supper.


1830 - "Along Came a Spider Who Sat Down Beside Him" - Michaels and Langston go out for dinner and a forensics lecture.


???? - "Pandora's Box" - Alexia Redding locates where some of her biological family members live.


1400 - "Brunescent" - Kellian Michaels ventures into Brown Sector and meets Mozatholm Zaldekulmu and Makila i'Hartelhai.


1745 - "Fifteen--It Sneaks Up on You." - Carlos Vasquez has to find Quinceañera financing for three.
2100 - "We Found....Something." Krell, T'Vala and Lieutenant Regos end their little adventure to rescue Klingon slaves when they find a pirate base.

MD: 11

All Day- Yuliette Arrives and explores the Zodiac in Brown Sector (various posts)
1300 - "Torrog Meets a Woman" and "It's Hard to Find Good Help"


All Day- Yuliette cleans house and adjusts to her new situation. (various posts)
1130 - "Calling at the Zodiac" - Kainon and Radak check in on Yuliette

1900 - Christmas caroling takes place in Tivoli Gardens.

evening -

"Argyle and Grease"
"A Matress of Many Smells"
"The Walk Back"
"Looking Out" --Radak and Yuliette

Late evening- "Doin' a Flappie" -Yuliette meets some Winged friends in need of help


0800 - “Collateral Damage--Heading Out” - Diplomatic Mission with Kiara Lena and Elliot Jericho
0845 - "A Departmental Matter" - Operations problems arise

1400 - "Time to Say Goodbye" - Victoria and Dallas Briggs

2200 - "Just that Lucky" - Gambling in the Gemini Casino
2230 - "Snitches Get..." - Radak tells Bo to stay away from Yuliette, but Bo sees oportunity
2330 - "Medical Alternatives" - Yuliette patches Yari


0700 - "The Vision Quest" - Yari and Yuliette
0925 - "In the Country of the Brown" - Damion, Elizabeth, and others attend the Peldor Joi festival in Brown Sector.
1000 - "A Little Darkiness in Brown Sector" - Ignatius and Purulence encounter Yuliette during the Peldor Festival.
1030 - "Shoring up the Defense" - Eberstark, Baro, and Briggs discuss Starbase upgrades.

1600 - "Grilling at Renato's" - Peldor Joi Festival and cookout in Brown Sector.


0330 - "Dream a Little Dream of Me" - Victoria Briggs visits Purulence's dreams.
0700 - "Purulent Dreams 1 & 2 - At breakfast, Purulence relates to Chlamydia and Ischemia her dream of the night before.

1900 - "Christmas Caroling" - in the Promenade decks.
1900 - "Base Nine" - Lanis teaches Yuliette Cardasda and Cardassians 1930 - "But No Baseball" - A family moment featuring Experiment Number Six, Ischemia, and Purulence Addams.
2100 - "The Shape of Your Soul" - Masquerade party at The Hangman's Noose


1330 - "Concerning Brown Sector" - Drs. Anderson and Graves start hatching plans.
1520 - "The Return of the Knife" - The d'k tahg returns home with Krell, T'Vala and Regos


1500 - "The Only Riches That Last" - Corin Durant, aka Damion Ildaran, introduces himself to Renato Solis by way of vegetables.


1641 - "Until Death Do Us Part, Part 1" - Dallas faces off with 'The Assassin' in a fight to the death in order to obtain the whereabouts of Lieutenant Commander Kiara Lena. (He loves her, he just doesn't know it yet.)


1000 - "Where To?" - Ignatius shows Purulence his as-yet-unnamed new mining ship.
1030 - "The Heart of an Addams" - Ignatius names his ship, and Purulence learns to believe.

* Post appeared in "A Diplomatic Affair." Included in timeline for "Resolution" to be mindful of continuity.

Categories: Mission Timelines