Exo-Comp Personalities

Created by on Sat 22nd Aug, 2020 @ 7:49pm

In General:


Exo-Comps enjoy playing with children, but do not fully understand the difference between adult and child in terms of playing. They could also pick someone as a "Mother" regardless of their gender.

Each Exo would have to figure out how to play soccer for themselves, but they'd do it together. Peggy would apply force fields where Zombie would repulse it with anti-gravitons, Nessy would fly at speed and simply impact it, Banshee would likely get confused from all the commotion.

Exocomps can think too hard and overload, they can be upgraded I'm sure, like Peggy was on accident, but people haven't bothered.


Peggy -


Smooth features, almost polished. Peggy is the leader, and has the most emotional development. Peggy also has better reasoning and calms the other ones down when they are upset. Peggy can store Quantum data and transmit two ways at high volume. This Exo is also a primary administrator for other units.

Nessy -


Nessy was given a job involving sensors and observing fields at work. It has an upraised optical stalk, and it is very proud of it, since it makes it noticeably different from the others. Nessy will try to hide or be sneaky without realizing her stalk is appearing. The stalk contains powerful sensors that can be tuned narrow band up to 9 LY, given adequate power supply.

Banshee -


Given a task to sound alarms and relay information audibly, it is noisy and constantly chirping. It is a systems access phenom, and can replicate voices, fingerprints, retinal scans by fooling the device. Banshee can increase it's wail to 140 Db defensively and has a broken circuit which doubles as a hidden weapon , a Taser/zapper.

Zombie -


Zombie has a boxy frame. The large interior cavity is a replicator with more advanced capability than the others have for tool making. Zombie also de-materializes or "eats", junk and converts it to raw materials. It can produce repair parts for the others to self-repair, and produce unique items. It also gave itself the best armor, replating the exoskeletal frame with Duranium. The name Zombie came from being a rebuilt unit that was near death.