Exo-Comp String Language

Created by Renato Solis on Mon 10th Aug, 2020 @ 9:39am

Exo-Comps are Artificial lifeforms. They are at their core an industrial servomotor with advanced computing software. They become intelligent, and express themselves differently, personality can be expressed in the manner of expression. Errors while typing can be left behind as frantic little bots have frantic little thoughts.

Language: Unique translation methods yield a string syntax style language.


Damaged of highly emotional talk will introduce errors into string itself, but the parameter brackets remain to indicate the message clearly for the reader.{DMG:trnktd.spch.pttrns.N:randOMcApS.vwls.spcs}

< > Brackets surround the total message that is sent. <{Hello}>

Exo comps don't have the higher intelligence to speak like we do usually, but can sometimes pick up short phrases to summarize rich meanings. These rare quotes get full Grammar and punctuation. as evidenced in concert with the next example on lying.

Exo-Comps cannot lie as we recognize it, but they can omit information to spin narrative. Unsent information will be unformatted but included int he message logs. Reviewing message logs can reveal insights into what actions or decisions were made and why. <{[BANSHEE](query[ALL]"Where is my damn cookie")}> <{[ZOMBIE](query:reply- Location@NULLRESULT?)}}> Which in the worklogs of this conversation one could read Zombies full thought,

ZOMBIE WORKLOGS:<{[ZOMBIE](query:reply- Location@NULLRESULT?)}>FRAGmsg{[ZOMBIE](COnsumedBansheecookieagainnorepeatangerfearhideinsufficeintevidencealliswell)}

[ ] Parentheses and all caps for Proper Nouns [MAXWELL] When sending an idea-message the noun of the speaker comes first in string.

{ } <{Braces are used to surround a whole idea-message}{terms which are not considered as a unit will be in their own brackets, if this were a separate topic}>

( ) Parentheses group ideas within a long string, or include information about who is talking or what ideas are togtether. They also can include extra data about the bots state of mind. {[BANSHEE](reply@self/Query[PEGGY])(ZOMBIE:Ate{BANSHEE]Cookie)*(Deplete[ZOMBIE]chargePAD.privelege.)(Summary.narrative=DENIED)}{[BANSHEE](Violence)(ZOMBIE:Consumed{BANSHEE]!Cookie!)}> Parentheses should close out the particular group of words with first and last always.


When applicable use the appropriate symbol to replace a word or add clarity

=/\= On my way in ten Peggy, what do you need?


This should read as something along the lines of- "Hello Maxwell, when are you coming to Engineering?" followed by, "I cant access the results of the diagnostic we performed from yesterday, it is not saved in registry. Can you access it?"

Each Exo would have to figure out how to play soccer for themselves, but they'd do it together. Peggy would apply force fields where Zombie would fly at speed and simply impact it, Nessy would repulse it with anti-gravitons, Banshee would likely get confused from all the commotion and scream at people who got too close with the ball.