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News Release

Posted on Sat 28th Jul, 2018 @ 5:56pm by Eddie Hunt

1,259 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Oblivion
Location: Deck 685, FNS Newsroom
Timeline: MD9 1130 Hours

"And that's all the news that fits. Have a great day on Starbase 109, where the temperature is a balmy 76, and the skies are cloud-free!" Caroline hit the end button on her broadcast, and leaned back in her chair. When she'd first started ending her sows with the temperature and forecast, it had seemed funny. Now it was habit. Maybe she should see if anyone in Tivoli Gardens was interested in experiencing weather.

Shaking her head and half-smiling, she rose from the broadcast booth and exited into her main office. A tall man had his back to her, apparently perusing her degrees on the wall. "Is there something I can do to help you?" she asked neutrally. It wasn't often anyone found their way down her hallway.

"I certainly hope so, Miss Post. My name is Eddie Hunt, and I've just bought the new casino. I'm current putting it through a rebranding and outside renovation, but the reason I am here is because I'm wondering what it would take for you to mention it in your news?" He asked straight away without beating around the bush. He ended the question with the friendliest smile he could produce.

"The new casino?" she asked. "You mean the old Casino Royale down in Tivoli Gardens? Not that anything down there is really old, no matter what it looks like." Did he say Hunt? I wonder if he's any relation to the commander. She looked at him closely and decided he did rather have the look of Zachary Hunt about him.

"Now Miss Post, the word new comes across so much better than old right? And generally a renovation can mean making something new or bringing something back to life. In this case, let's go with new!" He smiled again, still trying to sound friendly rather than arrogant. "Anyway, new, old, still the same question applies!"

Caroline mulled over his question. News wasn't in short supply. On the other hand, happy news was always in short supply. Still, it could go so wrong. "Are you thinking you might work the sympathy angle over losing your brother ... you've come here to ... what? Memorialize him with a casino?" she lightly scoffed.

He could see the news reporter 'attacking' him, trying to find the 'real story' which is what he fully expected a reporter to do. "Miss Post, please, I've not mentioned the loss of my brother to you, nor have I mentioned it in regards to the casino. I don't want people to think that this is in his memory, because it isn't," He paused and thought for a second. "Unless it improves the story broadcast for you."

"Nothing improves a story like the truth," Caroline shot back. "Tell me exactly what you want, and I'll tell you whether I will help you." She didn't say can help you. Of course she could. Whether she would depended on what truth he shared with her. There were always many truths, but they weren't all valid.

"The story, as you'd like to call it, in short for now. My brother was in an accident which I'm sure you've read about as you knew who I am, which led to my Father committing suicide. I gained inheritance from both of their deaths and time off from Starfleet. My brother worked aboard this base, as once again, I'm sure you know. He always told me I should visit it. I saw the opportunity to get the casino. From that, I just want a news story surrounding the opening of the casino," Eddie spoke truthfully. "Oh, and did you get the story about the body of the old owner found there a few days back?"

Caroline smiled. "I got part of that story, and you just gave me the rest. I won't quote you as my source, though. My condolences on the loss of your entire family. I did know who you are, yes. I wouldn't be much of a reporter if I didn't. I saw your name a few days ago when you registered resident status and ownership of the casino."

She shrugged. "Sometimes you learn more when you listen than when you talk. Let's see if I listened well enough. You want news coverage of the opening ... your opening of the Casino." She grabbed a paper and pencil from her desk, an old school way of doing things, but she found it helpful. No one ever expected such notes, but it's how she kept track of everything she considered important.

"So, not for your story, but were you the person who found the body? And where was it?" All she'd been able to get out of security after someone alerted her to a body being taken out of the building and detectives on the site, was that a body had been found inside. Now, she at least knew whose body it was. "Then we'll get to what I can do for the casino."

Eddie happily answered the reporter, he knew she would be interested if he mentioned the body. If he kept her happy by answering, he had a greater chance of the casino opening being reported. "I was the person who found the body. I was checking out my new buy and got to looking around to the hotel. There in the swimming pool was a dead body. I was told it was murder, but they never told me how he died. He had been there for quite a while, apparently."

Caroline nodded thoughtfully. "Alright, thanks for that. Now I can lean on another couple of sources." She tossed the pencil on the desk, but folded the paper and put it in her pocket.

"Now, for what I can do for you. You have some choices. Let me know at least three days in advance, and I'll be there, and at least one other with me. We'll do a remote live broadcast of the grand opening, circulate among the crowd, spot interviews, things like that. I think you need something leading up to the day, though. Why don't you come in for an informal interview in my holo studio? Dress like a businessman, but casual."

Caroline circled him, looking him over from a cameraman's point of view. "Yes, you'll photograph well, broad shoulders, emphasize the smooth but with a little devil-may-care personality lurking." She came back around in front of him. "You'd look well in one of those business suits Spock always wore, the ones with the stand up collar. Band collar, whatever. Only," she paused and looked at his coloring, "no black for you. Medium gray, I think, and a white shirt, too. Here, wait a minute." She walked over to her desk and rummaged around in the side drawer.

"There we are." She pulled out a thin metal card that was twice as wide as a strip of latinum. "Take this down to The Perfect Fit on deck 678. Tell him I'm calling in my favor, and see what he can do for you.

"Now, same day or the next, we'll get spot announcements to broadcast every day. I'll follow you around the casino, we'll chat, you show me what's what in the new place. Be charming and pleasant. We won't emphasize your Starfleet connection ... I'll give it some more thought. Maybe I'll have another idea. How's that?"

"That is perfect Miss Post. I look forward working with you," Eddie said with a charming smile. They had both gotten what they wanted out of this, what could go wrong?


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