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The Casino

Posted on Mon 4th Jun, 2018 @ 8:00am by Eddie Hunt
Edited on on Fri 8th Jun, 2018 @ 5:36pm

937 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Deck 1553
Timeline: MD10 0930 Hours

It had been a fairly lengthy trip to get to the Starbase, but Eddie finally managed to get there. He had brought some of his luggage with him in a medium sized duffel bag to get him by until the rest of his belongings were delivered. His brother hadn't lied about what a beautiful base it was, and it was HUGE. He had always been on ships for the entirety of his career so far, so this was a completely new experience. 'So is being seen as a civilian,' He thought, with a small smile on his face.

He took the turbolift to deck 1553, the place where the casino was located. The buying stage had been completed and he was the new proud owner of the casino, he just didn't know in what disrepair the place would be. He was hoping it wouldn't be too much of a mess, but he heard that the previous owner was dodgy and made some enemies, running himself into a lot of debt and was never seen again. Or so Eddie was told by the man who sold it to him. He was never sure what to believe by people trying to sell you anything.

He wandered into the heart of Tivoli Gardens, everything was weirdly signposted as if the deck was a city in itself. This deck was home to a whole business sector, a Wildlife Zone, Gardens and a beautiful view of the massive waterfall that ran from the deck above to the deck below. If he really wanted to he could go and walk behind the waterfall, but he decided to save that for another day. He was too eager to see his new home.

Eddie walked through the gardens that were on the deck. They were just as gorgeous as the rest of the place, but he did feel sorry for the gardeners. It must take a very long time to maintain all of this, let alone whatever else was on the rest of the decks. He finally exited the gardens, welcomed by what was once a glam looking building, now slowly falling apart. He could tell it was a fairly new building that just hand't been looked after. It had mirrored effect glass round the outside to shine light off, except now half of that glass had cracks running down them. The giant red letters outside read 'CAS NO OY LE', which led to Eddie asking himself who would want to steal a giant 'I', 'R' and an 'A' and how exactly they would pull that off. There were two giant playing cards next to the remaining letters - an Ace of Spades and an Ace of Hearts. The Ace of Spades was now covered in some kind of green gunk which had gone rotten over it. He had almost missed the dark towering building behind the casino which he assumed must be the hotel.

The outside of the casino was a disaster zone, he couldn't even imagine how bad the inside must be. He walked towards the doors, where a small sign had been stuck to it saying 'Closed Down'. He pulled it down before getting a set of keys out and unlocking one of the doors. He breathed in as he pushed the door, ready for the disaster ahead.

As Eddie opened the door, the room filled with natural light from behind him. He opened his duffel and rummaged around in it before he pulled out a torch and switched it on. He was thoroughly surprised in doing so, the inside of the place was immaculate, as if it was going to suddenly open and people would suddenly charge in to give all their money away. He walked towards the tables that were on this floor. He counted 20 poker tables, 6 blackjack tables and more of different kinds, all clean, all unmarked, ready for use.

Towards the back of the casino's first floor was a concert hall, something which Eddie didn't get told about when he bought the place. 'Strange to leave something like this out,' He thought, 'But still, a good place to draw people in and create an event'.
The second and the third floor were in exactly the same condition, with various types of casino game tables. The only initial cost he would have on it would be to sort the outside of it out, and most probably a re brand. If the owner of 'Casino Royale' made enemies, he didn't want those people to come looking for the next owner of 'Casino Royale'. It was time for a fresh start, and he was looking forward to it.

A smile went over his face, a sound investment indeed. He walked out of the casino, locking it up behind him, before heading to the hotel a minute's walk away. The building was untouched on the outside, and was the same story inside. It was 8 storeys high and filled with 12 rooms on floors 2 to 8. Each one of them immaculate. On the ground floor, there was a professional looking reception area and a gymnasium down the corridor from it. All the gym equipment once again untouched. It was all proving too good to be true, it should have cost him a lot more than he paid for it. He walked down another corridor before going into the inside swimming pool area. The pool was still filled with stagnant water that had caused the place to smell and a discolouring of the water. However, that wasn't even the worst smell in the room, for there was a dead body floating around in the pool.


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Comments (2)

By on Tue 5th Jun, 2018 @ 1:46am

Whoa, you are off with a bang! You found a dead body in the pool! Now that's going to take some explaining. LOL I love how you handled the condition of everything, especially who would steal those giant letters and how they'd get away with it without being seen! Welcome back!

By Commander Paul Graves PsyD on Tue 5th Jun, 2018 @ 8:51pm

A dead body?! You don't do anything by half-measures, do you? :D Looking forward to this.

Also, I need for Paul and Eddie to meet somehow. Paul will have no idea that Zach is dead.