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Build Your Wings on the Way Down, part 2

Posted on Thu 31st May, 2018 @ 6:52pm by Lieutenant Damion Ildaran

1,265 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Brushfires
Location: Starbase 109, Chamber of Commerce Offices
Timeline: MD 15, Morning

Lewis jumped in with both feet. "So if not the Promenade, where do you propose to house this business? And what do you mean by being mobile?"

Jade was distracted as she realized there was also something about that voice. She had heard that voice, and recently. It wasn't the same ... more as if Durant were making an effort not to sound true to her memory. She sat back and let the other two handle the questions while she listened and probed.

"I'd like to set up shop close to Tivoli Gardens," Damion said, "within, say, three decks above or below it. Close enough to be able to reach customers quickly if they need emergency work done. From what I've been able to see of your station layout, a lot of those decks are taken up with storage and warehouse space, and maintenance access for the water systems on the Tivoli Gardens decks. Since my business wouldn't be the sort that would have lots of customers coming by, it doesn't have to look pretty or be in pretty surroundings, the way the Promenade shops have to. I can advertise and communicate with customers through the starbase net. Tivoli Gardens is where I plan to concentrate my business efforts initially. I suspect most of the businesses here already have contracts with Thurmond, and Thurmond is better suited to handling the needs of businesses than I currently am."

He glanced at Kirvana Lewis. "Mobile means exactly that. I and my people would get about on foot or on small, motorized scooters to save time. My feeling is, if I have enough business to be able to hire additional people, I want them and me to be out performing that business, rather than sitting in a workshop. I can hire someone to do customer service for walk-ins; that might well be the first additional person I hire. There are any number of communications apps that can be used to notify us of new work and to assign jobs to staff based on specialty. Mine is food replicators, for instance."

Listening to him, Jade was reminded of Damion Ildaran, the man who had brought his girlfriend into Orchids and Jazz a few nights before. They'd been of USS Hermes, she thought. This man wasn't quite the same ... yet his aura was very similar, and his voice ....

The plan was fairly sound. She wasn't going to nit-pick or tell someone how to run his business. The board was merely a way of making sure that no one was running a scam, and hopefully not an illegal sideline. "Have you scouted a specific location? Certain things have to be run by Starfleet, of course, but if you have a preference for location, I ... or we, can certainly do our best to get it approved. I presume that sooner is better than later."

Damion shot Lantz a quick smile, despite himself. "Yes, I'm afraid it is," he said. "Let me show you." He pulled a small PADD from his inside breast pocket and danced his fingers over the screen until it showed a public-access map of Starbase 109 to the three Chamber officers.

"This is deck 1548 on the side of the station directly opposite the base's main communications array. I've got my eye on this location in section 4-A, close to the central core. That way, if I have to get to a customer on the other side of the base from me, all I have to do is circle the tram core 180 degrees and head in the proper direction. Being stuck more toward the outer edge of the deck would be an annoyance, and I'd have to insist on my workshop at least being placed on a central spoke corridor."

Jade raised a mental eyebrow at the man's "insisting" on anything when he was here to get permission to have space at all. It appeared he was normally a man who was used to being in charge, and something didn't ring true about his entire story. He had walked in here looking more or less like a nicely dressed supplicant, but someone more used to working with his hands and less to being in command. The change in attitude didn't quite fit that story, but she became more sure she knew him from somewhere.

"The space I'm looking at is currently an unused cargo hold of 50 square meters. That's enough space for me to include a workshop, a business office, a training room, and a head, especially if I use a multi-function design so the training room could double as a break room and a conference room when needed." He scrolled the map image down to show a concept design of his proposed workshop floor plan and then showed examples of the multi-function office furnishings. "I'd soundproof the walls in case we have to use machine tools in there."

Castiglione looked at his cohorts. "I've checked the base records, and that area hasn't been used in quite some time. It's likely we could get approval from Operations to convert it as Mr. ..." he glanced at his notes, "... as Mr. Durant requests. I think he could be very actively engaged on the base ... be a good asset to the community."

As Harlan fumbled for the man's name, all the tumblers clicked in Jade's mind. She was looking down at the PADD the man was still holding, at his design idea for the space, so no one saw her eyes widen, and the change that probably couldn't have been hidden otherwise. This man had been in her restaurant one memorable night not too long ago ... with a lovely doctor, she recalled. Ildaron was his last name. He'd stopped in for coffee or lunch a few times since, but she hadn't seen him in about a week. What game was afoot?

"The plans seem realistic. It's a service that's needed. I'm inclined to agree," Lantz said, glancing at Lewis instead of 'Durant.'

Kirvana snorted, "You would. I'd like to know who's going to pay for all these changes you are talking about? It looks like empty space, maybe even filthy from previous cargo. Just cleaning it is going to be an expense, let alone changing the footprint."

Jade spoke up quickly, "I can help with that. Mr. Durant, stay after for a moment, and I'll give you some information which will save you a lot of money ... because I won't charge you a thing."

Ah, there it comes. Get the others out, and then the 'Haven't I seen you somewhere before?' part. Well, can't be helped. Not like I didn't expect it, Damion thought.

He blinked at Ms. Lewis. "I presumed I would be financially responsible for cleaning the space and having the build-out done. Thank you, all of you, for being willing to allow me to get this started."

Grudingly, Lewis nodded her agreement, unable to find any other objections. The license was approved on each representative's PADD before Jade said, "I think that takes care of your license. It will be waiting in your inbox for you to replicate for display. Remember that it must be displayed publicly in an easily viewed location near the public area of your repair shop, and each employ must also have a copy to carry in his or her PADD."

Damion nodded. "Understood."

Glancing at her partners, she added, "I believe we have no other business for today. I adjourn the meeting." Never having brought it to order properly, that seemed as good a dismissal as any.


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