A Bridge Too Far - Part III
Posted on Thu 27th Sep, 2012 @ 1:44pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Commander Paul Graves PsyD
246 words; about a 1 minute read
Location: USS Bretagne, Main Bridge
Timeline: Boarding + 6 hours
Nearly three hours had now passed since boarding the Bretagne. The two officers on the Bridge had been furiously trying to extract information from the Bridge's Master Systems Display console - however, work had been painstakingly slow.
"Right" Steele leant against the side of a console, his bulky EVA suit not really allowing him to get comfortable, "let's re-cap on what we know so far."
"On Stardate four-three-seven-three-two-mark-two, in twenty-two sixty-six, the Bretagne was tasked with carrying out a geological survey in the Granada Sector. A week later they had completed this and were en route to Starbase seventy-seven for a full refit, which was scheduled to last four months."
His tried shifting, but his level of comfort didn't increase.
"Whilst en route they reported encountering a Ferengi Cruiser, threatening a Terrelian Freighter - something non-descript about a missing shipment of cargo. What happened next was hazy, but we know the Bretagne managed to settle things down but had to power up their weapons as a show of force at one point."
He decided to give up leaning and now stood. His phaser rifle, which had been over his right shoulder, fell into his hand, which he then stood against the console.
"Something happened between that point and them getting back on course for Starbase seventy-seven which disabled a third-generation Excelsior Class Starship, traversed them over two hundred light-years, and..." his head started turning back to the Captain's Chair, "left them defenseless."