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Reaping the Wind 2

Posted on Mon 8th Oct, 2012 @ 3:50am by Commander Brian Windsong & Lieutenant Colonel Cara Karikkar & Major Kyle Green & Commander Jasmine Collins-Keller & Lieutenant Samantha O'Dell & Lieutenant Adam Keller

4,611 words; about a 23 minute read

Location: Bowels of the station
Timeline: After Reaping One

Cara nodded "We should be able to hold this room." Taking her jacket off she handed it to Sam "Here you can rip it up to help stem any bleeding."

Cara gently linked with him as she looked at the unconscious Kale "See ... He's out for now."

~Punctured lung and broken ribs, don't know how long I can hold out here~

Talking out loud so that Sam could hear her side she said "Dev has probably contacted Nyx by now love ... I have enough telekinesis and empathy that I can stabilise you ... but only if you are willing." She looked over so he could see Sam using her eyes "Sam is pretty badass with that sword of hers."

"Yeah... of course... I'm willing... and good for... Sam." He tried to smile at them both but it hurt too much.Taking in Sam Cara said to her "I wont be much good to you when I do this ... I need to stay in physical contact with Bri for this to work."

Sam hadn't realized she was the only one who couldn't have conversations in her head with other people, it was a momentary awkwardness that a little voice told her was a good thing, no one could feel had sheepishly stupid she felt at times. "I got it." She retorted.

Nodding Cara sat down and gently manouevered his head in shoulders into her lap before deepening the link with him as she ran a hand gently down his cheek. ~Ok love ... first I'm going to take the pain as much as I can ... then I'll stabilise the lung and ribs ... ready?~

Brain didn't say anything he just nodded minutely.
Taking a deep breath Cara wrapped her empathy around him her eyes tearing up as she took on more and more of his pain but unwilling to back off to where it was comfortable for her.

Slowing her breathing down she then reached out with the telekinesis to first support the rib that had punctured his lung and then leaving it in place in the hole to close the lung tight around it to prevent airt escaping.

~Missed any major arteries love but this next bit is going to hurt both of us like a motherf .... I need to stabilise the two floating ribs ... Sam made a good call we could have seriously hurt you if we went on the run.~

~Go for it, when you're ready, I'm already breathing a lot easier.~

Leaning forward to kiss him gently on the lips Cara slowly leant back against the wall before shaping a mental hand to cradle the two ribs and relieve pressure in the chest ~How's that love?~

He smiled as she kissed him. He wasn't sure how deeply he wanted to take their relationship in the long run, but feeling her lips provked strong memories, very nice memories.

Sam had to turn her back to them when Cara kissed him, oh yeah... that knotted embarrassing feeling was back in her stomach. The reminder from the holodeck. He obvious was in a relationship which made her feel even more stupid. Those infamous walls she's spent years building up around were starting to climb back up around herself.

Samantha felt her tongue rolling around in her own mouth as she fought the urge to walk away and leave them to their intimate moment. Instead she was left to be bodyguard. Deal with it, JG she told herself.

"That's better thanks," said Brian to test himself and for Sam's benefit.

Opening her eyes Cara smiled down at him and answered the same "Good ... as long as we dont have to move we should be good."

She reached out mentally to Dev ~Dev?~

Samantha took a few steps towards the door and peered around the corner just too see what if anything was coming. It wasn't enough of her for a head shot, but it helped her see. There was nothing in the hall way... not even Kale... how the hell did that happen!?

~We're heading in your direction~ Kell sent a weakened message.

~Tell Nyx Brian has several broken ribs and a punctured lung ... I'm holding him stable at the moment.~ She tried to hide how much that was taking out of her.

Brian sat up slowly a wave of relief swept over him as he realized he could breath. He then got to his feet and walked over to where Samantha stood, "You have no idea how good it is to see you," he said in a low voice, "Well not literally of course, but to feel your presence.

Samantha turned her head only slightly to glance at Brian. Not out of shame but because she didn't want to miss anyone trying to sneak up on them. The line made her smirk... See her... "i couldnt face wicker if i let anything happen to you."

Sam didn't know about the torture didn't know what kale had done threatened to do or said had already been done. She knew she was glad to have found him. Damn he didn't make it easy to keep her defenses up.

He reached out and touched her shoulder, "Kale played mind games with me. He tried to make be believe that he had killed you. I almost bought into it, until he made you... well weak almost cowardly. I don't know a lot about you, at least not yet, but I know you well enough to know you're not like that at all. So I knew you couldn't be dead.

But you can never be too sure."

He turned his face towards hers, his glass eyes unseeing, yet at the same time expressive.

Samantha touched him on the cheek, her hands had dried blood on them unfortunately but still... He was warm and she was thankful he was alive. " You put up with this in case he actually had me..." she felt guilty at the thought but somehow overwhelmed with other emotions that were too young too be given names. Samantha looked at Cara... "I'm fine, " she admitted to those eyes. " please go back with the Major, i heard voices Kales sorryass carrcus is missing and i would rather enjoy that game of cat and mouse in this life time."

"Yeah, well Kale is very dangerous don't try to take him on by yourself and be careful." He turned and walked back towards Cara, he could sense the burden she was carrying for him. "It's okay,"he told her, "you don't have to take it all, I'm a big boy, I can handle some of it myself."

Cara gave him a slight smile "We need you fuctioning more than we need me at full functioning ... I stink at diplomacy. Last time Dev let me take that role on a mission I nearly started a diplomatic incident."

Brian couldn't help but laugh at her remark, even though it hurt him to do so, "Do I want to know what it was?"

Chuckling at the memory Cara asked "Remember Ambassador Kria ... Was sent on a mission last year to Trella 9? That might have been because of me ..."

"Serously?" he asked with a raised brow, "That was you?" uh, we are trying to prevent conflict Cara not create an inter-galactic conflict."

How was I to know that the druken prat that was hitting on me and pinching my butt was a prince and decking him would start a civil war?"

"You know Cara decking people is not always the answer, sometimes a simple, "No thank you will do. Like the time I was in this bar and some guy walks up to me and says 'You're kind of cute can I screw you in the ass.'

I simply told him that wasn't the position I normally take. Granted he then asked me how big I was and when I told him he wanted me to prove it in the middle of the bar.

I simply spilled my drink on him. I mean what was he going to do, hit a clumsy, helpless blind man? Sometimes you just need to go for subtle."

Cara admitted "I get what you mean ... i could have accidentally stepped on his toe or somethng." He made her think where others didnt challenge her.

"Exactly. Many people think that the admonition of an eye for an eye advocated an externsion of violence. It was actually a limitation on it. It meant you didn't overreact to a situation. and you meet force with and equal amount of force."

Nodding Cara sent him a silent ~Thanks for keeping me distracted.~ It really was painful but she knew that it was more important Brian was clearheaded ... wouldnt be the first time she had fought while sporting several broken bones even if it was only mental this time.

"Do you mind if I use Sam's eyes?" he asked her,"If its okay with her that is?"

Samantha wanted to go after Kale, but that would leave the two of the vulnerable and as a security officer that wasn't something she was willing to do. So she stood there, covered in bad guy blood, bleeding from a busted lip and a cut on her hand. She'd visit medical later, she was fine. She tried not to listen to Cara and Brian, it was personal. Sam focused on the corridor, there were voices... "Lt..." She barked out after a moment. "We found Commander Windsong." She knew Devyn was supposed to be right around the corner no more than a few 30 yards away.

Sam wanted to call for Wicker but didn't if the Major was alone or unconscious then the voices weren't his. But Sam was pretty sure at least one of them was.

She hadn't realized she was leaning against the bulkhead when she heard Brian say something about using her eyes. "My eyes?" She turned around slightly. "I'm a plain ole fashioned human, my eyes suck in the galactic scheme of senses, surely the Lt's senses are better than mine..."
If it works for Sam." She hugged him gently and said softly "Dont worry Dev would tell you I've coped with this amount of pain before ... and he and Nyx should be here once she has him fixed ... he got a bit cut up." She could feel them vaguely from down the corridor. "You up for moving if we need to once she has you patched up?"

You're eyes are better trained than hers for this kind of thing. You know what to look for,but more importantly I'll be looking through them, I can help you spot things, or at least that is the idea. Cara is doing enough right now,just to keep me standing."
Cara was worried about staying here she could feel their way out was cut off and that people were converging from other areas.

Cara nodded her agreement, if she had to she could do both but her main responsibility was protecting Brian and the best way to do that was to give him security trained eyes as hers looked for different things in special ops.

Knowing the bad guys were far enough away Cara called out in a joking voice to try and hide the pain she was in "Oi Dev! Stop kissing your girlfriend and get down here before her patient bleeds out."

She added silently ~Need you bro ... Bri's more hurt than he thinks and its draining me quick to hold the internal bleeding.~

Samantha looked at Brian. "So then how do I lend you my eyes?" She asked him slightly unsure of what else she might be lending out to him.

"It's nothing that major really, I just see what you see. that's it. I might be in one part of the room but if you're loiking down the hall that's what I see."

Sam nodded her head. "So how do we do that?" Her ears were picking up more voices.

"You just give me permission, relax and let me do the rest. It's painless, I promise."

Samantha opened her mouth to say pain could be fun sometimes, but stopped herself short of making a fool of herself for the second time in one day. "Ok I give you permission." She said. She tried to relax as much as she could when she was on duty. It wasn't easy to be honest.

She felt a momentary mental shrug almost as if someo had slapped her lightly across her forehead., then the feeling dissipated.

"Okay," said Bryan, "I'm not trying to read your thought, I'm just seeing what you see. However if you think something... really strongly, I will probably pick up on it."

She smirked. "i'll try not to think too hard then."

Cara watched the process with the two of them interested. Seeing Brian's eyes focus on her face with Sam's she tried to hide how pale she was going with a mischievious smile. "This is one way to let me out of having to stay in dress uniform Bri."

Brian looke at her and shook his head. "DAMN IT Cara,I can't let you do this, you're going to kill yourself."
Cara shook her head "I stop and you start bleeding again! Your liver is lacerated as well as the punctured lung. I can hold it long enough to let Nyx get here and fix you ... we dont have time!" She knew that they were in trouble.

She panted as her vision narrowed a little and she swayed before straightening stubbornly.

"DAMN IT!" Brian shouted in a much different tone than anyone had heard him use before,"Nyx get you your ass over here right NOW!

Samantha was somewhere between relaxed and tense and then all hell seemed to break lose between the Commander and the Major. She'd felt a bit of a connection with Brian only to have him shout. It sent a jolt through her and her eyes widened. As she stuck her head out of the door she saw something move at the far end of the corridor. "Times up." She said softly. She was saying it more to herself than anyone else in the room.

She let out a sharp whistle. "Wicker!" She knew the dog would come running and couldn't think of another way to protect Brian and Cara and check out what was going on in the tunnels and twists of the belly of the station.

Growling in irritation Cara snapped back "I'm fine!" She moved over to the wall close to the door before sinking down to lean against it ~I'm not going to let you die dammit! They can train a new me ... The diplomatic talks are screwed without you!~

"Shit, shit, shit," Brian said in a irritated voice. "No one is going to die now. "Sam, when You get Wikcer here, let me know. Do you have any field medic skills?"

Samantha shook her head quickly. "No, no kit." She turned back around quickly. "Wicker!"

The dog came bolting around the corner, tongue out as she ran she came to a stop at Samantha for only a moment before heading right to Brian. "I'm gonna go out there and see what's going on." she pulled her sword back out and took a deep breath.

Brian bent down as Wicker collided with him knocking him off of his feet and on to his butt. She was licking his face and growing at him at the same time. He grabbed her around the nck and hugged her. "Good girl, good, girl," he told her,"It's going to be all right Wicker."

Samantha smirked as she looked back out into the corridor. "Wicker..." She explained turning back around. "Lead them out when the doctor gets here." She knew the dog wouldn't object much to that. "Don't wait for me." She glanced back out into the corridor that moment at the far end of the corridor was back. She was sure she'd seen a head peer out at her and dart back.

Wicker wagged her tail at Sam's words then put her body between her master, his friends and the door. She could sense that he was hurt more than he was letting on, but was at a loss to explain exactly what was happening to everyone.

Meanwhile, one of Kale's men grinned to himself, ^Hey boss, they're still stuck in that room, that security gal just stuck her head out. What do you want me to do?"

Samantha glanced at Brian, part of her wanted to kiss him for good luck, and the rest of her told her don't do it. She just went out into the hallway when she thought it was clear.

Kale frowned. "The human one?" He took in a deep breath that rattled in his chest with anger. "Kill her. I'm going to have to finish Windsong myself and his girlfriend." There was anger in his voice, he hadn't been there before. He'd been methodical before, but now things had changed. The balance of power had shifted and not in his favor.

"Yes sir, will be my pleasure, to take her out. Should I just shoot her, or should I make it more profitable

Kale shook his head. "She's dangerous, shoot her." He retorted. "Hunt her down and shoot her." He pushed himself off the wall. "I'm going to go handle my affairs."

Cara could feel Kale coming closer and looked at Brian ~Feel like setting a little surprise for Kale?~

~Of course I am, what did you have in mind?~

~Hows your projective telepathy? Think you could make it look like your one place while we hide in the darkest part of the room? Kale thinks your weak both mentally and physically.~ Cara looked at him to see what he thought.

"Yeah I can do that, but let's stick to talking, Kale is a pretty powerful telepath, we don't want to give him any ideas."

Cara nodded at that "Good to know." Slowly standing up she glanced at her watch and swore "Damn Jessie is going to be freaking ... I promised I would be there when she got home from school."

"Let's finish this up then, so we can all get out of here. It'a time for us to go home."

"I'm definitely ready for that." Cara stood up slowly and smiled as she concentrated on projecting an image of herself over where Brian had been.

Samantha was moving down the corridor slipping into the hiding spot. She knew she'd been seen but she also knew she was fast enough not to be seen too much. That didn't stop the first shot flashing past her down the corridor hitting the bulkhead at the end of the hall. Samantha let out a soft curse under her breath.

Carr, Kale's man liked to kill up close and personal. Kale just didn't know what he was talking about he could handle a woman, Security Bitch or not. He made his way quietly down the hall, waiting for his opening.

Samantha had her back against the wall, she was listening and trying to keep her own breath down so she could hear. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She stuck her sword tip out slowly as the see around the corner without endangering herself. The shine showed a man moving down the corridor. She frowned as she pulled her weapon back. Her head was pounding, it was really the only way she realized she'd been hurt before when she'd foolishly taken on two of Kale's men before. Although the adrenaline was rushing through her her leg was starting to throb some. It'd have to wait.... "You gotta get moving, Major!" She called out.

At the sound of the voice Carr smiled a deadly smile. He stepped around the corner and brought his knife around in a wicked vicious weep designed to cut the Security bitch.

She turned and headed down the corridor, it would be longer but she could definitely get around him if she tried. There were enough ports and access panels to keep him guessing. She heard the blade hit the bulk head just moments after she'd moved. Samantha paled only slightly when she realized that she had only missed getting killed because she'd moved. More so that the knife was just that much closer to Brian and Cara. She couldn't head away now, so much for plan A.

Samantha flipped her dagger in her hand, her eyes narrowed, he tried to kill you, she told herself. she fling her dagger at him. Aiming true straight for his meaty chest. She didn't even wait to see if it hit, she couldn't she started towards him pulling out her phaser.

The dagger did hit, thuogh just slightly off targe, rather than taking him through the heart as had been her intent, the dagger sruck him just beneath his collar bone. It did however pierce his lung knocking him out of fight..

Samantha watched him fall, she didn't even hesitated to finish it with her side arm. the sound of the discharge was hollow to the knowledge that she'd killed someone. It was her first death, and she for the moment just stood there realizing what she'd done. Kale had come around the corner to see her standing there and the weapon in her hand.

Her eyes came up as she saw him and she saw the look on his face. "Kale...." She recognized him as the man that had been with Brian in the corridor. But now saw him as the man who'd kidnapped Windsong, she couldn't beat him but she could distract him while they ran... She took a deep breath. "Ok."

He laughed. "Oh that's cute, you think you can fight me."

Nyx came around the corner at a run. She saw the large frame of a man laying in the corridor and nearly panicked. As she got closer to the body, she realized it was too big to be Kell but seeing the amount of blood on the walls, she knew there were others injured. Following the trail of blood, she finally came upon Wicker and Devyn.

"Baby?" she ran over to him and dropped to her knees.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled at her. "It's not as bad as it looks." He tried to convince her.

"Hmm, I'll be the judge of that." She glared at him as she set the trichorder over him to check his wounds. "You've been in worse shape." She conceded. "I just don't remember when."

"Look honey, we don't have time. You need to fix me up and we need to get to the others. Windsong is hurt worse than me and Cara is trying to hold his body together with her mind."

"If you'll sit still, we'll be finished in a few minutes." She scolded the man. "I thought you were dead when I saw you."

Dev grinned "Takes more than a little nick to kill me." He watched her patch him up and then cupped her cheek "Lets go rescue the others and then you can spend all night berating me if you need to."


Cara was feeling dizzy and leant against the wall knowing she wasnt going to be much help for Brian. She frowned when she realised she had felt Kyle getting closer and then blinked in confusion where she sat when she saw him coming in the door "K ... ky ..le?"

Brian found her and sat down beside her taking her hand. To say that he had mixed emotions would be an undersatement. Still he knew he cared for her on some level especially since she was asavings his life.

He took her hand and said, "I'm not going to let you do this to yourself. He then begin raising his sheilds, pushing her out of his mind.

Looking at him she sighed "Half and half? I wont let you take it all either."

Brian could have pushed her all the way out of his mind, or at least he thought he could have, but that would have been too much effort.

"All right agreed," he responded.

Nodding she linked their shields to give them extra protection noting that Kyle was still within them and then shared the pain and damage to a bearable level for them both as she leant against him. "I know I'm stubborn ... its just ... I care about you. Actually I'm pretty sure I'm in love with you and Kyle ... but " She shrugged.

"I care for you to Cara and I'm flattered that you love me, or think you might, what is the but I heard there?"

"I didnt want you to feel you have to feel the same way. I dont want you to feel pressured."

"Thanks I appreciate that. I don't want to hurt you or give you any false hopes about what may or may not happen."

Kyle entered and saw Cara and kneeled down. Kyle said, "Sorry for not getting here sooner, but a brave little girl lead me to you. " Kyle went in to kiss her.

Cara kissed him smiling back before looking worried "Who? Jessie? Please tell me she isnt here?" Taking a calming breath but a little high from teh pain still she said "Bri is hurt ... Nyx is tending to Dev ... there's some moron trying to kill Bri for a stupid feud and I'm taking some of Bri's pain and keeping his lung and liver from bleeding and harming him.... Oh and Im pretty sure I'm in love with you and Bri." She stopped talking tryiing to decide if she had covered everything.

She added "Oh ... and Jessie isnt the only one that was modified ...."

Kyle pulled back after the kiss and said, "No, Cara she is in your quarters. I would not risk bringing her here."

Leaning into him in relief she smiled "Thanks love."

Kyle smiled and said, "Let's get you to sickbay!" Kyle felt a closeness to her that he could not explain. He liked it and wanted to know more about it.

Brian looked over to Kyle with a raised brow, "Commander, may I suggest a site to site teleport for all three of the wounded people. I am in shape to be running around and neither are the other two."
Nyx came in with Dev and moved straight to Brian "Sir? How are you doing?" She was scanning him even as she asked.

Cara and Kyle both looked at each other and burst out laughing "I knew we forgot something." Cara shook her head in embarrasment "Nice catch Bri."

"Yeah and you can't forget Sam either, She' s had her ass on the line all this time too."

Nodding at that Cara said =/ =Computer identify the life signs of Samantha O'Dell and beam to my location.=/= She waited for the transporter to kick in.

Samantha materialized soaked in sweat a bloody lip and an expression on her face that was a mix of pissed off and thankful. She hadn't been sure how much longer she was going to last against kale.

Cara gave her a smile "Lets get out of here ... Looks like Kale gets a reprieve."

Scanning Brian and then Cara, Nyx just shook her head as she tapped her comm badge. =/=I need a site to site transport to sick bay on me and,=/= she looked around, =/=five others plus one canine.=/=

The group was soon evaporated in a swirl of light.


Lt. Commander Brian Windsong
Chief Diplomatic Officer
SB Protector

Major Kyle Green
Executive Officer
Starbase Protector

Ltjg Sam O'Dell
Assistant chief of security
Starbase protector

Lt Devyn Kell
Strategic/Tactical Ops

Lt Nyx
Chief Medical Officer


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