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The Shape of My Heart

Posted on Mon 25th Dec, 2017 @ 6:01am by Purulence Addams
Edited on on Thu 28th Dec, 2017 @ 3:31am

385 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: A Phaser as Deadly as a Candlestick
Location: Park, Deck 1551
Timeline: Late Afternoon, the day after the Halloween Party

Purulence Addams sat sketching on her digital artist's tablet in the park she'd found. She had realized, once arriving on Vanguard, that if she wanted to keep anything secret from her sisters, it had best not be drawn in her paper sketchpad, so she kept her personal and professional drawings on the digital tablet, which could be biometrically locked.

The text of the letter she'd written in reply to the one from Ignatius replayed in her thoughts.

Dear Ignatius,

I am so glad you wrote. Your letter brightened my day, even as it also made me wibbly. I love you. I'm certain I love you, and that scares me to pieces. I want to come to you in a state of perfect love and perfect trust, and I'm terrified that I will never be able to feel that way again for anyone. Thank you for giving me the time to get my head on straight. I'm sorry that I've needed it. It's caused you needless worry.

I haven't been able to tell them. I am the biggest coward in the galaxy, Ignatius, and I'm not being fair to you.

Do you think there really is a God who gives strength to people? Because I need that. I see the way my sisters look at me when they think I don't see them. They still think I'm a basket case; they're just waiting for the other shoe to drop, to find out what kind of trouble I'm in now. Maybe I am still a basket case.

But if I am, I'm a basket case who is tired of being one. I am so very tired of it. So I'm going to tell them tonight. I'm sketching your picture so that I can look at it and so I can be reminded of how much I love you, every time I look at it. I think that's the only thing that will give me the conficence and determination to get me through tonight. Wish me luck, Dearest. I'll tell you how it went later this evening. With all my love, I remain

Toujours Pur!

The face taking shape on her sketch pad.

Purulence Addams (NPC)
Portrait Painter


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