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A Glance Into A Fellow Marine

Posted on Sat 17th Jun, 2017 @ 2:18pm by Colonel Horatio Drake & Lieutenant Colonel Leland Lemar

572 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: For The Uniform
Location: Main Bridge - USS Warpsite
Timeline: MD-02: 0730 Hours

Lieutenant Colonel Leland Lemar had been on board Vanguard many years, even before Starfleet regained control. He had worked his way to where he was now through hard work and dedication. He followed his orders he got, and expected people to do the same. He was a Marine, it was expected. Ever since Starfleet regained control of Vanguard, the Marine presence was always there, but seemed to be dwindling in recent times. The commanding officer of Vanguard was a Marine through and through, but the rest of the senior staff were not. He couldn't imagine what Colonel Drake thought about working with a bunch of monkeys. And monkeys was the word he would use. They didn't run the way a Marine would and he couldn't imagine them following strict orders without arguing about it first. He hated it.

He was on his way to USS Warpsite, ready to command it for her shakedown. They were to go out and drop Colonel Drake and that other man, the non Marine XO...Hunter or whatever his name was, to the Bretagne. Leland only cared for Marines. He had just got on board the Warpsite, remembering how small this type of ship was. For a man of 6'4", it seemed tiny! He walked onto the Main Bridge, once again noticing the lack of space aboard. Still, as of this moment he viewed it as his ship. She was Leland's. Even if the Colonel was technically in command of it until they got dropped off. He walked up to Colonel Drake and introduced himself. "Colonel Drake, I'm Lt. Colonel Leland Lemar,"

Drake peered up at the tall man and smiled, "Ah Colonel, it's a pleasure". He stood and shook his hand. He had requested Lemar meet him at 0730 hours on the Bridge... without looking he knew that the time was not a minute before or a minute after, he came across as that sort of man.

"So, what do you think of her?" He swept his arm around the Bridge, as if showing it off.

He glanced again around the bridge before answering, "She is a work of art, perfect acquaintance for this trip."

"Quite so, Colonel... quite so" He took the sight in, himself. The Defiant class was known fleet-wide for it's contributions during the Dominion War, but since then she had rather fallen into obscurity. It was the perfect ship to be on during wartime for a myriad of factors... but during peace time it wasn't much sought after. Cramped and uncomfortable, the larger ships were much more desirable. Hence why a lot of them had been relegated to garrison vessels at starbases. But, for Drake, it would do nicely.

"The shakedown should be uneventful... once you're finished, head back to Vanguard. We'll either get the Bretagne home under her own power or return in the shuttle and bring back the Warspite." He said, plainly.

"Perfect, all received sir. Will be a pleasure to get on a ship," Leland replied quickly.

"I know exactly what you mean" Drake raised an eyebrow. One of the things Drake preferred about Marines in comparison to 'fleeters' was the fact that they never questioned or needed clarification. They simply got given an order and followed it to the letter... simple. Compared to the Marines, the bulk of Starfleet sometimes felt like a civilian debating club.

"Any questions?" He asked, expecting none.

"No sir" He promptly replied.


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Comments (1)

By on Tue 4th Jul, 2017 @ 10:14pm

Fun interaction. Bash the navy, why don't you? LOL Glad I'm a civilian!