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Security Catch Up

Posted on Thu 20th Apr, 2017 @ 8:05pm by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar & Commander Zachary Hunt

929 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Deck 577: Chief Security Officer's Office

Hunt hadn't spent much time speaking to the new Chief Security Officer. It seemed there were so many new faces who kept coming aboard, it just wasn't possible to spend as much time with everyone as he liked. So far, it was all positive that he heard about Solan Jekkar, so much so that Drake had sent Hunt to see how he was getting on with bringing the security department up to scratch. Hunt had been in his own thoughts lately and very reserved compared to what he was usually like, especially with everything that had been going on of late.

Before he knew it, he had arrived at the security decks of Vanguard. He never realised that the decks were pretty much above the Main Promenade, but he never did have a reason to come down to security, so that was probably why. Normally, anything to do with security that would concern Hunt meant they would be seen in Hunt's own office. This time he approached Jekkar's office.

"Hastings you'll take the River Walk with Sanchez, Grotchek you have the Commerse Zone." The Andorian Commander said as he handed out Assignments. "Pickpockets are starting to rear their heads with the influx of Bajoran and Tarkalian Merchants so I want all Patrols to be vigilant."

Hunt pressed the chime outside the office, deciding not to just intrude and jump in. He would probably find himself on the back end of a phaser beam if he done that with security

"Come in!" He called as he handed out the assignments. "I'll want all of you to report to your Section Leaders. Dismissed."

Hunt walked into the room, passing the crew who were leaving, "Morning Commander." Hunt smiling, walking towards him.

Jekkar looked towards the door. "Ah Commander Hunt hello." The Andorian said as he offered his hand to the Station XO. "What can I do for you?"

Hunt shook his hand and cut straight to the point, "Drake has sent me to see how you're getting on with the department? Obviously it's under manned, but just wondering if you've had a chance to even look at that."

The Andorian nodded as he offered the Commander a vacant seat. "So far so good." He commented before moving to his desk. "I've had to divert Staff from the night shift to fill up our busy daytime roster but I've managed to get Tactical Officers and former Security Staff from other Departments to step in." He poured himself a cup of tea and offered some to Commander Hunt.

Hunt hesitated before graciously accepting the tea, "That's good to hear, has that seen a separate consequence on the night shifts or have you managed alright with that?"

"Lieutenant Summerby and his night shift team have done excellent work given the circumstances." Jekkar said as he poured a cup for the XO. "Post 23:00 hours the vast majority of the Stations attractions are deserted so it's just patrolling the Habitat ring."

"Doesn't sound like it's too bad, but I'm not the expert," He smiled in reply. "How have you generally found Vanguard since being aboard?"

He bowed his head. "Certainly a place that is bustling with activity and from what I've seen it's similar to a lot of other Stations I have served on." The Commander said before taking a sip of his tea.

"It has potential to be a hive of more activity, it seems to be forever improving. Just remember that the station isn't still fully working, so imagine what it would be like when it is," The excitement almost seeped out as he said that.

Jekkar couldn't argue with that. "Indeed and that's going to make being a Security Chief that much more interesting." The Andorian chuckled.

"I would imagine so, hopefully by that time you'll have a full department," He let out another smile back. "Have you seen much of Tivoli gardens? Wouldn't blame you if you couldn't get the time out, but it's definitely worth a visit when you do!"

"Thank you Sir." Jekkar said returning the smile. "It's on my list of locations to fully take in on the Station." He said as he held his cup and saucer. "It seems that Vanguard is full of surprises."

"Makes it a lot more exciting to be on though," He murmured back. "Have you seen much of the senior crew?"

The Commander shook his head. "I've only fleetingly met yourself and the others I've met in passing whilst going about my duties."

"Ahh I see. We do have fantastic senior crew aboard, all unique in their own ways. Definitely worth the time to get to know them a bit outside the duties," He said. "Did you have any issues you need to raise at all?"

With a nod of acknowledgment Solan drank some more of his tea. "May I ask when I'll be getting additional staff for the Security Department?"

"You may. By the end of the month you will have a few new crew starting and then hopefully we can get a constant stream after that. That last bit isn't guaranteed though. For now as you already know, you do have the Marines to help on anything that will get out of hand. But I understand you would like your department to be full and we are working on it."

"If that is all Commander Jekkar, I think I shall be off. It was good talking to you, hopefully we can do it more often," Hunt smiled.

"Good day to you Sir." Jekkar said politely as he watched the Commander leave.


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