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Posted on Wed 12th Apr, 2017 @ 10:53am by Lieutenant Commander Solan Jekkar

1,009 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night
Location: Lifepod, Deck 18

The red light on the bulkhead was illuminated, showing that the pressure-tight door to lifepod A-112 was not sealed, and the pod could not launch. Manual inspection showed that the door was in fact ajar, and the lights within the pod activated. Within sat a woman, apparently Human, though unusually pale and with long, black hair, sat staring off into space. She was dressed in the uniform of a Starfleet officer of the medical or science branch, with the twin gold and one obsidian pip of a lieutenant commander. In her lap she held a severed human hand, which she stroked absently with fingers tipped by black-lacquered nails that looked quite sharp.

A small Security detail had already been dispatched to investigate the peculiar nature of the turn of events. However the impending arrival of he Delegates meant that resources were stretched, and for the new Security Chief it was another job on his do to list. Jekkar entered the Pod to meet the Uniformed Officer. "Hello there Commander."

The woman looked up, as if surfacing from a long dive underwater. The disembodied hand on her lap stirred, and climbed her arm to sit on her shoulder. "Yes," she said. "Hello."

Jekkar looked rather startled as he watched the hand crawl up her arm and place itself on her shoulder. "My name is Commander Jekkar, I came to see if you were alright?" The Andorian Commander said as he tried to remain calm and composed. "Tell me what is your name?"

Addams chuckled dryly. "Chlamydia Addams, of the New York Addamses. Lieutenant Commander; a Starfleet officer and a Gentleman by act of the Federation Council. Also Medicinae Doctor by the authority of Harvard University Medical School, and incidentally, Chief Medical Officer of this starbase." The doctor stood, and the hand on her shoulder tightened its grip to keep from falling off. "I'm quite alright, thank you."

The Commander humoured her. "Well then a pleasure to make your acquaintance Doctor Addams." Jekkar approached her a little bit. "May I ask as to your reason for entering a life pod?"

"You may ask," Addams said, as if granting a great concession.

"So what brings you to the life pod they are only usually reserved for emergencies." He stated curiously to her. "Are you,looking to go somewhere?"

Addams gestured to the bulkhead where the emergency supplies were secured. One package was marked with Starfleet's highly stylized caduceus. "Medical supplies aboard lifepods are required to be inspected every twenty-four months," the Doctor answered. The statement had the advantage of being true, and completely misleading. "Any half-competent Corpsman can do the check, but the checks have to be spot-checked by a responsible officer." Again, completely true, and utterly beside the point. "I'm afraid that I became... lost in thought."

Solan looked at her. "We all do that from time to time." His gaze turned to the hand. "I don't imagine you'll tell where that hand came from Doctor?"

Addams raised an eyebrow, then chuckled and lifted her hand to gently stroke the fingers of the hand on her shoulder. "It's not actually a hand," she revealed. "Thing is my companion... we grew up together. It's a Zeta Reticulan spider. It has had all of its shots, and you'll find that its paperwork is up to date."

"I see." The Andorian commented as he watched the very creepy looking hand. "You'll forgive the cautious nature of my Security Staff, after all a Human hand being carried around is enough to scare a few folks."

"I never noticed," Addams said. "Thing, have you?" The spider lifted one of its fingers and shook it side to side, as if indicating disagreement. "At any rate, Commander, you have my apologies... I should have notified your office before I began my maintenance checks."

Jekkar still wasn't totally sure of this situation. "No harm done Doctor." The Andorian looked at her. "Are you satisfied with your checks?" He asked wanting to get her out of the life pod and away from this deck.

Addams looked around her. "Yes," she said, her tone thoughtful. "I believe I found what I was looking for. Or didn't find it, as the case may be. At any rate, I believe I am done here." She smiled faintly. "We could exit, if you're ready, Commander? You're standing in the doorway."

He nodded. "Of course." He offered his hand to help her up and out of the Life pod. Jekkar signalled to one of his staff to stand by.

Addams raised an eyebrow at the proffered hand. Murmuring, "such a gentleman," she accepted, stepping up and out of the lifepod, into the corridor.

The Commander then looked at her. "Well Doctor I think it's time that both of us carry on with our Duties this evening don't you agree?"

Addams released the Andorian's hand, and turned to look at the other Security officers. "Yes, of course," she said. "With this many of you in one place, no doubt there will soon be casualties for me to attend." She held up a hand to forestall response. "That was catty; forgive me," she said. "Today has been very trying."

Jekkar nodded. "I'll have a Security Officer escort you to your Quarters." The Andorian said as he waved one over. "I know you'll object Doctor Adams but I'd feel much more comfortable with you having an escort at this time of night rather than be on your own, safety is my main concern of course."

"Of course," Addams said dryly. She regarded the young Ensign with the large eyes wryly. "Tell me," she asked, as they walked off together, "How do your people balance veneration of ancestors with not actually having any?"

Jekkar watched her leave with her escort. "I want this Lifepod molecular scanned before it gets closed." The Commander said. He signalled for his team to carry on as he proceeded out of the Lifepod section and back into the hall.

He regarded the turn of events as strange. Very strange indeed.


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Comments (2)

By on Wed 12th Apr, 2017 @ 3:23pm

Oh, really lovely interaction with an air of mystery and suspicion! I like how you inserted a bit of BESM here (and I'd like the answer to that question to show up sometime - LOL), as well as the molecular-level scan. You've shown suspicion everywhere, without ever saying it exactly. Great job!

By Colonel Horatio Drake on Tue 18th Apr, 2017 @ 3:51pm

I couldn't agree, with Susan, more! I do love me a mystery, I must say!