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Loops and Curls

Posted on Sat 26th Nov, 2016 @ 9:37pm by

418 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express
Location: Promenade Deck 605
Timeline: MD 1, 0930

Jin-Kyung was not fond of the third day of the week. There was nothing wrong with it, in and of itself, but the maintenance on the third day was ... boring. There was no other word for it. It had to be done, but it was probably the least exciting thing she had done, ever.

With a sigh, she moved into Observation Lounge 605. Engineering scanner in hand, she started her sweep on one side and slowly walked around the perimeter, scanning to be sure all electronics were working properly. Really, you'd think the central computer could handle this, wouldn't you? Apparently, large as it was, much of if was devoted to things she wasn't cleared to know. Thus, the hand sweeps, on a regular schedule. It was redundant, really. Didn't people call in when something wasn't working right? Hadn't she gone out on plenty of those calls? Also boring, but at least ... something out the floor to ceiling viewport caught her eye.

Two ... lights? Oh, they must be small ships of some kind. There was a big loop and a ... did they call that a roll? And then the two lights streaked off in a straight line.

Now THAT doesn't look boring! Quinn thought. On the other hand - queasy stomach? Just watching it had given her a - oh, the lights were coming back! No, they were off again ... and there was another ship. It seemed to be moving at a snail's pace compared to the two lights.

Fighters. I bet those are fighters! Jin-Kyung had once thought she might be a pilot. Sadly, she couldn't take the rolling around she had just observed. Something about her inner ear, she never quite understood, but it wasn't pleasant to experience. The doctors said it was genetic, and they couldn't fix that without the possibility of messing with other things that were extremely delicate. So, no piloting for Quinn.

Really, it had worked out well. She loved engineering. She did, but ... flying like she'd just seen? Wow, that would be ... unbelievable. She watched the lights approach the Federation ship and slow to match it's speed. Then they increased slowly. Suddenly, as if Quinn had blinked, the lights flashed out.

For just a second, it seemed they'd been extinguished, but then the engineer realized there had been a short tail. They'd gone to warp. She watched the slower vehicle come toward the base for a moment, and then with a small sigh, she went back to scanning.


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Comments (1)

By Warrant Officer Moklor of the House Karn on Sun 27th Nov, 2016 @ 1:34am

This is fun! It's cool seeing the flight from another perspective.