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Confronting Moklor

Posted on Tue 29th Nov, 2016 @ 5:45pm by Lieutenant Colonel Brooklyn Wellington & Warrant Officer Moklor of the House Karn

1,703 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Murder on the Silent Night Express
Location: CAG's Office
Timeline: MD01

It was nearing the end of the workday when a civilian messenger, escorted by a security officer approached the CAG's Office. "Excuse me, Captain. This messenger said he is delivering a present for you," the security officer announced. Brooklyn looked up from her terminal, seated behind her desk. "Present? From who?" Brooklyn asked, standing.

The young man, maybe in his late teens or early 20s stepped forward with a single rose with a old fashioned paper note rolled up and attached to it. "It's from a Mr. Zarg Fruffeg, ma'am."

Brooklyn walked around her desk and took the rose. "Thank you, that will be all," Brooklyn replied as the security officer nodded in return and escorted the messenger back.

She opened the note and read the inscription on it. "Captain, I humbly offer my sincerest apologies for the incident on the Promenade this morning. PS- Could you please keep the Klingon away from me?" Brooklyn set the rose and note down on her desk. She crossed her arms and sat on the desk in thought. It wasn't like a Tellarite to apologize in such pleasant conversation. Either the Tellaraite had a thing for her or a certain Klingon made him apologize. The only Klingon she knew of that was associated with her was Warrant Officer Moklor. She wondered if he had anything to do with this and she was betting he did. She pressed the intercom button on her terminal. =/\=Captain Wellington to Warrant Officer Moklor. Report to my office at once.=/\=

Moklor was back in the shuttlebay, dressed in his green-shouldered duty uniform. He'd gotten back on the case of the engineers after the morning's rocky test flight.

The transmission startled him. =/\=Right away, ma'am.=/\=

The Klingon backed away from the fighter, adjusted his uniform and sped off towards the door. He wasn't expecting a meeting. Maybe it dealt with the test flight. Hopefully not about the maneuvers he pulled near the runabout.

It was a quick tense walk before Moklor found himself standing outside Captain Wellington's office. He rang the intercom. "Warrant Officer Moklor here, ma'am", Moklor said somewhat sheepishly.

Once he was beckoned inside, the Klingon came to the position of attention. His facial expression looked blank, as if he didn't know what to expect. "You wanted to see me ma'am?"

Brooklyn was silent for a moment as she gauged the large man before her. She decided to get straight to the point. "At ease, Mister Moklor. You wouldn't happen to know anything about a rose from a Tellarite, would you?"

Moklor's eyes grew wide with surprise. "He sent a rose?" He had hoped the Tellarite would send a more plutonic flower, like a carnation or pansy. Then Moklor regained his composure, realizing he was caught.

"I uh" Moklor paused for a second. "Met with him. By chance. And we had a discussion. Apparently, he felt sorry?" Moklor's tone was almost like a question. Glancing around, he didn't notice the bottle of Andorian Ale. "I take it he wrote a long and thoughtful letter?"

The Klingon was probing. It looked like the Tellarite was taking shortcuts. Moklor could feel his blood pressure rise.

Brooklyn moved around from behind her desk to the front and sat down on the top. "For a Tellarite, yes, it was quite thoughtful. However, I want to know the reason behind your visit with him." She could guess as to the meaning of the visit but she wanted Moklor to be honest with her and why he would go to such lengths.

Moklor wondered how he was caught. Maybe it was the security footage outside the door. Moklor figured this moment might come. He started to mentally accept all sorts of consequences, figuring he was in trouble. Security might be here at any moment.

"I was sure he needed to explain himself." Moklor had a guarded face, as if he was trying to hide his thoughts. "So I gave him the chance." Moklor wouldn't lie. He may have stretched the truth a bit earlier though. Finally Moklor revealed a little of his thought process after a pause. "He dishonored you."

"Ah, I see," she paused before continuing--he had done it out of honor, which she found commendable. "Mr. Moklor, I thank you for doing what you believe is right, but I am quite capable of defending my own honor." A grin formed at her mouth, "so, did he wet his pants?"

Moklor let loose a half smile, but his military bearing made him bite his lip and try to keep a serious face. His eyes took on a warmer look.

"He may have squirmed like a... ghotl'", said Moklor, using the Klingon word for fish. "But surely you can defend your honor. You are a warrior. This was not about that." Moklor paused. He looked as if he was deep in debate on if he should continue.

"I wanted to shield you from his..." Moklor paused as he often does. "Perversions... And to make sure it was an accident and that it does not become a habit of his."

Moklor bent his neck, tilting his head to the side as he analyzed the situation. Maybe this didn't have anything to do with security footage. Then how? Ah... This Ha'Dlbah told on him, probably right away. How stubborn this Tellarite was. Everything he did, or neglected to do was a challenge, at least to Moklor's eyes. He wished he could see the letter. He tried to glance over at it, but it was too far away.

It looked like a small piece of paper. Moklor had been clear about the 400 words. It looked like another shortcut. Moklor bent his head in the opposite direction.

Brooklyn chuckled at visualizing Moklor intimidating this Mr. Fruffeg, and saw Moklor seemingly trying to look at the rose. She took the rose in her hands and looked at the note, feeling the texture of real paper--a rare commodity in today's age of electronic and subspace messages. "And in case you're wondering, he asked to keep you from him. So, you're my knight in shining armor now?" she joked with a bright smile.

Moklor grunted as he made eye contact with the CAG. "I will always keep my eye on the department." The Klingon smirked and quickly fought to hide it. He would not admit he did this just for her. Maybe there were other things he did not want to admit about why he did it or how he felt.

"Nothing out of the ordinary", said the Klingon quite sheepishly. He was not good at hiding the truth about things. His eyes widened whenever he was confronted about anything he had to think about. He was a very readable person. They had widened when the Captain first mentioned the Tellarite. They widened again when she asked if he was her Knight. "Just Klingon loyalty."

Brooklyn smiled at Moklor's expression, wondering if there was more to it. "Well, I admire your Klingon loyalty," she replied. "So should I be expecting anything more from Mr. Fruffeg?"

"Just a bottle of Andorian Ale", Moklor said matter-of-factly. For the first time, Moklor realized the gifts could almost be construed as romantic. Fruffeg's choice of a rose really made it so. Even the brave warrior felt his heart rate pick up with nervousness at the thought of being confronted about that. Almost abruptly, he attempted to change the subject.

"Oh! Did you read the report on the morning's flight? One ship had a sensor problem. The other had environmental issues. But they can fly." Moklor grinned revealing his pointy teeth as he stressed the word fly.

Brooklyn bit her lip to keep from laughing but didn't want to push the issue and make Moklor even more uncomfortable. She never imagined a Klingon would be nervous. "Yes, I read the reports. Good job in finding the error, even though with the environmental issue you mentioned, you should have landed immediately. I'd hate for one of my best pilots toasted."

"I will keep that in mind." Moklor bowed and closed his eyes for a moment. The Klingon was a risk taker. He showed that in his fighter and with the way he approached the Tellarite.

"That is a nice fighter they gathered for you", he continued. "Does that mean you'll be joining us in space?"

Brooklyn raised an eyebrow. "It was the same fighter I flew during the Dominion War...and yes, I will join you at times to keep my flight status active and if the need ever arises that you need reinforcements...or to kick your rear ends in simulated combat."

Moklor spoke through a smirk. "I'm sure you would provide a challenge to the other members of Caledonia." He would not admit to himself that she could defeat him in space combat, even if she was more experienced. For example, Moklor was fairly young during the Dominion War. But he still served on the family B'rel and even sat at the pilot's seat between missions.

"It would be an honor to have you in our formation."

Brooklyn stood from her desk. "Perhaps I will join you sometime. If there is nothing else, you are dismissed, and again...thank you, Mr. Moklor," she smiled genuinely at him.

The Klingon nodded and motioned with his hand as if he was tipping a cap, or maybe moving a visor as a knight would. There was a bit of a warm look in his eyes. "Well now. I'd best get back to the engineers. We've got work to do."

He snapped to attention before turning and exiting the office. Once outside the doors he took a deep breath and twisted his neck in a quick motion. He stopped to compose himself before heading back to the shuttlebay.

Brooklyn turned and looked at the rose before her intercom activated. =/\=Attention, Captain Wellington?"=/\=

=/\=Yes? Who is this?=/\= she replied.

=/\=This is Federation Carrier Service. We're just informing you of delivery of a bottle of Andorian Ale at your quarters. Have a nice day!=/\=

Brooklyn closed the intercom and sighed. "Such the romantic, Mr. Moklor," she commented with a grin as she sat back down at her desk, continuing going over fighter statuses.


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